我國婚姻法未來的變革 = Future Revolution on Ma...


  • 我國婚姻法未來的變革 = Future Revolution on Marriage Law of Our Nation-In pursuit Homosexual Marriage Legalization as the Core of this Study : 以追求同性結婚合法化為中心
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Future Revolution on Marriage Law of Our Nation-In pursuit Homosexual Marriage Legalization as the Core of this Study
    副題名: 以追求同性結婚合法化為中心
    作者: 魏貽宏,
    其他團體作者: 世新大學
    出版地: [台北市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 268面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 同性婚姻
    標題: Homosexual Marriage
    附註: 參考書目:面257-268
    其他題名: 以追求同性結婚合法化為中心
    摘要註: 憲法乃是個人與國家的契約,保障個人的權利不受侵害,並限制統治者不可濫行權利。「婚姻」與「家庭」成為國家與人民之間的中間團體,亦是個人實現人格自由最重要的場域,我國憲法本文卻沒有明文規定對婚姻、家庭的保障,只能依賴大法官作成解釋,歷年逐次的建構出婚姻、家庭制度之憲法規範。由大法官所詮釋之家庭制度的憲法規範,然後面對工業時期的台灣社會中,已經有越來越多元的生活型態以及人們情感交流方式,已非為傳統婚姻秩序為了傳宗接代、負責祭嗣祖先的功能,使否依舊維護傳統婚姻、家庭秩序,還是提供與時俱進的保障,讓婚姻、家庭的多元性與多義性得到發展的空間,則是大法官是否能肩負起憲法最後守護者的角色,還是純粹接受新的婚姻、家庭的定義但仍尊重立法者立法形成自由的空間(包含不立法的自由),其價值選擇是大法官現在面臨同性戀者婚姻家庭權最大挑戰。 本文認為,法律應該揚棄保護以婚姻關係生育功能等為基礎之核心家庭的主流意識,讓法律對婚姻家庭制度的保障主體回到個人身上,使人人都有結婚與不結婚的權利,並亦有組成家庭與不組成家庭的權利。有自主平等權選擇婚姻型式及家庭成員,選擇自己要的生活方式,實踐自己想要的人生,這才能最妥貼的實現人格平等自由。與憲法保障家庭制度所欲傳達的價值精神相互呼應,並探討於本國的國情下,同性結合應適用何種方式,才是對同性戀者最易完成他們多年來心願的理想的方式,望能對學術界提供小小的建議。 The Constitution of the Republic of China is a compact between individuals and the country.It protects the rights of person to be free from infringements and sets up restrictions to demand the president not to abuse his rights."Marriage"and"family"both serve as an intermediate group between the country and its people.Both groups are the most important space to realize freedom of personality.We can hardly find out anything expressly stipulated in writing in the Constitution that will ensure marriage and family.People can turn to nothing but only rely on J.Y. Interpretation J.Y. Interpretation has built up some laws and regulations set forth in the Constitution for marriage and family systems.The constitutional standards are interpreted by grand justices to draw a map for family system. Yet, people live a diversified lifestyle and the way people exchange their fellings began to change in post-industrial Taiwan.Marriage is more than just and option to breed next generation or pay homage to the ancestors.It's different from the way of thinking taken from the old belief and the ordr set up by the elder who used to follow the way of traditional marriage.People wonder if the grand justices can carry on the mission set forth in the Constitution as the protector of our people.They doubt it if the grand justices can still maintain both the traditional way of marriage and family order.Or perhaps, the grand justices will provide a statement of promise to ensure marriage and family can both receive the space to develop its diversity, and may have different ways of interpreting both terms.Or else, the grand justices would accept a new idea to define marriage an family. Yet,they can still respect the legislators who set up the laws and a space of freedom naturally formed thereafter.(It also contains the freedom of voting down legislation.)To choose whether to adopt either value is the most challenge the grand justices currently face with concerning the right to marriage and the right to family for homosexual couple. This paper made an assumption to point out the idea that the Law shall abstain from the mainstream ideology of nuclear family as they talk about the function of fertility in marriage. The Law shall let the ensured body go back to individual begotten from marriage and family systems.It shall protect the right to get married or the right to turn down a proposal.It shall also protect the right to form a family or refuse to walk into a family.People shall reserve the right of equality to choose the kind of marriage they want and their family partner.They shall have the right to decide what kind of lifestyle they want and to live a life they want.The freedom and equality of personality can thus be realized and put into action.It can thus correspond to the values and spirits carried out by the Constitution to ensure family system.This paper also explored various ways of for those who would like to unite as one for homosexual couples under the culture and customs of our country.This is the right way to fulfill their ideal way of love for homosexual couples throughout these years.Hopefully, this paper can draw up a few points and advice for the Academy.
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