借名登記成立刑法背信罪之研究 = A Study on the Brea...


  • 借名登記成立刑法背信罪之研究 = A Study on the Breach of Faith regarding AppointingContract of Registration in the Name of Others
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study on the Breach of Faith regarding AppointingContract of Registration in the Name of Others
    作者: 簡嘉湘,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2014[民103]
    面頁冊數: 93面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 背信
    標題: contrary of duties
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/91365645126937232943
    附註: 參考書目:面78-81
    附註: 103年12月16日公開
    摘要註: 依據刑法第342條第1項的規定,背信罪的構成要件有下列四點:第一、行為人是為他人處理事務:所謂為他人處理事務,是指行為人受到他人的委託或者委任來處理事務。第二、要有為自己或第三人不法的利益或損害本人的利益的意圖。第三、要有作出違背任務的行為。第四、致生損害於本人的財產或其他利益。行為合於以上四項要件,就是觸犯背信罪,要處五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或科或併科一千元以下罰金。背信罪係因身分而成立之罪,處罰的對象是受他人委任而違背任務、使本人的財產遭受損害之人,因此,背信罪之本質與定位問題,影響了背信罪的解釋與適用。本文探討的重點議題在於:借名登記契約裡的出名者可否為背信罪「為他人處理事務」之主體、又借名登記契約是不是背信罪之委託信任關係?在司法實務上,最高法院100年度台上字第1972號判決要旨:「借名登記,謂當事人約定一方將自己之財產以他方名義登記,而仍由自己管理、使用、處分,他方允就該財產為出名登記之契約。其成立側重於借名者與出名者間之信任關係,性質上應與委任契約同視。倘其內容不違反強制、禁止規定或公序良俗者,固應賦予無名契約之法律上效力,並類推適用民法有關委任之規定。惟其究屬於非典型契約之一種,故仍須雙方當事人,就一方將自己之財產以他方名義登記,而仍由自己管理、使用、處分,他方允就該財產為出名登記,相互為合致之意思表示,其契約始克成立。」為完善有效的保護國民的財產法益,民法、刑法各自扮演著不同的角色,二者不可偏廢。本文參考相關文獻、學說及司法實務見解,就背信罪在借名登記之委任契約與當事人間的法律關係提出解釋方法與建議。 In accordance with Taiwan Criminal Law article 342 paragraph 1, the constitutive elements of breach of trust are listed by 4 points as follows. 1. Offenders manage affairs of others, which means the offenders are entrusted by the 3rd person to manage affairs. 2. Offenders intend to seek the profit for themselves or the 3rd person, or harm interest of his principal. 3. Offenders act contrarily of his duties. 4. Offenders cause loss to the property or other interest of such principal. In addition, offenders whose behaviors are compliant with one of the 4 points above constitute breach of trust, and that leads to be punished with imprisonment for no more than five years, detention, or a fine of no more than 1,000yuan. Breach of trust is the offense committed by the offender’s position as well as punished for the contrary action of his duties causing the loss of property or other interest of such principal. Thus, the questions of principle and definition of breach of trust definitely affect its elaboration and applicability. Moreover, the critical essence of this dissertation aims to investigate the following topic, whether the person who borrows his name to the purpose of contract registration can be considered the crime subject of managing affairs of others and afterwards it is therefore involving the relationship of custody and trust in a complicated situation.In practice, name-borrowing registration is defined as the person who agrees to register his property with another’s name but still manages, uses, and disposes his properties. Meanwhile, the offense is thus committed as a result of the trust relationship between the person and another, in that it is naturally treated as a mandate contract in principle. However, the innominate contract would take effect and be applicable for mandate clauses listed in the Civil Law as long as the contents do not go against mandatory, prohibitive regulations, public policy and moral. Since it is not a kind of typical contracts, one of both parties registers his properties with the other’s name but the properties are still managed, used, and disposed by himself, and also agrees to use his name in properties registration. Then the contract is being constituted. In order to protect national’s properties and profits, the Civil Law and the Criminal Law plays a different role in parallel. This article refers to the corresponding documents, theories, and case studies, to propose an elaborate method and suggestions based on the legal relationship between the mandate contract of name-borrowing registration and parties. Then the contract is being constituted.
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