台灣發展生質能源之可行性分析-以台灣生能公司為例 = The Feasi...


  • 台灣發展生質能源之可行性分析-以台灣生能公司為例 = The Feasibility Analysis of Biomass Energy Development in Taiwan: The Case of Taiwan Bioenergy Company
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Feasibility Analysis of Biomass Energy Development in Taiwan: The Case of Taiwan Bioenergy Company
    作者: 張博涵,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2014[民103]
    面頁冊數: 56面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 生質能源
    標題: Biomass energy
    附註: 參考書目:面45-48
    附註: 103年12月16日公開
    摘要註: 台灣是一個海島,自有天然資源極度缺乏。攸關國計民生且具有戰略價值的石油, 99%以上需仰賴自國外進口。身為油源短缺國家本就理應以發展再生能源為積極應對的政策。反觀世界各國莫不以保全石油的安全供給做為國防的最大考量。台灣雖然口號喊了多年要積極發展生質能源,在生質能源領域卻一直沒有讓人看到很明確的成果。因此本文針對台灣發展生質能源的環境,以個案分析深度訪談方式,分析了解台灣在發展生質能源領域方面,所面臨的內外在環境與主客觀條件。本研究個案公司:台灣生能公司,擁有生質能源的專利研發技術及生產原料來源,積極的想進入台灣生質能源的生產領域。本文針對台灣生能公司進行個案訪談並以SWOT與STP分析方法,就台灣生能公司於台灣發展生質能源做一可行性分析。結果我們發現政府部門對民間企業有諸多的限制,且缺乏生質能源發展之長遠國家大計,對有意於投入生質能源研發的民間企業而言頗令人遺憾。生質能源的研發對身為莞爾小島的台灣是刻不容緩的,筆者喜見中油公司綠能中心的成立,也更企盼相關的研發中心能在官方的輔導與鼓勵下如雨後春筍般的蓬勃發展。 Being an island, Taiwan is devoid of natural resources. As such, 99% of its oil depends on importation. This shortage makes renewable energy—or the so-called “Biomass Energy”—an urgent issue. While the supply of oil has been a significant consideration for many countries’ projects of national defense in the present day, we are still debating on the necessity of developing renewable energy in Taiwan. This field leaves much to do.This article therefore discusses the significance of Taiwanese bioenergy. It uses case study and in-depth interview as a method, seeking to understand the internal and external environments and also the subjective and objective conditions of developing bioenergy in Taiwan.The case study under discussion involves Taiwan Bioenergy Co., a company which owns the patents of bioenergy research technology and sources of bioenergy’s raw materials, and which eagers to gain the narrow entry into the field of bioenergy in Taiwan. Through the example of Taiwan Bioenergy Co., this article further adopts SWOT and STP as interpretative tools to evaluate thepracticability for other similar companies to develop bioenergy technology. However, there are more limitations than incentives to follow suit. In our findings, the current government’s lack of long-term policies for the development of bioenergy is the primary cause of these limitations, which could be frustrating news for many companies that are interested in takingpart.The development of bioenergy has become a pressing concern for an island-based country like Taiwan. Such development as CPC Corp.’s Green Energy Development Center should be encouraged. It is our hope that more relevant bioenergy research centers will flourish with the aid of official support and sponsorship.
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