以科技導入為中介變數探討知覺價值對於消費者購買意圖之影響 = The M...


  • 以科技導入為中介變數探討知覺價值對於消費者購買意圖之影響 = The Mediating Role of Technological Introduction on the Relationship between Perceived Value and Purchase Intension : 以親子與寵物休閒農場為例; a Case of Parent-Child and Pets Leisure Farm
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Mediating Role of Technological Introduction on the Relationship between Perceived Value and Purchase Intension
    副題名: 以親子與寵物休閒農場為例
    作者: 陳義文,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2014[民103]
    面頁冊數: 57葉圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 親子與寵物
    標題: Parent-child relation and pet
    電子資源: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/p5sptv
    附註: 108年10月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:葉44-46
    摘要註: 在經濟前景不明朗,加上少子化,人口結構高齡化,現在養兒防老已經是過時的名詞,22k的推波助瀾,啃老族的出現,養兒「妨」老,才是現代人越來越深的體會。現今都會區的人口結構三代同堂已不多見,取而代之的是獨居長者,夫妻及一名幼兒,頂客族,單身族群等,飼養貼心寵物陪伴的族群越來越多,與寵物相關的行業也應運而生,如寵物餐廳,醫院,與寵物共住旅館等;但當家裡有新成員加入時,這些曾經在手心上的寵物,又被棄之如敝屣! 寵物與小孩真的無法和平共存嗎? 本研究之研究目的以親子與寵物和平共存為出發點,針對現代人的旅遊休閒方式加以研究,並以網路、QR Code、RFID、POS、寵物晶片等科技導入,希望建立一種新型態的旅遊觀念,推廣幼兒及寵物和諧共處的教育意義,減少棄養的發生,寵物很單純,你對牠好,牠會用一輩子來回報你。本研究建構了「消費者知覺價值」、「科技導入」、「教育意義」、「服務品質」、「消費者口碑」與「消費者購買意圖」的研究模型,期許各研究假說與消費者購買意圖有正向之關聯性。根據研究結果發現,「知覺價值」與「科技導入」間呈顯著正相關,且「科技導入」與「教育意義」、「服務品質」、「消費者口碑」也呈顯現著正相關,「教育意義」與「購買意圖」以上皆與研究假說相符,但「服務品質」、「消費者口碑」與「購買意圖」間所呈獻的不顯著影響。 In an uncertain perspective of economic with low birthrate and aging in the structure of population. The description of raising children to prevent abandoning when getting old is outdated. People are keenly aware of 22 thousand of present salary leads the appearance of NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training) and also raises children turning into the obstruction of old-age prevention. It's not easy to see an extended family in modern city, and instead of it comes more elderly who lives alone, single parent with a child to raise, DINKs (Double Income No Kids), and the singles. This circumstance increases the possibilities of keeping pets to get along with, and also highly increases the animal related industries appeared such as animal restaurants, hospitals and hotels(which allows pet stay in). Those pets who are once as the treasure of their owners become a disposable accessary when there is a new member join the family. But, isn't it a better solution for both of the pet and the new coming child to live together without harm? The purposes of this research is based on a family and their pets to live together peacefully, and the second agenda is aimed to the way of their leisure activities. Taking those technical samples from QR Code, RFID, POS and animal microchip Implanted... etc. It is necessary to build a new model of traveling concept, popularizing the meaning of how children get along with pets and decrease the abandon rate. Pets are really simple, they know when you treat them nicely, and they'll be always devoted their life in return. The structure of this study including “Consumer perceived value”, “Technology introduction”, “Educational meaning”, "Service Quality”, “Word of mouth”, and “Consumer purchasing intention” as research models, and expect the hypotheses of research will tend to the positive relation in expectation of consumers purchasing intention. According to the study result that the relationship between “Perceived value" and “Technology introduction” are significant positive, and " Technology introduction”, “Educational meaning ", “Service Quality ", " Word of mouth " are also revealed a positive relationship. “Educational meaning” and "Purchasing intention" are consistent with the hypothesis above, but when "Service Quality", “Word of mouth” and “Purchasing intention” show insignificant relationship.
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