Summary: |
古蹟、歷史建築及聚落之修復再利用係對該等文化資產影響重大之行為。古蹟、歷史建築及聚落之建築年代多早在都市計畫法、建築法與消防法規公布施行前,古蹟、歷史建築及聚落因其建材、型制等先天條件之限制,適用現代土地使用管制措施、建築及消防法規有其困難。依文化資產保存法第22條規定,古蹟、歷史建築及聚落之修復再利用得不受都市計畫法、建築法與消防法等相關法規全部或一部之適用,而應依《古蹟歷史建築及聚落修復或再利用建築管理土地使用消防安全處理辦法》另行提出因應計畫,以因應措施取代現行之土地使用管制措施、建築及消防法規於適用上窒礙難行之處,經文化主管機關會同土地使用、建築管理及消防機關審查後,即得排除相關法規全部或一部之限制。文化資產保存法第22條及《古蹟歷史建築及聚落修復或再利用建築管理土地使用消防安全處理辦法》固然立意甚佳,惟因相關法令間規範不一致,且目前因應計畫採行個案檢討式審查等因素,造成因應計畫案例及審查經驗累積上之困難。另古蹟、歷史建築及聚落為三種不同態樣之文化資產,《古蹟歷史建築及聚落修復或再利用建築管理土地使用消防安全處理辦法》卻以相同之規範一併處理此三種不同文化資產之因應計畫,亦未對違反因應計畫之修復及再利用之行為明定其法律效果,實務上亦恐生文化主管機關執行查核之困難,不利於文化資產之保存及公共安全之維護。質言之,古蹟、歷史建築及聚落之修復及再利用涉及文化資產保存、土地使用管制、建築管理及消防救災手段等多個探討面向,本論文嘗試指明相關問題,並對文化資產修復及再利用法制提出分析建議。 The restoration and reuse of Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements highly impact those cultural heritages. Not only most Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements were built before the codes and regulations of land use, construction management and fire safety went into effect, but also the limitations from construction materials and building forms, it’s hard for those cultural heritages to be in keeping with those present codes and regulations. It makes the restoration and reuse of Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements become more difficult. Fortunately, Article 22 of Cultural Heritage Preservation Act provides a solution: ” To facilitate the restoration and reuse of Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements, matters relating to the construction management, land use and fire safety of such sites shall be exempted, in whole or in part, from the restrictions of the Urban Planning Law, Building Code, Fire Act and other related laws and regulations. The review procedures, inspection standards, restrictions, requirements and other matters that shall be observed, shall be prescribed by the central competent authority together with the Ministry of the Interior.” According to this article, if the substitute plan passes government’s investigation and examination, the owner or user of Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements will get a special permit to restore and reuse the cultural heritages.However, the solution also has its problems. First, the essences of Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements are different, so it is not very appropriate to put them into one regulation. Second, when it comes to exempt the construction management, land use and fire safety codes and regulations , government’s investigation and examination is by case, so there is no clear standard to tell the government officers and the owners or user of Monuments, Historical Buildings and Settlements how to do. Third, if someone disobey the consequence of government’s investigation and examination mentioned above , there is no legal penalty to stop the disobedient behavior.This study tries to point out the related problems and give some advices through researching and analyzing legal regulations, academic papers, and doing case study of some substitute plans. |