美麗灣開發案環境影響評估之爭議研究 = Disputes over th...


  • 美麗灣開發案環境影響評估之爭議研究 = Disputes over the Environmental Impact Assessmentof Miramar Resort Development Project
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Disputes over the Environmental Impact Assessmentof Miramar Resort Development Project
    Author: 陳忠成,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2015[民104]
    Description: 173面30公分;
    Subject: 司法審查
    Subject: judicial review
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/85513192107271206811
    Notes: 參考書目:面159-164
    Notes: 104年3月25日公開
    Summary: 本文的研究角度是從環境影響評估法制出發,先介紹美國環評法制由來,其制度特色為確保所有的聯邦行為,必須將環境的因素納入決策考量之中,環保機關僅為諮詢性機關;而我國環境影響評估制度雖然源於美國,惟此一制度引進台灣之後,由於考量政治現實面,環保機關一躍成為主角,從環境影響評估法第14條採用否決權制,以及同法第7條規定的集中審查制,可以窺見兩國最大的分野,並敘述我國現行環境影響評估的制度特徵。接著進一步介紹公民參與制度,因為環境影響評估法制中之公民參與制度是核心所在,理解公民參與制度在環境影響評估內扮演的角色,並檢視目前現行環評法制中公民參與制度的缺失。再者,探討美麗灣開發案之開發爭議歷程,回應並探討我國整個環評制度設計面與執行面在本案中凸顯的問題。另外,本文針對另一個重點,即環評本身除高度複雜之專業決定之外,亦有來自不同法規交織成為複雜的適用關係,故而先探討正當法律程序,次探討行政程序法之定位,以及與環境影響評估法之間的關係,並透過行政法院的司法審查在美麗灣案上之兩個判決中,尋求目前實務見解在環境影響評估法中,對於環評審查之操作模式,並試圖從判決理由中找出目前環評法制之缺失以為第六章建議參考。最後,特別藉由探討美麗灣開發案所呈現的地方性環評案件類型,所凸顯出來的環評制度問題,做出三點建議,以為本文對於我國現行環境影響評估法制之建議。 This dissertation presents the case study from the perspective of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) legal system. First, the origin of the American EIA legal system is introduced, setting out the features of the system as ensuring that all federal action shall take environmental factors into consideration upon decision making, with the environmental protection agencies as advisory bodies. Nevertheless, although the EIA system in our country originates from the United States, when this system was introduced into Taiwan, out of political considerations, the environmental protection agencies turns out to play the major part. The veto power provided in Article 14 in the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, and the centralized review system provided in Article 7 in the same act, both indicate the distinction between the two states. The characteristics of the current EIA system of our country are also described. Further, public participation system is elaborated since it is the core of the EIA system. The role that the public participation system plays in the EIA is identified, and the defects of the public participation system in current EIA system are examined. Moreover, by exploring the process of disputes over the Miramar resort development project, the article addresses and discusses the problems exposed in this project from the aspects of design and enforcement of Taiwan EIA system In addition to the highly complicated professional decision making in the EIA process, the relation among various applicable laws also turns out to be complex. Therefore, the proper legal procedures are discussed first, followed by the discussion of how Administrative Procedure Act plays a part and its relation with the Environmental Impact Assessment Act. Examining the two judgments made in the judicial review of Miramar resort project in the administrative court, this dissertation locates the practical insights on the EIA review, and attempts to find out the defects in the current EIA legal system in the ratio decidendi, as the references for the suggestions made in chapter six. Finally, three suggestions are put forward after discussing the EIA system problems exposed in the local EIA case of the Miramar resort development project, as the suggestions made for our current EIA legal system.
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