公務員財產來源不明立法之研究-以制裁合憲性及立法建議 = Study o...


  • 公務員財產來源不明立法之研究-以制裁合憲性及立法建議 = Study of Legislation on civil servants' unidentified Property- Constitutionality of punishment by public law, and legislative proposals
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Study of Legislation on civil servants' unidentified Property- Constitutionality of punishment by public law, and legislative proposals
    Author: 方冠棻,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2015[民104]
    Description: 152面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 公務員
    Subject: civil servants
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/76833109911436857756
    Notes: 104年10月31日公開
    Notes: 參考書目:面139-142
    Summary: 為防止公務員貪腐舞弊、維護政府清廉形象,立法院於1993年6月15日三讀通過「公職人員財產申報法」,並於同年9月1日施行,再於2007年修正部分條款;行政院於97年6月26日發布「公務員廉政倫理規範」,並定自97年8月1日生效,行政院以外其他中央及地方機關(構),得準用本規範之規定,再於99年7月30日新增禁止公務員進出不當場所與不當接觸職務上利害關係人之條款;立法院於98年4月3日通過貪汙罪被告不說明財產來源罪,增訂貪汙治罪條例第6條之1條文;並修正第6條及第10條條文。上開法規以不同法律位階課予公務員揭露財產來源之義務,在憲法保障隱私權及財產權之基本權利下,此一國家權力之行使是否合憲,正是本論文所要探討的重點之一。其次探討國家權力在符合憲法原則下,課予公務員揭露財產來源之義務,若公務員違背此一義務時,國家是否得以犯罪視之,為本論文所要探討的重點之二。最後針對目前我國「貪汙治罪條例」、「公職人員財產申報法」、「公務員廉政倫理規範」三部法規範,對於公務員財產來源不明立法提供個人建議。 A procedure is in order to prevent civil servants corruption fraud and maintain the image of clean government, on June 15, 1993, Legislative Yuan passed after thrice reading "Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants", which was implemented in the same year on September 1, and then certain provisions were amended in 2007. On June 26, 2008, Executive Yuan declared "Civil service integrity ethics" and became effective on August 1, 2008. Executive Yuan and other central and local government agencies (institutions) should abide by the above provisions. And then on July 30, 2010, new ban was issued against civil servants entering improper workplaces and contacting inappropriate persons pertinent to duties. On April 3, 2009, Legislative Yuan passed that the accused persons of embezzlement are not required to explain the source of their properties, and added Article 6-1 of Anti-Corruption Act; and amended sections 6 and 10. In the fundamental rights to privacy and property guaranteed by the Constitution, whether the requirement of the above laws to ask civil servants to disclose the sources of the property is constitutional was the first aim of this thesis. The second aim of this thesis was, in line with constitutional principles of state power, civil servants are asked to disclose the sources of the property. If the civil servants breach this obligation, does the country consider it an offence of laws? Finally, this thesis will comment on the three laws: " Anti-Corruption Act", " Act on Property-Declaration by Public Servants ", and "Civil service integrity ethics".
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