空氣汙染防制社會參與之法律分析 = Legal study on soc...


  • 空氣汙染防制社會參與之法律分析 = Legal study on social participation of air pollution control
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Legal study on social participation of air pollution control
    Author: 曾力雯,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2015[民104]
    Description: 170面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 國家環境責任
    Subject: state environmental liability
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/27308769937206684051
    Notes: 104年10月31日公開
    Notes: 參考書目:面150-159
    Summary: 行政機關以往於環境行政中,多以高權命令為主要管制方法,於空氣污染防制上亦然。然而對於「空氣汙染」此種較具特殊性、複雜性以及高度專業性的領域而言,高權管制之效果卻反而逐漸顯得薄弱。從而,行政機關轉向借重行政機關與私人的兩相合作,透過國家環境保護任務之私人參與來達成行政所欲實現之目的。環境是為人類生活所重要不可或缺之條件,空氣更是人類生活所必須仰賴之因素,因此在發展經濟的前提之下,國家亦必須針對空氣汙染作出一定的管控,國家對此有其環境責任,按照憲法增修條文第10條第2項之規定,國家需兼顧環境與經濟之衡平發展。因此承上述之憲法誡命,關於環境行政是否能貿然將之移轉予私人承擔,在過去有甚多討論,而現今於環境行政中,在不侵及國家核心領域之前提下,國家將環境行政交由私人承擔,應為憲法所容許,國家只需負起最後之擔保責任即可。空氣汙染防制中是否同樣適用公私協力理論,而如何之公私協力行為加入才能夠發揮其實效,確實值得深思,但可以想見的是國家的高權管制已然失靈。本文於觀察整體空氣污染防制之手段後,提出以「企業社會責任」作為空氣污染防制的另一種手段。由於目前我國公私協力理論於空氣污染防制上之運用,較著重在於形式上行政成本的減少,而非實際的承擔空氣汙染防制任務。因此,本文主張企業社會責任係為公私協力理論的一種特別型態,由企業社會責任加入調和國家管制失靈與現行空氣汙染防制法中之公私協力行為所產生的困境是最合適的。企業應對空氣汙染防制擔負一定之社會責任,可經由美國經濟發展委員會(CED)提出之「三個同心圓模型」或者Archie B.Carroll所建構之「企業社會責任金字塔模型」中所稱之尚未定型之責任與慈善性責任等所導出,後續,Mark S.Schwartz及Archie B.Carroll二人另外發展出「企業社會責任的三面向模型」從道德、經濟與法律的三面關係中,探討企業社會責任之範圍。從而,按照上開之理論基礎,吾人可以得知,企業於發展經濟的同時,亦需顧及社會與環境。最後,本文提出,藉由「自律規範」,推動企業落實企業社會責任,而得成為空氣汙染防制任務中的一環,如此,不但能保有其自發性與彈性,更能實質的使企業社會責任成為行政機關能運用的另一個手段。 Air pollution belongs to special, complicated and highly professional realm, and the effect of state control has been weaker day by day. Therefore, the administrative agency turned to rely on the administrative and private cooperation to achieve the administrative purposes. The environment is extremely vital for human life, and air is even more crucial for human. As a result, the state also needs to focus on the needed control of air pollution on the premise of economic development due to its state responsibility. According to the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the Republic of China, Article 10 II stated that the state should cope with the environmental and economic development well at the same time.This text proposed Corporate Social Responsibility to be another mean of air pollution control after observing the holistic application of Public-Private-Partnership on air pollution control. Currently the state applied the public and private cooperation to control air pollution. However, it emphasized more formally on the decrease of administrative costs instead of actually undertaking the task of air pollution control. Consequently, the text claims the Corporate Social Responsibility to be a special form of the theory of Public-Private-Partnership. The predicament resulted from regulatory failure by the state and the behavior in Public-Private-Partnership of current air pollution control act could be best improved via the assistance of Corporate Social Responsibility. The Corporate should take adequate social responsibility, which could be derived from the three concentric circles proposed by Committee for Economic Development (CED) or the unfixed and philanthropic responsibilities within the pyramid of corporate social responsibility. Furthermore, Mark S. Schwartz and Archie B. Carroll additionally developed the three-domain model of corporate social responsibility from the triadic relation from the ethical, economic and legal aspects to discuss the scope of Corporate Social Responsibility. In so doing, we can conclude that the Corporate should also take care of society and environment when developing the economy. Ultimately, the text proposed that Self-Regulation can actually boost the Corporate Social Responsibility and become the important role in the task of air pollution control. In this way, it can not only keep the spontaneity and flexibility, but also actually make the Corporate Social Responsibility become another mean for the application of administrative agency.
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