框架契約-適用個別契約之爭議 = Framework agreement...


  • 框架契約-適用個別契約之爭議 = Framework agreement-theissue about implement from framework agreement to another contract
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Framework agreement-theissue about implement from framework agreement to another contract
    作者: 莊仲,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2015[民104]
    面頁冊數: 105面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 架構契約
    標題: framework contract
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/98885170633859565218
    附註: 參考書目:面102-104
    摘要註: 架構契約(Rahmenvertrag; framework contract)給予的定義,係以此等架構契約非屬締約當事人間暫時性的契約關係,而是長期存在的契約關係,主要為雙方當事人間將來締結的同一類型契約,提供契約的基本架構,在此架構契約的當事人間,或在架構契約的一方當事人與第三人間,或在第三人間成立契約時,這些個別契約均以架構契約確定其內容。採用架構契約之模式者,亦屬於一個長期合作關係的初始階段,但已具有契約嚴格之拘束力,對於雙方未來一連串合作模式儼然成形,不再是磋商階段,或似備忘錄簽署情況般對於合作關係仍混沌不明狀態,合作關係的框架脈絡已經在架構契約中載明,雙方日後合作藍圖也將依照架構契約中所載內容進行,合作程度高,可預期日後交易次數頻繁,對於雙方合作上具有期待性,合作模式以第一份架構契約簽完,後續會再有個別之契約產生,將兩份契約之內容合為一體視作一次交易,而這樣的合作形態,對於交易帶來極大的便利性與彈性,雙方不因架構契約之簽署,而產生後續締約義務,就其合作之穩定性而言,因已具備契約之形式及效力。架構契約因其經常與定型化契約一起串聯使用,致使在 B2B 商業契約或 B2C消費者契約當中,經常看到其影子存在,而成為俱有長期債之關係下的定型化契約,這樣的狀況下可能有契約偏袒條款擬定者一方,導致長期關係下之權利義務不甚對等,容易導致市場失靈這部分將在後續內容中說明。架構契約因係一連串之契約所完成,是故必定會遭受到契約不一致的狀況,這時候該怎麼去看待這個衝突的現象,如何解釋亦屬本文重要議題。 Framework contract is not a temporary or one time agreement. It is a contractwhich is be created by two or more parties for their future relationship of trade. Thepurpose of framework contract is supply much more convenient and easier tradesystem for two parties. Framework contract can not exist with itself, it should waituntil another contract finish, parties have obligation and right to each other at thattime. It is not a real deal while two parties accomplish framework agreement, but ithave restricted both two parties already. Both two parties have their own obligationand right to request and observe, such as if one party want to ensure the specificamount before the order, may have to give a guarantee to make sure the goods areprepared before the order. Although both parties do not have obligation to makecontracts after accomplishing framework contract, they still expect to have new orders. Framework agreement can promote the process of the deal. Most of framework contracts are used with standard form contract, includingbusiness to business or business to customer. In our country the model of business tocustomer is more faultless than business to business, because business is always seemto have ability to negotiate and advance in get information. If there are some unfairclause in framework agreement, it would involve each order in the future. The thesiswill research the substantial different model. The most important issue not only analyze the difference from anothercategory of contract to framework contract, but research the conflict betweenframework contract and order . This thesis will introduce different solutions and try tofind more suitable way to achieve two parties.
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310002564741 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 380101 4425.1 2015 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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