

  • 少子化趨勢之大學整併需求與問題-以推動高雄第一科大、高雄應用科大、高雄海洋科大三校合併過程為例 = Demands and Problems on University Merger under Low Fertility Rate -- A Case Study of the Merger Involving National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, and National Kaohsiung Marine University
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Demands and Problems on University Merger under Low Fertility Rate -- A Case Study of the Merger Involving National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, and National Kaohsiung Marine University
    作者: 林詠姍,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2015[民104]
    面頁冊數: 198面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 組織整併
    標題: organizational consolidation
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/97754120422934782591
    附註: 104年10月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面109-115
    摘要註: 自從第二次世界大戰結束以來半個世紀,各國高等教育最顯著的改變,就是高等教育逐漸由菁英教育轉型為大眾教育,近年來台灣國內大學錄取率屢創新高,顯示出大學已不再是窄門。此一轉變固然對我國人力品質的提升和社會流動的增進有莫大貢獻,但高等教育大學數量的產能過剩,供過於求,也對我國財政負擔、教育品質與就業市場產生重大衝擊。再者,近年來出生率持續下降,根據內政部統計處資料顯示,2016年大學新生將驟減5萬名的生源,部分私立大學將遭受嚴重衝擊,面臨招生不足的經營危機,而少子化也將成為國內各大學經營管理上的重大挑戰,因此大學整併勢在必行。自2011年大學法第7條修正,授予教育部主導整併權力後,國立高雄第一科技大學(簡稱第一科大)、國立高雄應用科技大學(簡稱高應大)及國立高雄海洋科技大學(簡稱海科大)三校合併案,為首波推動之整併案,備受各界關心與矚目。本文以推動三校合併過程為例,透過文獻分析、深度訪談及參與觀察之研究方法,探究少子化趨勢大學整併之需求與問題,並分析不同背景變項成員對於併校意見之差異性,及歸納出影響大學整併成敗之關鍵因素。鑒於研究者恰為研究對象(第一科大)中的行政人員,並參與合併過程,因此採用質性研究,以凸顯研究者身分及角色之特殊性,並依據親身參與三校合併之經驗,提出見解及反省,期能透過宏觀及微觀的角度,發掘推動三校合併的相關問題。本研究結論包括:一、大學整併可能面臨之問題;二、大學整併是教育主管機關與學校間相互合作的結果;三、學校成員對於大學整併的態度傾向是合併成功與否的重要關鍵;四、掌握大學整併之關鍵成功因素將有助於提高整併之機會。 最後,希望以本個案研究,建構技職院校整併的模式,作為教育主管機關及國立大學未來執行整併計畫之參考。 During the half-century after the end of World War II, higher education in many countries has undergone a comprehensive reform, for it transformed from elite education to public education. In recent years, the acceptance rate for Taiwan universities keep reaching record high, indicating a trend of easier access to college education. Though the higher university acceptance rate greatly improves the quality of human resources as well as the social mobility, the excessive number of universities causes serious effects on financial pressures, education quality, and job market in Taiwan. Besides, the total fertility rate in Taiwan keeps declining in the past few years. According to the data from the Dept. of Statistics of Ministry of the Interior, there will be a drastic shortage of 50,000 college freshmen in 2016, causing severe impact on some private universities due to low enrollment. The low fertility rate hence becomes a major concern for university management authorities in Taiwan, and the university merger is considered a necessary action to be carried out. In 2011, the amendments of Article 7 of the University Act allow the Ministry of Education to carry out university merger. The merger involving National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (referred to as “NKFUST”), National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences (referred to as “KUAS”), and National Kaohsiung Marine University (referred to as “NKMU”) is the first university merger proposed, which attracts lots of attention from the general public. Through document review, in-depth interviews, and participant observation, this study aims to investigate the demands and problems on university merger under low fertility rate, analyze the divergent attitudes of participants with different background variables, and also conclude key factors to the success or failure of a university merger. The author is a staff from NKFUST, which is one of the universities involving in the merger, and has taken a part in the merging, so a qualitative research method is adopted to indicate the particular role of the author. By proposing opinions and thoughts from the first-hand experience, the author aims to discover issues related to university merger from both macroscopic and microscopic aspects. The conclusion of this study includes: (1) problems that may arise during university merger; (2) university merger is a result of the cooperation between education authority and universities; (3) the attitude of students & faculty is the crucial key to the merger result; and (4) the grasp of key success factors will increase the chances of a successful university merger. Finally, this study aims to serve as a model example of technological university merger, and serve as a reference for education authority and national university in implementing university merger plans.
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