健康老人中心需求因素之研究 = A Study on the Deman...


  • 健康老人中心需求因素之研究 = A Study on the Demand Factors for Healthy Elders Centers
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study on the Demand Factors for Healthy Elders Centers
    作者: 曾美田,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民104[2015]
    面頁冊數: 55面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 健康老人
    標題: Healthy Elders
    附註: 105年3月31日公開
    附註: 參考書目:面42-44
    摘要註: 本研究目的在探討台灣地區健康老人中心需求因素之間的相互關係,同時分析不同背景特性變項民眾對健康老人中心需求因素之差異情形。研究採問卷調查方式進行,針對台灣地區之民眾進行施測。總計發放出478份問卷,並回收478份,有效問卷達478份。研究結果發現:一、民眾男女比例約佔各半,民眾年齡41~60歲佔59.4%,且以受過高等教育已婚之中產階級上班族為多數,居住地以來自南部最多約佔66.3%。二、民眾對健康老人中心需求因素的排序前三名依序為「內部管理與服務」、「房屋特性」、「週邊環境設施」。三、民眾為不同「性別」、「年齡」、「婚姻狀況」、「職業」、「宗教信仰」及「家庭年收入」在五大需求因素上,均達顯著差異。四、民眾在五大需求因素之間呈中中度正相關。 The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among the various factors behind the demand for healthy elders centers in Taiwan. Various background characteristics and variables were analyzed to determine the differing factors behind the public demand for healthy elders centers. The research adopted a questionnaire survey, which was undertaken with the public in Taiwan via Google Forms Survey. 478 questionnaires were sent out, and a total of 478 copies were returned, of which there was a total of 478 valid questionnaires.The results of the study showed that: I. Of the people who participated in the study, half is male and another half is female; 59.4% of them are between 41 to 60 years of age, and the majority of them are married middle class office workers who received higher education. The participants' places of residence are mostly in southern Taiwan, accounting for 66.3%. II. The top three factors behind public demand for healthy elders centers are sorted in order as follows: “internal management and service,” “housing characteristics,” and “surrounding environment and facilities.” III. The five demand factors of the public vary greatly depending on their “gender,” “age,” “marital status,” “occupation,” “religion,” and “household income.” IV. The five demand factors have moderate positive correlations between each two in this sample of participants.
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