D-FMEA應用在傳統家電業設計品質提升改善系統思考的觀點 = The ...


  • D-FMEA應用在傳統家電業設計品質提升改善系統思考的觀點 = The Application of D-FMEA on Designing Quality Improvement in Traditional Household Appliance Industry- A Perspective of Systemic Thinking
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Application of D-FMEA on Designing Quality Improvement in Traditional Household Appliance Industry- A Perspective of Systemic Thinking
    作者: 許興源,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 國立高雄大學;
    出版年: 2016[民105]
    面頁冊數: [8],80葉圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 家電業
    標題: Household Appliances Industry
    電子資源: https://hdl.handle.net/11296/2jcjzj
    附註: 110年4月20日公開
    附註: 參考書目:葉77-79
    摘要註: 在60年代到90年代之間可以說是台灣的國產家電製造業(以下稱家電業)的黃金時期,但是眾所周知家電業屬於勞力密集的產業,再加上國內土地與勞動成本居高不下,90年代起由於內需市場已趨飽和,再加上進口品的威脅,整個國產家電市場的需求成長緩慢甚至遲滯不前。這其中尤其是中國大陸,相關產業的規模幾乎達到了台灣的近百倍,在這樣的規模壓力之下,台灣家電業者確實生存不易,因此如何利用台灣優秀的人力素質做出與中國大陸明顯區隔的產品,加大商品的差異化,找出屬於台灣的生存空間,確是當務之急。X公司為國內家電產品製造的龍頭廠商,數十年來居於業界的領先地位,但多年來公司營運都難以大幅成長,因而急思解決之道。本研究以關注整體動態思考的方式,同時加入了因果關係回饋及時間滯延等概念,並且找出整個因果關係的互動變化,最終確認了D-FMEA意即「設計階段的失效模式及效應分析」為最有效的品質改善工具,可藉以有效加大與進口品的差異化,以提高X公司的獲利能力。當然,本研究也同時驗證了D-FMEA在X公司的實施方式及其改善效果,並期待這樣的效果可以在X公司的其他事業單位或台灣的其他公司都可以水平展開,有效運用。 The sixties to nineties is the golden period for domestic (Taiwan) household electrical appliances manufacturing industry (household appliances industry is called for short). As everyone knows that household appliance is an industry with labor intensive. Besides, local land and labor cost remain high, and threat from import appliances all lead domestic demand to grow slowly, even a standstill. Especially China household appliance, its industry scale is almost one hundred times than Taiwan's. Under this pressure, it is not easy to survive for Taiwan industry. How to apply Taiwan outstanding manpower and create new products which are different from ones made in China? How to increase product differentiation and find a new existing space for Taiwan? I think that these are the top priority jobs for Taiwan. X company is the key enterprise in Taiwan and had leading position for decades. However, it is hard to have a substantial increase for their business in recent years. They are in an urgent need for solutions. This research used dynamic system thinking, causal loop diagram and delay concept together, and tried to find the interactive changes in the process new product development. Finally, it is confirmed that D-FMEA (Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) is the most effective tool for quality improvement. Therefore, in order to enhance their earning power, X Company can apply D-FMEA to increase differentiation between their products and importing ones. Absolutely, this research also verify implement methods and improved results of D-FMEA applied in X company at the same time. Besides, I am looking forward to making horizontal development of D-FMEA in other domains in X company or Taiwan's corporations.
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