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從憲法婚姻與家庭權談大陸配偶申請入境來台面談機制之合憲性 = To Di...


  • 從憲法婚姻與家庭權談大陸配偶申請入境來台面談機制之合憲性 = To Discuss the Constitutionality of Interview System of Mainland Spouses Applying for entry permit to Taiwan from the Rights of Marriage and Family given in Constitution
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: To Discuss the Constitutionality of Interview System of Mainland Spouses Applying for entry permit to Taiwan from the Rights of Marriage and Family given in Constitution
    Author: 郭純志,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2009[民98]
    Description: 132面圖、表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 假結婚
    Subject: freedom of marriage
    Online resource:
    Notes: 指導教授:張永明
    Notes: 參考書目:面
    Summary: 1987年我國政府宣布解除戒嚴,而為更進一步以開放的態度面對中國大陸,並於同年底宣布開放台灣地區人民赴大陸探親,而隨著兩岸人民往來接觸頻繁,也促使彼此通婚之可能性與必然性。依據內政部統計處資料顯示,自兩岸開放民間交流通婚以來,截至2008年底,大陸地區(含港澳地區)配偶入台人數已超過27萬人,其數量之龐大,儼然對於台灣地區人口政策造成相當程度之衝擊。此外,因媒體經常報導有關犯罪集團利用兩岸通婚管道,從事「假結婚、真賣淫」之違法情事,進而也影響台灣地區人民對於大陸配偶之觀感,以致大陸地區配偶在這樣負面的社會氛圍下,被扣以我國治安之ㄧ大隱憂。為因應此等情況,我國政府遂於2004年 3月1日並修訂台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例,針對大陸地區配偶建立入境調節機制,明定大陸地區配偶入境台灣須先通過面談,其中對於未通過面談者並賦予遣返之法律效果。 按以憲法增修條文第11條:「自由地區與大陸地區間人民權利義務關係及其他事務之處理,得以法律為特別之規定。」為依據所修訂之台灣地區與大陸地區人民關係條例,對於大陸地區人民因與台灣地區人民通婚申請入台團聚、居留或定居所訂定之面談機制,固然有其憲法上之依據。然窺兩岸人民關係條例增訂大陸地區配偶申請來台面談機制,固然係為解決上述可能之人口政策之衝擊與「假結婚、真賣淫」之違法情事。惟究其實質可謂係根植於「新國族主義」(本土意識)之基礎上。而以「國族」為基礎所建構之移民政策,是否能符合避免種族歧視以維護人權之世界潮流,不無疑問。 此外,檢視大陸地區配偶申請來台面談機制,可謂對於大陸地區配偶締結婚姻自由、家庭權已造成嚴重不合理、不平等之情形,而有違我國憲法所揭櫫基本權保障與相關原理原則。準此,本文擬在有效釐清並確立大陸地區配偶在台之法律地位之下,並參酌國際人權之標準及外國法制,在合憲與人權保障兼顧之政治處理下,對爭議問題提出修正建議,以期完善對大陸地區配偶婚姻移民相關法制之設計,健全其人權之保障,進而體現我人權立國之憲法基本精神。 Our government announced the lift of martial law in 1987. To take a further open attitude toward Mainland China, our government started to allow people to leave for mainland to visit their relatives in the end of 1987. More and more contacts between people cause the possibility and inevitability of cross-strait marriages. According to the references from Department of Statistics of Ministry of Interior, the population of Mainland spouses, including Hong Kong and Macau areas, is more than 270,000 till the end of 2008. The huge amount causes impacts on the policy of population in Taiwan area. Reports of illegal crimes frequently appear in the media. Crime gangsters use the channel of cross-strait marriage to force mainland females to get a false marriage and engage to prostitution instead. In this way, the public takes negative impressions on mainland spouses and regard them as a threat to the social security. To encounter the condition, our government revises “The Relationship Regulation of People in between Taiwan and Mainland Region ”on 1st March,2004. Mainland spouses either pass an interview and get into Taiwan, or fail to pass the interview and be sent back. The article 11 of the constitution regulates: the rights and obligations of free area and Mainland are ruled by law. “The Relationship Regulation of People in between Taiwan and Mainland Region ”is the basis for the interview system about mainland spouses applying to Taiwan to reunion、stay and settle down. The constitution is the basis of “The Relationship Regulation of People in between Taiwan and Mainland Region ”. The interview system is a method to solve the illegal matters about “false marriage, real prostitution”. To get to the root of the matter, New Country Clan Doctrine is the basis of immigration policy. We wonder if this policy can cope with world trend about avoid racial discrimination and maintain human rights. To review the interview system of mainland spouses, it’s easy for us to find the unreasonable and unfair condition about the marriage freedom and family rights toward mainland spouses. However, this is against the relative principles to protect the basic rights in our constitution. The aim of this article is to distinguish and establish the protection of law about mainland spouses. We consult the standards of international human rights and legal systems of foreign countries to make recommendation about the issues. We hope to improve the planning on the relative legal systems about marriage immigration of mainland spouses, to protect the human rights and carry out the basic spirit of human rights in our constitution.
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310001864019 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 380101 0724 2009 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
310001864027 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 380101 0724 2009 c.2 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
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