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以資本觀點探討資訊人員知識貢獻行為之研究 = Exploring Kno...


  • 以資本觀點探討資訊人員知識貢獻行為之研究 = Exploring Knowledge Contribution Behaviors of IS Personnel from Capital Perspective
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Exploring Knowledge Contribution Behaviors of IS Personnel from Capital Perspective
    Author: 趙齊祥,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2010[民99]
    Description: 118面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 創造力
    Subject: Creativity
    Online resource:
    Summary: 在現今的競爭環境中,企業競爭力是建基於個人及組織的知識上,而非傳統的經濟資源。知識資源的策略性管理一直是維持競爭優勢的關鍵,其中,知識的分享貢獻更被視為最基本的動力所在。然而,在知識管理活動中,知識的分享貢獻雖然是其中一項重要的核心,但卻也是最為困難的一環,因為知識不同於一般的商品,會因分享而失去擁有的權力,反之則能藉由分享貢獻的行為與意願擴大知知識的價值。由於知識的資源策略和組織內的成員息息相關,因此本研究嘗試從「心理資本」、「社會資本」、「人力資本」及「結構資本」等各種重要資產角度出發,並以「知識貢獻」為其探討核心,研究對象選擇資訊人員,並從實體企業和虛擬實務網絡中,取得有效樣本數212與160筆。資料分析工具則採用SPSS 15.0與Smart PLS 2.0。最後從本研究的分析結果發現,強化成員間在工作上的溝通表達能力、促動個體發揮創造力,與他人建力良好緊密的關係及豐富本身內在的心理資源(例如知識自我效能、樂觀、恢復力與希望),皆有助於提升組織成員的知識貢獻意圖;此外,建立合適的正向氛圍(例如創新支持、合作與歸屬),並且在管理制度上採取適當的措施加以配合,將有利於提供組織成員健全的知識貢獻環境。 In the modern competitive environment, the competitive advantage is resulting from the knowledge of individuals and organizations, not from the traditional capital. The strategic management of knowledge resources is one of the key factors for sustainable competitive advantages. In particular, knowledge sharing and contributing are perceived to be the most essential process for knowledge management, and most of these activities focus on the person who holds the knowledge to be shared. However,in the knowledge management activities, knowledge sharing and contributing are seen an important central part, yet it is also the most difficult piece, the reason is knowledge is not like the tangible products that we’ll lose them if we share them with other people. In contrast, we can enhance the value of knowledge by sharing. Because knowledge resource strategy is relative to everyone in an organization, this study has set base by the perspective of “Human Capital”, ‘‘Structural Capital’’, ‘‘Social Capital’’, and ‘‘Psychological Capital’’ and has made knowledge contributing behavior as its’ model.The research samples are categorized into business team members and electronic network of practice members, and they are all IS personnels.There are 372 effective samples, including 212 in the physical business environment and 160 in the network of practice websites, and SPSS 15.0 and Smart PLS 2.0 were adopted to analyze the collected data.In conclusion, it has positive influences on employee intention of knowledge contributing by reinforcing the cooperative work relationship within employees,activating and strengthening their creativity and communicating abilities, and fostering employees’ positive psychological resources (ex. optimism, hope,knowledge self-efficacy and resilience). In addition, it is helpful for knowledge contributing contexture by building up a positive organizational climate (ex.innovative, cooperative, and affiliative climate) and adopting proper managerial system.The present study offered some suggestions to practical field and academicfield.
  • 2 records • Pages 1 •
310001953192 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 464105 4903 2010 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
310001953200 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 464105 4903 2010 c.2 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 2 records • Pages 1 •
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