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  • 特殊學校高職智能障礙學生之照顧者壓力認知、休閒調適信念及休閒參與之關聯性研究 = The inter-relationship among perceived stress, leisure coping beliefs and leisure participation for caregivers of youngsters with intellectual disabilities as high school students at Special Schools
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: The inter-relationship among perceived stress, leisure coping beliefs and leisure participation for caregivers of youngsters with intellectual disabilities as high school students at Special Schools
    Author: 陳盈伶,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2015[民104]
    Description: 88面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 照顧者
    Subject: caregivers
    Online resource:
    Notes: 105年10月25日公開
    Notes: 參考書目:面77-81
    Summary: 身心障礙的照顧者往往會經歷較高的壓力,進而影響他們的健康和福祉。以往的研究顯示,休閒在紓解照顧者壓力上扮演了重要的角色。本研究的目的在探討照顧者和被照顧者特性對照顧者壓力認知、休閒調適信念與休閒參與的影響,並檢視這三者變數間的關聯性。本研究共蒐集到210份就讀於高雄市四所特殊學校高職部智能障礙學生之照顧者問卷。該問卷在測量照顧者的壓力認知、休閒調適信念與休閒參與等相關變數,並以其中的172份有效問卷進行相關的統計分析。分析結果整理如下:1.照顧者的「性別」及「婚姻狀態」顯著影響其壓力認知。2.被照顧者的「障礙程度」顯著影響照顧者的休閒調適信念。3.照顧者的「婚姻狀態」顯著影響其休閒參與。4.照顧者的壓力認知與其休閒調適信念呈現兩組顯著的典型相關。其中,「身體」及「經濟」壓力感受愈大的照顧者,對「舒緩身心的休閒」與「提升正面情緒的休閒」信念的認同度越高;「社會」與「經濟」壓力感受較大的照顧者,對「提升正面情緒的休閒」信念的認同度越高。5.照顧者的壓力認知與其休閒參與並無呈現顯著的典型相關。6.照顧者的休閒調適信念與其休閒參與呈現一組顯著的典型相關。其中,照顧者在「視聽娛樂型」及「社交友誼型」的休閒參與越高,對「舒緩身心的休閒」信念的認同度越大。本研究將以所得之結果做出總結和建議,提供照顧者及政府日後在提出建議及決策時參考。 Caregivers of people with disabilities often experience a higher level of stress which can affect their health and wellbeing. Previous research has suggested that leisure can play important role in helping people cope with stress. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of caregivers' and recipients' characteristics on caregivers' perceived stress, leisure coping beliefs and leisure participation, and to investigate the inter-relationships between those variables. A total of 210 caregivers of youngsters with intellectual disabilities who enrolled at four Kaohsiung Municipal Special Schools as secondary students completed a self-administered questionnaires in relation to above measures, and 172 valid samples were used for statistical analysis. The results of this study were summarized as following: 1.Caregivers' gender and marital status were found to affect their perceived stress. 2.Recipients' level of disabilities was found to affect caregivers' leisure coping beliefs.3.Caregivers' marital status was found to affect their leisure participation. 4.Two significant canonical correlations were found between caregivers' perceived stress and leisure coping beliefs. Also, the higher the level of perceived stress on physical and economic aspects, the stronger the belief in palliative coping and mood enhancement is; the higher the level of perceived stress on social and economic aspects, the stronger the belief in mood enhancement is. 5.No significant canonical correlation was found between caregivers' perceived stress and leisure participation. 6.One significant canonical correlation was found between caregivers' perceived stress and leisure participation. Also, the higher the level of leisure participation in multimedia-based and social-based leisure activities, the stronger the belief in leisure palliative coping is.Conclusions and recommendations will be provided for future reference for caregivers and government policy making.
  • 2 records • Pages 1 •
310002633975 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 896219 7512 2015 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
310002633983 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 896219 7512 2015 c.2 一般使用(Normal) On shelf 0
  • 2 records • Pages 1 •
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