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地方行政機關組織再造後事務運作問題之微觀分析─以屏東縣某戶政機關為例 =...


  • 地方行政機關組織再造後事務運作問題之微觀分析─以屏東縣某戶政機關為例 = Micropolitical Analysis of Business operation on Organization Reengineering of Local Government: A Case Study of a Household Registration Office in Pingtung County
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Micropolitical Analysis of Business operation on Organization Reengineering of Local Government: A Case Study of a Household Registration Office in Pingtung County
    作者: 董浩然,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2014[民103]
    面頁冊數: 210面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 組織再造
    標題: organization reengineering
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/34096188465366906859
    附註: 參考書目:面111-117
    附註: 103年12月16日公開
    摘要註: 本研究旨在藉由組織變革理論及微觀政治學中之相關策略去探究屏東縣戶政組織變革之成因、現況與效果,以作為戶政機關及戶政人員實務運作之參考,並達成戶政制度革新及發展之目的。本研究採用質性研究法,並根據研究目的,待答問題及文獻探討之結果,編製訪談大綱進行訪談,研究者以屏東縣戶政單一機關內部人員及外部顧客為研究對象,瞭解整併後之運作現況、困境及相關之微觀政治策略,最後並提出可增加戶政機關績效之評估建議。本研究之主要發現有:(一)整併結果與整併目的未盡相符;(二)組織變革產生之內部衝突亟待消弭;(三)戶政機關涉及之外部利益較少,然仍無法獨善其身於政治紛擾之外;(四)服務績效的提升除了效率及效能外,滿意度才是關鍵。根據研究發現,研究者依序對「縣府層級之戶政主管機關」、「戶政事務所內部人員」及「後續研究」三部分提出建議:一、對縣府層級之戶政主管機關的建議:(一)整併的範圍應納入地域及族群考量,並保留部分八職等主任職缺;(二)提升服務,應避免落入追逐數據的遊戲;(三)假日延長服務時間以及所有證件在戶政機關能一次辦妥服務,無論內部人員及外部顧客均表贊成。二、對戶政事務所內部人員的建議:領導者應避免內部人員因過於安逸而產生怠惰感及滿足感,應鼓勵成員不斷精進專業知能;另外,應適度運用政治策略等手段去達成提升戶政績效等目的,方有可能化被動為主動,提升戶政機關的實質影響力。三、對後續研究的建議:未來在研究對象方面,可擴及至屏東縣全縣甚或全國戶政人員之層面,以瞭解其相關之想法。於研究方法則可嘗試量化之交叉比對分析或無結構性訪談等。至於在研究內容方面,則可針對部分之業務整合有無逾越戶政機關組織法定權限(如社戶政業務整合)深入探討,另亦可擴及其他公共行政或政治學領域,以探索戶政機關微觀政治之運作策略。 The present study applied organizational change theory and micro-political analysis to discuss the change factors, status, effects and micro-political strategies in household registration office in Pingtung County. The main purposes are to prompt the operation in household registration office and achieve innovative goal.The study adopted qualitative study and designed interview outlines according to research purposes, research questions and literature surveys. For data collection and analysis, qualitative research interview method was employed to explore interviews with a total of relevant stakeholders consisting of internal workers and external customers in household registration office in Pingtung County. The findings of this research were as follows:1. The merger outcomes in household registration office do not conform with the merger purposes.2. The internal conflicts from organizational change need to be averted.3. The household registration office involves less external benefits, but it is still mired in political struggle.4. Besides efficiency and effectiveness, customer satisfaction is the key factor in service performance.Based upon the findings, some suggestions are addressed for county-level household administration agencies, internal workers, and future researchers.1. For county-level household administration agencies: (1)The range of merger should include area and ethnic group. And merger policy should retain 8th level chief vacancy; (2)The agencies should be devoted to service and avoid chasing number; (3) The internal workers and external customers in household registration office support the strategy of extending service time on holidays and one-stop service.2. For internal workers in household registration office, the internal workers should enhance professional competency; the leader should adopt political strategy to prompt performance and influence the personnel in household registration office.3. For future researchers, the samples should be expanded, and quantitative studies or unstructured should be adopted to make more in-depth data. The researchers can explorer the question of legal definition in merger affairs. And researchers can broaden the research content to public administration or politics.
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310002469313 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 382101 4432 2014 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
310002469321 博碩士論文區(二樓) 不外借資料 學位論文 TH 008M/0019 382101 4432 2014 c.2 一般使用(Normal) 在架 0
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