

孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 5
Barbier, Nina
亞里斯多德 = Aristole (BC384-BC322)
Kemp, Stephen
伽利略 = Galileo (1564-1642)
Kemp, Stephen
牛頓 = Newton (1642-1727)
Kemp, Stephen
達爾文 = Darwin (1809-1882)
Kemp, Stephen
愛因斯坦 = Einstein (1879-1955)
Kemp, Stephen
什麼是死亡? = What is death
Berman, Daniel
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 1
Deligny, Jean Sebastien
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 2
Devillers, Jean Pierre
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 3
Pullicino, Gerard
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 4
Bouyer, Kene Jean
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 6
Levis, Guillaume
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 7
Jarrige, J. Christophe
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 9
D'urville, Gabriel Perrault
by: D'urville, Gabriel Perrault
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 10
Bonin, Jean Deniel
孩子的100個美夢 = Children's dreams. 8
Deligny, Jean Sebastien
Hill, Matthew
by: Hill, Matthew
物種滅絕的真相 = Extinction:the facts
Lathane, Charlotte
「冠狀病毒」特別報導 = Coronavirus a horizon s...
Davis, Serena
超進化! = Hyper Evolution:Rise of the R...
Pedersen, Birte
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : favorite ...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : o holly n...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : the essen...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : Pavarotti...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : Luciano P...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : Legendary...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : the voice...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : classical...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : nessun do...
Pavarotti, Luciano
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : a night a...
Pavarotti, Luciano
2003美伊大戰實錄 = War in Iraq : 前進伊拉克冒險故事
Joyner, Douglas
恐怖主義下扭曲的童顏 = Children of terror
Higgs, Larry Y.
世界七大古奇觀 = Seven ancient wonders. 3; ...
Maltby, Clive
世界七大古奇觀 = Seven ancient wonders. 2; ...
Maltby, Clive
資料庫管理 = Managing databases
Baricevic, Thomas
網路系統 = Networks
Harding, Ben
by: Harding, Ben
IT的角色與責任 = Roles and responsibility ...
Harding, Ben
如何維護網路的安全 = Securing the web
Harding, Ben
進入電玩世界 = Getting into games
Breitenmoser, Kurt
資通訊科技的健康與安全 = Health and safety issu...
Hartono, Adi Gondo
如何保持上網安全 = Keeping safe online
Baricevic, Thomas
電子商務的案例研究 = E-business in case study
Burns, Pru
網路道德與青少年 = Internet ethics and young...
Ahmed, Anoar
羽毛球基礎入門與實戰技巧 = Badminton
乒乓球基礎入門與實戰技巧 = Ping-pong
網球基礎入門與實戰技巧 = Tennis
葡萄美酒的世界 = Wine world
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : 永別了!上帝親吻過...
Heinig, Sherman F.
帕華洛帝 = Luciano Pavarotti : 巴塞隆納個人演唱會...
Pavarotti, Luciano
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
留下好印象 = Making a good impression : 履...
DeMichele, Gary
工作外移 = Outsourcing : 白領出走; white col...
Brainerd, Kent
企業的社會責任 = Corporate social responsib...
Grist, Bill
如何進入你挑選的大學 = How to get into the col...
DeMichele, Gary
學校對我的未來有什麼影響? = What school got to d...
Ferejohn, Michael G.
主動積極的工作態度 = Taking initiative on the job
Ferejohn, Michael G.
職場中有效的溝通技巧 = Communication skills fo...
Ferejohn, Michael G.
職場的商業倫理 = Business ethics on the job
DeMichele, Gary
你被開除了! = You're fired!
Dougherty, Jeff
仔細規劃你的未來 = Carving your own path
Frenette, Doug
你準備好了嗎? = What's your attitude
Myer, James
如何得到你的第一份工作 = How to land your first job
Ferejohn, Michael G.
怎樣讓工作順利進展 = Getting along with your job
Colello, Tom
丟掉工作的十大缺點 = 10 easy way to lose your job
Boundy, Donna
保住工作的十大秘訣 = 10 easy way to keep your job
Schloat, Anson
動物發明家 = Animal inventors : animal en...
McIntyre, Chrissie
動物發明家 = Animal inventors : animal ma...
McIntyre, Chrissie
動物發明家 = Animal inventors : animal IT...
McIntyre, Chrissie
二十世紀歷史見證 = Witness to history : days...
Clark, Keith
網路個人資料 = Backlight : 被竊取的金礦; the val...
Borger, Jenny
探討未來的科技人 = Backlight : tech man
Haak, Bregtje van der
塑膠 = Bag it : 「消費文明」的人類自然大浩劫
Beraza, Suzan
探討未來能源的新趨勢 = Powering the planet
Akuginow, Erna
游擊行銷策略(英文版) = Commandos of cool
Jones, Emma
西班牙藝術之美 = Art of Spain. 1; 1. 南部的摩爾文...
Brand, Susan
西班牙藝術之美 = Art of Spain. 2; 1. 中部的黑暗藝...
Bates, Mark
西班牙藝術之美 = Art of Spain. 3; 3. 現代藝術的神...
Cairney, Phil
古代超級武器 = Superweapons of the ancient...
Atkins, Mark
古代超級武器 = Superweapons of the ancient...
Atkins, Mark
古代超級武器 = Superweapons of the ancient...
Arend, Catherine
驅動未來 = Powering the future. 1; 1. 能源...
Cohen, Chad
驅動未來 = Powering the future. 2; 2. 達成...
Binkowski, Arthur F.
驅動未來 = Powering the future. 3; 3. 能源...
Barrick, Andrea
驅動未來 = Powering the future. 4; 4. 引領...
Binkowski, Arthur F.
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 1...
Bennett, Sid
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 2...
Riddick, Iain
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 3...
Brown, Nick
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 4...
Everest, Mark
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 5...
Crystal, Garry
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 6...
Ludgate, Simon
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 7...
Schilling, Joi
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 8...
Crystal, Garry
同心協力救地球 = Discovery project Earth. 9...
Fry, Alex
建設大未來 = Building the future. 1; 1. 找...
Brown, Nicholas
建設大未來 = Building the future. 2; 2. 2...
Baker, Chris
建設大未來 = Building the future. 3; 3. 尋...
Hewes, Jonathan
建設大未來 = Building the future. 4; 4. 抵...
Hewes, Jonathan
生態科技綠生活 = Eco-tech. 1; 1. 燃料新紀元; fut...
Campos, Robert
生態科技綠生活 = Eco-tech. 2; 2. 替代能源; powe...
Campos, Robert
生態科技綠生活 = Eco-tech. 3; 3. 綠色建築; buil...
Agostino, Nico
生態科技綠生活 = Eco-tech. 4; 4. 垃圾零廢棄; zer...
Fargione, Paul
生態科技綠生活 = Eco-tech. 5; 5. 天候巨變; extr...
Balcom, John
金融交易的驚濤駭浪 = Traders : millions by th...
Duke, Kim
金融交易的驚濤駭浪 = Traders : millions by th...
Bell, Victoria
運動禁藥氾濫 = Sports doping : 慘痛的代價(中文版);...
Penny, Palmer
世界冠軍隊背後的教練 = Coach me if you can
Herrero, Manuel
解開聖經密碼 = Secrets of the Bible code r...
認識畢卡索 = Picasso
畢卡索 ((Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973))
by: 畢卡索 ((Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973))
認識米開朗基羅 = Michelangelo
米開朗基羅 ((Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 1475-1564))
by: 米開朗基羅 ((Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 1475-1564))
認識達文西 = Leonardo da Vinci
達文西 ((Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519))
by: 達文西 ((Leonardo, da Vinci, 1452-1519))
認識梵谷 = Van Gogh
梵谷 ((Gogh, Vincent van, 1853-1890))
by: 梵谷 ((Gogh, Vincent van, 1853-1890))
CPR 2000心肺復甦術、哈姆立克法和AED = CPR Rescur...
拯救澳洲國寶 = Koalas : 無尾熊專輯
中國四川保護區 = Pandas & Babies : 熊貓與熊貓小寶寶
南極來的嬌客 = King penguin : 國王企鵝
認識愛因斯坦 = Einstein
Atomic Imaging
認識愛迪生 = Edison
愛迪生 ((Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931))
by: 愛迪生 ((Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931))
人與人之間 = People to people : social ps...
Beaty, Sally
心靈的寶庫 = The mind's storehouse : memo...
Beaty, Sally
失衡的世界 = Out of balance : anxiety and...
Beaty, Sally
心靈魔力 = The magic of the mind : 心理學; ...
Beaty, Sally
經濟發展 = Economic development : a glob...
Scherer, Chris
轉變的年代 = The becoming years : 青少年到中老年...
Beaty, Sally
駕馭你的心靈 = In the driver's seat : moti...
Beaty, Sally
"好死" = A good death : 探討安寧照顧與安樂死
Berman, Daniel
阿富汗 = Afghanistan : the Taliban year...
Khan, Kabir
從車諾比核災變中學習教訓 = Chernobyl : lessons l...
Hacienda Productions
衝破極限 = Stressed to the limit : stres...
Beaty, Sally
高爾夫天王 = Golf superstar:Tiger Woods0h...
伍茲 ((Woods, Tiger))
崩潰 = Going to extremes : mood disord...
Beaty, Sally
莎士比亞六大悲劇劇評 = The themes of Shakespea...
Batavick, Frank
莎士比亞六大悲劇劇評 = The themes of Shakespea...
Balderstone, Peter
莎士比亞六大悲劇劇評 = The themes of Shakespea...
Balderstone, Peter
莎士比亞六大悲劇劇評 = The themes of Shakespea...
Balderstone, Peter
莎士比亞六大悲劇劇評 = The themes of Shakespea...
Balderstone, Peter
莎士比亞六大悲劇劇評 = The themes of Shakespea...
Balderstone, Peter
最神奇的構造 = The most amazing machine : ...
Beaty, Sally
整合自我 = Getting it together : 接受治療; t...
Beaty, Sally
生命密碼 = Code of life : 行為遺傳學; behavio...
Beaty, Sally
籃球巨星 = Basketball superstar:Michael ...
喬登 ((Jordan, MIchael))
世界七大古奇觀 = Seven ancient wonders. 1; ...
Maltby, Clive
聖戰 = Jihad : the sword of Islam; 伊斯蘭之劍
Moving Picture Company
大奧妙 = A great mystery : 意識的狀態; state...
Beaty, Sally
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
諾貝爾獎 = Nobel's greatest hits : 世界最偉大...
Welfare, Toby
全球資源 = Global resources : 管理與競爭; man...
Scherer, Chris
全球交易 = Global exchange : free trade ...
Scherer, Chris
學習的構造 = The learning machine : learn...
Beaty, Sally
全球資本市場 = Global capital market : 風險與...
Scherer, Chris
時間不夠用 = Not enough time : managing f...
Ferejohn, Mike
自我的堅持 = The enduring self : 人格; pers...
Beaty, Sally
強烈的情緒 = Emotion : emotions; 情感
Beaty, Sally