

第凡內早餐 = Breakfast at Tiffany's
Edwards, Blake.
梅崗城故事 = To kill a mockingbird
Badman, Mary.
出埃及記 = Exodus
Newman, Paul.
by: Newman, Paul.
邊城英列傳 = The alamo
Avalon, Frankie.
by: Avalon, Frankie.
北國掏金記 = North to alaska
Granger, Stewart.
白雪公主與七個小矮人 = Snow White and the seve...
Disney, Walt.
慘綠少年 = The boy with green hair
海底兩萬哩 = 20,000 Leagues under the sea
靈犬萊西 = Lassie come home
阿里巴巴與四十大盜 = Alibaba and the forty th...
櫻花戀 = Sayonara
Brando, Marlon
by: Brando, Marlon
巨人 = Giant
Dean, James.
by: Dean, James.
第三集中營 = The great escape
Attenborough, Richard.
by: Attenborough, Richard.
羅馬帝國淪亡錄 = The fall of the Roman empire
Boyd, Stephen.
獨孤里橋之役 = The bridges at Toko-Ri
Holden, William.
梟巢喋血戰 = The Maltese falcon
Astor, Mary.
戰爭與和平 = War and Peace
Vidor, King.
一曲相思情未了 = Song without end : 弗蘭茲李斯特的故事
Bogarde, Dirk.
哈泰利 = Hatari
Hawks, Howard.
by: Hawks, Howard.
亂世佳人 = Gone with the wind
Fleming, Victor.
金字塔 = Land of the pharaohs
Collins, Joan.
金手指 = The goldfinger deluxe edition
Connery, Sean.
非洲皇后 = The african queen
Bogart, Humphrey.
齊瓦哥醫生 = Doctor zhivago
Christie, Julie.
阿拉伯的勞倫斯 = Lawrence of arabia
Lean, David.
桂河大橋 = The Bridge on the river Kwai
Guinness, Alec.
豪情七蛟龍 = The magnificent seven
Brynner, Yul.
賓漢 = Ben hur
Heston, Charlton.
by: Heston, Charlton.
驚魂記 = Psycho
Hitchcock, Alfred
by: Hitchcock, Alfred
歡樂滿人間 = Mary poppins
Andrews, Julie.
迷魂記 = Vertigo
Hitchcock, Alfred
by: Hitchcock, Alfred
咆哮山莊 = Wuthering Heights
Niven, David.
電話謀殺案 = Dial M for murder
Hitchcock, Alfred (1899-1980.)
by: Hitchcock, Alfred (1899-1980.)
北非諜影 = Casablanca
Bergman, Ingrid
by: Bergman, Ingrid
野宴 = Picnic
Cinemascope, Techinicolor
by: Cinemascope, Techinicolor
第七號情報員 = Dr. No
Andress, Ursula
by: Andress, Ursula
真假公主 = Anastasia
Bergman, Ingrid
by: Bergman, Ingrid
叛艦喋血記 = Mutiny on the bounty
Brando, Marlon
黑鬍子大盜 = Blackbeard the pirate
Walsh, Raoul
暴君焚城錄 = Quo vadis
Kerr, Deborah
魂斷藍橋 = Saterloo bridge
LeRoy, Mervyn
朱門巧婦 = Cat on a hot tin roof
Brooks, Richard
環遊世界八十天 = Around the world is 80 days
Anderson, Michael
霸王妖姬 = Samson and Delilah
DeMille, Cecil B.
荒野大鏢客 = A fistful of dollars
Eastwood, Clint
長假 = Long Vacation
by: 山口智子
羅密歐與茱麗葉 = Romeo & Julier
Castellani, Renato.
七年之癢 = The seven year itch
Monoe, Marilyn.
十誡 = The ten commandments
Brynner, Yul.
大江東去 = River of no return
Mitchum, Robert.
天方夜譚 = Arabian nigbts
Hall, Jon.
月宮寶盒 = The thief of bagoad
Powell, Michael.
木馬屠城記 = Helen of troy
Hardwicke, Cedric.
by: Hardwicke, Cedric.
北西北 = North by northwest
Grant, Cary.
北京五十五日 = 55 days at Peking
Heston, Charlton.
西城故事 = West side story
Beymer, Richard.
後窗 = Rear window
Hitchcock, Alered.
by: Hitchcock, Alered.
郎心如鐵 = A place in the sun
Clift, Montgomery.
海角一樂園 = Swiss family robinson
Annakin, Ken
真善美 = The sound of music
Andrews, Julie.
國王與我 = The king and I
Brynner, Yul.
窈窕淑女 = My fair lady
Cukor, George.
最長的一日 = The longest day
Fonda, Henry.
圓桌武士 = Knights of the round table
Ferrer, Mel.
萬夫莫敵 = Spartacus
Douglas, Kirk.
by: Douglas, Kirk.
歌劇魅影,又名,劇場魅影 = Phantom of the opera
Eddy, Nelson.
碧血金沙 = Treasure of sierra madre
Bogart, Hunphrey.
養子不教誰之過 = Rebel without cause
Dean, James.
戰地鐘聲 = For whom the bell tolls
Bergman, Ingrid.
諜網迷魂 = The Manchurian candidate
Frankenheimer, John.
簡愛 = Jane eyre
Daniell, Henry.
by: Daniell, Henry.
雙城記 = A tale of two cities
Allan, Elizabeth
羅馬假期 = Roman holiday
Albert, Eddie
怒火之花 = The grapes of wrath
Darwell, Jane.
小鹿班比 = Bambi
Hand, David.
by: Hand, David.
血巷 = Blood alley
Wayne, John (1907-1979.)
by: Wayne, John (1907-1979.)
坦克大決戰 = Battle of the bulge
Annakin, Ken
蕩寇誌 = Jesse james
Fonda, Henry.
by: Fonda, Henry.
粉紅豹 = The pink ponther
Eswards, Blake.
by: Eswards, Blake.
埃及艷后 = Cleopatra
Burton, Richard.
by: Burton, Richard.
翠堤春曉 = The great waltz
Duvivier, Julien.
by: Duvivier, Julien.
六壯士 = The guns of Navarone
Niven, David.
天倫夢覺 = East of eden
Dean, James.
天涯何處無芳草 = Splendor in the grass
Beatty, Warren.
萬世千秋 = The agony and the ecstasy
Harrison, Rex.
金銀島 = Treasure island
Driscoll, Bobby.
by: Driscoll, Bobby.
西部開拓史 = How the West was won
Baker, Carroll.
蘇絲黃的世界 = The world of suzic wong
Holden, William.
老人與海 = The old man and the sea
Sturges, John.
青樓艷妓 = Butterfield 8
Fisher, Eddie.
鐘樓怪人 = The hunchback of notre damed
, Gina