

伍茲塔克導演版 = Woodstock:the director's cut
Wadleigh, Michael.
乞丐博士 = With honors
Fraser, Brendan.
by: Fraser, Brendan.
假期歷險記 = National lampoon's vacation
Brinkley, Christie.
鬥士 = Hard times
Bornson, Charles.
by: Bornson, Charles.
瑪麗雪萊之科學怪人 = Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Branagh, Kenneth.
冒牌老爸 = Big daddy
Dugan, Dennis.
by: Dugan, Dennis.
血海翻天 = Next of kin
Baldwin, Adam.
by: Baldwin, Adam.
非洲大瘋狂 = Ace ventura when nature calls
Carrey, Jim.
小迷糊平步青雲 = Protocol
Hawn, goldie.
大兵 = A soldier's story
Caesar, Adolph.
by: Caesar, Adolph.
蝙蝠俠 = Batman begins : 開戰時刻
Bale, Christian
黑暗騎士 = The Dark Knight
Bale, Christian
四海好傢伙 = Good fellas
De Niro, Robert.
by: De Niro, Robert.
野東西 = Wildthings
Bacon, Kevin.
by: Bacon, Kevin.
絕命追殺令 = U. S. Marshals : 就地正法. 2
Baird, Stuart
Owen, Clive
恐怖旅舍 = Hostel
Frisch, Daniel S.
by: Frisch, Daniel S.
危險關係 = Dangerous liaisons
Close, Glenn.
頭彩冤家 = What Happens in Vegas
Diaz, Cameron
女郎我最兔 = The House Bunny
Faris, Anna
千里走單騎 = Riding alone for thousands o...
魔鬼剋星 = Ghostbusters:afterlife : 未來世
墨瑞 ((Murray, Bill))
千萬風情 = Tin cup
Costner, Kevin.
by: Costner, Kevin.
Pollack, Sydney
by: Pollack, Sydney
摩登時代 = Modern times
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
城市之光 = City lights
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
淘金記 = The gold rush
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
大獨裁者 = The great dictator
Chaplin, Charles.
馬戲團 = The Circus
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
維杜先生 = Monsieur Verdoux
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
舞台春秋 = Limelight
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
孤兒流浪記 = The kid
Chaplin, Charles.
by: Chaplin, Charles.
卓別林的藝界人生 = The life and art of Charl...
Chaplin, Charles.
卓別林幽默小品選集 = The Chaplin revue
Chaplin, Charles.
巴黎婦人/紐約之王 = A woman of Paris/A king ...
Chaplin, Charles.
何苦墜入愛河 = Why do fools fall in love
Berry, Halle.
27件禮服的祕密 = 27 dresses
Akerman, Malin
巡弋捍將 = Passenger 57
Hooks, Kevin.
戰爭迷霧 = The fog of war
Morris, Errol
致命武器 = Lethal weapon
Donner, Richard.
by: Donner, Richard.
標準流程 = Standard Operating Procedure
Feinman, Joshua
永無止境 = Without limits
Potter, Monica.
天使之翼 = Only angels have wings
Arthur, Jean.
X情人 = City of angels
Cage, Nicolas.
by: Cage, Nicolas.
破曉時刻 = Tequila sunrise
Gibson, Mel.
絕命大反擊 = Conspiracy theory
Donner, Richard.
刺客戰場 = Assassins
Banderas, Antonio.
by: Banderas, Antonio.
史前一萬年 = 10,000 B.C.
Belle, Camilla
魔鬼複製人 = The sixth day
Schwarzenegger, Arnold.
by: Schwarzenegger, Arnold.
海神號 = Poseidon
Dreyfuss, Richard
by: Dreyfuss, Richard
不存在的女兒 = The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Jackson, Mick
阿瑪迪斯 = Amadeus
Abraham, F. Murray
by: Abraham, F. Murray
小人物大英雄 = Hero
Davis, Geena.
by: Davis, Geena.
劍魚 = Swordfish
Berry, Halle.
by: Berry, Halle.
羅丹薩的夜晚 = Nights In Rodanthe
Gere, Richard
絕地戰警 = Bad boys
Bay, Michael.
by: Bay, Michael.
重返榮耀 = The legend of bagger vance
Damon, Matt.
火線大行動 = In the line of fire
Eastwood, Clint (1930- .)
by: Eastwood, Clint (1930- .)
替身殺手 = The replacement killers
Fuqua, Antoine.
上帝的傑作 = Something the lord made
Def, Mos
痞子大逃亡 = Truth or consequences N. M.
Gallo, Vincent.
靈異緣未了 = Birth
Bacall, Lauren
by: Bacall, Lauren
男兒本色 = Sommersby
Amiel, Jon.
兇手就在門外 = Copycat
Amiel, Jon.
連鎖反應 = Chain reaction
Davis, Andrew.
移動世界 = Jumper
Christensen, Hayden
by: Christensen, Hayden
旭日東升 = Rising sun
Connery, Sean.
by: Connery, Sean.
強棒奶娃 = Baby geniuses
Clark, Bob.
男孩別哭 = Boys don't cry
Peirce, Kimberly
by: Peirce, Kimberly
破天慌 = The Happening
Deschanel, Zooey
by: Deschanel, Zooey
姐妹情仇 = What ever happened to baby jane
Aldrich, Robert
艾莉的異想世界第二季 = Ally McBeal season 2
Damski, Mel.
死亡直播 = Quarantine
Carpenter, Jennifer
by: Carpenter, Jennifer
衝破顛峰 = Lords of dogtown
Hardwicke, Catherine
by: Hardwicke, Catherine
將計就計 = Entrapment
Amiel, Jon.
王牌特派員 = The cable guy
Broderick, Matthew.
by: Broderick, Matthew.
驚奇4超人 = Fantastic 4:rise of the silv...
Alba, Jessica.
眼鏡蛇 = Gobra
Cosmatos, George P.
by: Cosmatos, George P.
無罪的罪人 = Presumed innocent
Ford, Harrison.
大陰謀 = All the president's men
Hoffman, Dustin.
吾愛吾師 = To sir, with love
Clavell, James
絕代女優 = The sea is watching
霹靂嬌娃 = Charlie's angels
Barrymore, Drew
雜貨店老闆的兒子 = The Grocer’s Son
Cazale, Nicolas
長路將盡 = Iris
Broadbent, Jim
by: Broadbent, Jim
荷頓奇遇記 = Horton Hears A Who
Carell, Steve
鬼照片 = Shutter
Jackson, Joshua
by: Jackson, Joshua
全民超人 = Hancock
Berg, Peter
by: Berg, Peter
特務行不行 = Get Smart
Carell, Steve
長江7號 = CJ7
by: 周星馳
蝴蝶君 = M Butterfly
Cronenberg, David
by: Cronenberg, David
當地球停止轉動 = The Day the Earth Stood Still
Bates, Kathy
重金搖滾雙面人 = Detroit Metal City
我是傳奇 = I am legend
Lawrence, Francis
by: Lawrence, Francis
新娘大作戰 = Bride Wars
Bergen, Candice
by: Bergen, Candice
沒問題先生 = Yes Man
Carrey, Jim
針孔旅社 = Vacancy
Antal, Nimrod
by: Antal, Nimrod
家庭主夫 = Jamie at home : 奧利佛. 第一季
Oliver, Jamie.
捍衛正義 = The Hurricane
Fauntleroy, Don E.
by: Fauntleroy, Don E.
終極警探4.0 = Die hard 4.0
Olyphant, Timothy.
by: Olyphant, Timothy.
衝浪季節 = Surf's up
Brannon, Ash.
by: Brannon, Ash.
班傑明的奇幻旅程 = The Curious Case Of Benja...
Blanchett, Cate
決戰異世界前傳 = Underworld Rise of the Lyc...
Mitra, Rhona
Goggins, Walton
by: Goggins, Walton
瞞天過海 : 八面玲瓏
野蠻遊戲 : 瘋狂叢林
Black, Jack
西雅圖夜未眠 = Sleepless in Seattle
Ephron, Nora
十全大補男 = The placements
Deutch, Howard
諜對諜 = Syriana
Clooney, George
by: Clooney, George
失蹤時刻 = The deep end of the ocean
Grosbard, Ulu
by: 周潤發
魔山 = The hills have eyes
Aja, Alexandre
危險人物 = Payback
Gibson, Mel
by: Gibson, Mel
荒野真情 = The professionals
Brooks, Richard
閃亮的馬鞍 = Blazing saddles
Brooks, Mel
芭樂特 = Borat : 哈薩克青年必修(理)美國文化
Anderson, Pamela
機動殺人 = Taking lives
Caruso, D. J.
從心開始 = Reign over me
Binder, Mike
見色忘友 = Grumpy old men
Lemmon, Jack
見色忘友 = Grumpier old men. 2
Deutch, Howard.
駭客任務 = Ma trix
Fishburne, Laurence
by: Fishburne, Laurence
地動天驚 = Sphere
Hoffman, Dustin
by: Hoffman, Dustin
奇幻城市 = The fisher king
Bridges, Jeff
星際大戰 = Star wars III. 三部曲; DVD. 西斯大帝...
Christensen, Hayden
紅色警戒 = The thin red line
Brody, Adrien
羅密歐與茱麗葉 = Romeo & Juliet
Danes, Claire
牛仔褲的夏天 = The sisterhood of the trave...
Bledel, Alexis
紅磨坊 = Moulin rouge
Kidman, Nicole
by: Kidman, Nicole
澳大利亞 = Australia
Jackman, Hugh
by: Jackman, Hugh
X檔案 : 征服未來
Bowman, Rob
by: Bowman, Rob
X檔案 = The X-Files : I want to believ...
Anderson, Gillian
挑戰星期天 = Any cien Sunday
Diaz, Cameron.
酷斯拉 = Godzilla
Broderick, Matthew.
by: Broderick, Matthew.
老大靠邊閃 = Analyze this
Crystal, Billy.
求婚腦震盪 = Mickey blue eyes
Caan, James.
飛越杜鵑窩 = One flew over the cuckoo's nest
Forman, Milos.
真愛一世情 = Legends of the fall
Hopkins, Anthony.
秘密花園 = The secret garden
Holland, Agnieszka.
by: Holland, Agnieszka.
理性與感性 = Sense and sensibility
Grant, Hugh.
費城 = Philadelphia
Demme, Jonathan.
by: Demme, Jonathan.
大法師 = The exorcist
Friedkin, William.
by: Friedkin, William.
水深火熱 = Deep blue sea
Cooij, Ll.
火山爆發 = Volcano
Heche, Anne.
by: Heche, Anne.
灰姑娘 = Ever after : 很久很久以前
Barrymore, Drew.
兵人 = Sol dier
Anderson, Paul
by: Anderson, Paul
來電傳情 = Hanging up
Keaton, Diane.
by: Keaton, Diane.
夜訪吸血鬼 = Interview with the vampire
Cruise, Tom.
捍衛機密 = Johnny Mnemonic
Gibson, William (1948- .)
by: Gibson, William (1948- .)
致命羅密歐 = Romeo mvstdie
Bartkowiak, Andrzej.
by: Bartkowiak, Andrzej.
陰間大法師 = Beetlejuice
Burton, Tim.
超級戰警 = Demolition man
Brambilla, Marco.
by: Brambilla, Marco.
超異能快感 = Practical magic
Bullock, Sandra.
愛在紐約 = It could happen to you
Bergman, Andrew.
鐵巨人 = The iron giant
Bird, Brad.
銀線風暴 = Money train
Harrelson, Woody.
by: Harrelson, Woody.
復仇者 = The avengers
Chechik, Jeremiah.
by: Chechik, Jeremiah.
第一武士 = First knight
Connery, Sean.
終極證人 = The client
Jones, Tommy Lee (1946- .)
by: Jones, Tommy Lee (1946- .)
絕對機密 = The pelican brief
Pakula, Alan J.
最後魔鬼英雄 = Last action hero
McTiernan, John.
七四七絕地悍將 = Executive decision
Baird, Stuart.
正當防衛 = Just cause
Connery, Sean.
by: Connery, Sean.
桃色機密 = Disclosure
Douglas, Michael (1944- .)
by: Douglas, Michael (1944- .)
軍官與魔鬼 = A few good men
Cruise, Tom (1962- .)
by: Cruise, Tom (1962- .)
大蟒蛇神出鬼沒 = Anaconda
Llosa, Luis.
哭泣玫瑰 = Selena
Lopez, Jennifer.
by: Lopez, Jennifer.
野蠻遊戲 = Jumanji
Johnston, Joe.
by: Johnston, Joe.
危機總動員 = Outbreak
Freeman, Morgan.
by: Freeman, Morgan.
英雄不流淚 = Desperado
Banderas, Antonio.
by: Banderas, Antonio.
危險機密 = The juror
Baldwin, Alec.
by: Baldwin, Alec.
亡命大煞星 = The getaway
MacGraw, Ail.
千鈞一髮 = Gattaca
Hawke, Ethan.
by: Hawke, Ethan.
要命的吸引力 = Body heat
Gallo, Fred T.
危機最前線 = Mad city
Gavras, Costa.
by: Gavras, Costa.
深深深 = The deep
Bisset, Jacoueline.
by: Bisset, Jacoueline.
我倆沒有明天 = Bonnie and clyde
Beatty, Warren.
致命突擊隊 = The devil's own
Ford, Harrison.
大特寫 = The china syndrome
Bridges, James.
猛虎過山 = Jeremiah johnson
Pollack, Sydney.
九宵雲外 = Outland
Connery, Sean.
by: Connery, Sean.
終極神鷹 = Hudson hawk
Lehmann, Michael.
by: Lehmann, Michael.
異形終結 = Screamers
Duguay, Christian
by: Duguay, Christian
等不及說愛你 = Carit hardly wait
Elfont, Harry.
到底是誰搞的鬼 = I still know what you did ...
Callaway, Trey.
八號房禁地 = Coma
Crichton, Michael.
by: Crichton, Michael.
小魔女 = Matilda
Davidtz, Embeth.
by: Davidtz, Embeth.
下一個就是你 = Urban legend
Blanks, Jamie.
失去的地平線 = Lost horizon
Capra, Frank.
候選人 = The candidate
Redford, Robert.
by: Redford, Robert.
情牽一生夢 = Double platinum
Allan, Robert
吸血鬼 = Dracula
Coppola, Francis Ford.
by: Coppola, Francis Ford.
神奇毛毯 = The adventures of elmo in gro...
Halvorson, Gary.
計程車司機 = TAXI driver
De Niro, Robert.
by: De Niro, Robert.
異次元駭客 = The thirteenth floor
Rusnak, ,Josef
危機四伏 = What lies beneath
Ford, Harrison.
巔峰極限 = Vertical limit
Campbell, Martin
by: Campbell, Martin
鵝毛筆 = Quills
Kaufman, Philip
by: Kaufman, Philip
教會 = The Mission
Joffe, Roland
by: Joffe, Roland
恐怖蠟像館 = House of wax
Cuthbert, Elisha
王者天下 = Kingdom of heaven
Bloom, Orlando
機戰未來 = Stealth
Biel, Jessica
by: Biel, Jessica
我的好朋友是隻豹 = Duma
Carroll, Ballard
防火牆 = Firewall
Bettany, Paul
by: Bettany, Paul
透明人 = Hollow man 2. 2
Facinelli, Peter
by: Facinelli, Peter
絕地奶霸 = Big Momma's house 2. 2
Lawrence, Martin
當真愛碰上八卦 = Rumor has it
Aniston, Jennifer
跳越時空的情書 = The lake house
Aghdashloo, Shohreh
命運好好玩 = Click
Austin, Sean.
by: Austin, Sean.
哈利波特 = Hayyt Potter and the sorcerer...
Coltrane, Robbie
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the order of...
Cuaron, Alfonso
冒牌總統 = Dave
Kline, Kevin.
by: Kline, Kevin.
不可能的拍檔 = Fathers' day
Crystal, Billy.
別闖陰陽界 = Flatliners
Bacon, Kevin.
決勝21點 = 21
Bosworth, Kate
by: Bosworth, Kate
馬利與我 = Marley & Me
Aniston, Jennifer
by: Aniston, Jennifer
王牌威龍 = Ace ventura pet detective
Carrey, Jim.
接觸未來 = Contact
Foster, Jodie.
by: Foster, Jodie.
奪寶大作戰 = Three kings
Clooney, George.
by: Clooney, George.
尼斯湖水怪 = The Water Horse: Legend of t...
Chaplin, Ben
星際毀滅者 = Mars attacks
Burton, Tim.
整形春秋 = Nip/Tuck. 第一季; season 1
Cruz, Valerie
狼人生死戀 = Wolf
Nichols, Mike.
by: Nichols, Mike.
警戒線上 = Linewatch
Bray, Kevin
正義悍將 = Street Kings
Ayer, David
終極刺客 = XIII
Clark, Duane
by: Clark, Duane
異形 = Alien resurrection : 浴火重生. 4
Jeunet, Jean-Pierre.
麥迪遜之橋 = The bridges of madison county
Eastwood, Clint.
V怪客 = V for vendetta
Hurt, John
好膽別走 = The big hit
Applegate, Christina.
by: Applegate, Christina.
英雄不改本色 = Still crazy
Connolly, Billy.
一路玩到掛 = The Bucket List
Freeman, Morgan
KISS情人 = The story of us
Pfeiffer, Michelle.
by: Pfeiffer, Michelle.
Crowe, Russel
孤星淚 = Les miserables
August, Bille.
by: August, Bille.
麥斯.潘恩 = Max Payne
Bridges, Beau
by: Bridges, Beau
終極警探總動員 = Striking distance
Herrington, Rowdy.
上錯驚魂路 = U-turn
Lopez, Jennifer.
by: Lopez, Jennifer.
紫光任務 = Ultraviolet
Bright, Cameron
by: Bright, Cameron
史前巨鱷 = Lake placid
Fonda, Bridget
by: Fonda, Bridget
來自邊緣的明信片 = Postcards from the edge
Nichols, Mike
善意的謊言 = Jakor the liar
Kassovitz, Peter.
by: Cuaron, Alfonso.
by: Alcala, Felix Enriquez
人骨拼圖 = The bone collector
Jolie, Angelina
翹家大作戰 = Christmas with the kranks
Allen, Tim
一觸即發 = Absolute power
Eastwood, Clint
七生有幸 = Seven Pounds
Dawson, Rosario
by: Dawson, Rosario
鼠來寶 = Alvin and The Chipmunks
Cross, David
殭屍舞孃 = Zombie Strippers
Englund, Robert
艾莉的異想世界 = Ally McBeal:season 3. 第三季
Flockhart, Calista.
X檔案 = The X files:the complete seven...
Anderson, Gillian.
X檔案 = The X files:the complete six s...
Anderson, Gillian.
影武者 = Kagemusha:the shadow warrior