Search result for [ subject:"小提琴曲"]
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  • .
    Glazunov, Alexander
    • 小提琴協奏曲
    • by: Glazunov, Alexander; Heifetz, Jascha; Prokofiev, Sergel; Sibelius, Jean; 普羅高菲夫 ((Glazunov, Alexander)); 海費茲 ((Heifetz, Jascha)); 葛拉祖諾夫 ((Prokofiev, Sergel)); 西貝流士 ((Sibelius, Jean))
    • Sound recordings, musical performance : monographic
    • Language: 英文
    • Publisher: 博德曼
    • Place of Publication: 臺北市
    • Year of Publication: 1995
    • Availability: 1 Copie(s) available | 1 Copie(s) available for loan
    • based on 0 review(s)
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