Film culture in transition


LGBTQ film festivalscurating queerness /
Damiens, Antoine.
The West in early cinemaafter the be...
Verhoeff, Nanna.
Film remakes as ritual and disguisef...
Zanger, Anat.
Film festivalsfrom European geopolit...
Valck, Marijke de.
Between stage and screen, Ingmar Ber...
Bergman, Ingmar, (1918-2007)
Audiovisionscinema and television as...
Zielinski, Siegfried.
Fassbinder's Germanyhistory, identit...
Elsaesser, Thomas, (1943-)
Hitchcock's motifs
Hitchcock, Alfred, (1899-1980)
by: Hitchcock, Alfred, (1899-1980)
European cinemaface to face with Hol...
Elsaesser, Thomas, (1943-)
by: Elsaesser, Thomas, (1943-)
The cinema of attractions reloaded
Strauven, Wanda.
Moving forward, looking backthe Euro...
Hagener, Malte, (1971-)
Playing the wavesLars Von Trier's ga...
Dogme 95 (Group)
Film architecture and the transnatio...
Bergfelder, Tim.