Urban and landscape perspectives ;


Landscape labdrawing, perception and...
Bianconi, Fabio.
Social movements and public policies...
Fregolent, Laura.
The quality of territorial policies ...
Calaresu, Marco.
Topics and methods for urban and lan...
Ingaramo, Roberta.
Human smart citiesrethinking the int...
Concilio, Grazia.
Nature policies and landscape polici...
Gambino, Roberto.
Labor in a globalizing cityeconomic ...
Buechler, Simone Judith.
Basic and clinical environmental app...
Murayama, Akito.
Transdisciplinary knowledge producti...
Doucet, Isabelle.
Spatial planning and urban developme...
Palermo, Pier Carlo.
Multimedia explorations in urban pol...
Attili, Giovanni.
Landscape modellinggeographical spac...
Andel, Jiri.
Making strategies in spatial plannin...
Cerreta, Maria.
Enhancing the citynew perspectives f...
Maciocco, Giovanni.
People and spacenew forms of interac...
Maciocco, Giovanni.
Where strangers become neighboursint...
Attili, Giovanni.
Fundamental Trends in City Development /
Maciocco, Giovanni.
Urban Landscape Perspectives /
Maciocco, Giovanni.
by: Maciocco, Giovanni.