Issues in higher education ;


Higher education, research, and know...
Meek, V. Lynn (1948-)
European higher education and the in...
Sin, Cristina.
Structural and institutional transfo...
Cardoso, Sonia.
European policy implementation and h...
Amaral, Alberto.
Cross-border higher education and qu...
Rosa, Maria Joao.
Quality assurance in higher educatio...
Amaral, Alberto,
Widening participation in higher edu...
Hinton-Smith, Tamsin.
Managing reform in universitiesthe d...
Sarrico, Claudia S.
Public vices, private virtues?assess...
Dill, David D.
The changing face of academic lifean...
Enders, Jèurgen.
Knowledge society vs. knowledge econ...
International Association of Universities.
Private higher education in post-com...
Levy, Daniel C.
Women, universities, and changegende...
International Association of Universities.
Creating interdisciplinarityinterdis...
Lattuca, Lisa R.
Innovation, profit and the common go...
Harpur, John, (1958-)
Understanding teaching excellence in...
Skelton, Alan.
The academic citizenthe virtue of se...
Macfarlane, Bruce, (1961-)
Grading student achievement in highe...
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