民謠 - 臺灣

Works: 19 works in 18 publications in 18 languages
客家民謠組曲 = Hakka folk song suite by: (Language materials, printed)
2006吾鄉吾土旅遊攝影歌謠之旅 by: (Projected and video material)
福佬民歌 = Fulao folksongs by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
客家山歌 = Hakka folksongs by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
平埔族民歌 = Pinpo folksongs by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
魯凱族民歌 = Rukai Folksongs by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
南鄒族民歌 = Hlaalua and Kanakanavu folksongs by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
布農族民歌 = Bunun folksongs by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
第二屆台灣之歌 = Songs of Taiwan 2005 by: (Sound recordings, musical performance)
吾鄉吾土旅遊攝影歌謠之旅 by: (Projected and video material)
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