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Works: 25 works in 25 publications in 1 languages
冥王星早餐 by: McCabe, Pat; 余國芳; 馬克白 ((McCabe, Pat)); 麥凱布 ((McCabe, Pat)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
告訴我他是誰 by: Cheever, John; 余國芳; 齊福 ((Cheever, John)); 齊維爾 ((Cheever, John)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
需要我的時候給個電話 by: Carver, Raymond; 余國芳; 卡佛 ((Carver, Raymond)); 卡威爾 ((Carver, Raymond)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
能不能請你安靜點? by: Carver, Raymond; 余國芳; 卡佛 ((Carver, Raymond)); 卡威爾 ((Carver, Raymond)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
麥卡的難題 by: Tyler, Anne; 余國芳; 泰勒 ((Tyler, Anne)); 漢珍數位圖書股份有限公司 (Electronic resources) , [譯]
Leap!多思特的不凡冒險 : 一段關於轉變、挑戰與夢想的旅程! by: Creaghan, Jonathan; 余國芳; 柯里翰 ((Creaghan, Jonathan)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
新手 by: Carver, Raymond; 余國芳; 卡佛 ((Carver, Raymond)); 卡威爾 ((Carver, Raymond)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
叫我自己親愛的 : 瑞蒙‧卡佛談寫作 by: Carver, Raymond; 余國芳; 卡佛 ((Carver, Raymond)); 卡威爾 ((Carver, Raymond)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
圖書館裏的貓 by: Myron, Vicki; Witter, Bret; 余國芳; 威特 ((Witter, Bret)); 威特泰 ((Witter, Bret)); 邁隆 ((Myron, Vicki)); 麥蓉 ((Myron, Vicki)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
屠夫男孩 = The butcher boy by: McCabe, Patrick; 余國芳; 馬克白 ((McCabe, Patrick)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
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