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Works: 11 works in 11 publications in 1 languages
高強度300-運動訓練設計 : 幫助您變得更精實、更強壯並促進運動表現 by: 林貴福; 特里克 ((Trink, Dan)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
運動體能檢測計畫報告書 by: 林正常; 林貴福; 蔡崇濱 (Language materials, printed) , [協同主持 ]
運動與健康老化生理學 by: Taylor, Albert W.; 林貴福; 泰勒 ((Taylor, Albert W.)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
超越重力 : 徒手肌力系統訓練&體操聖經 by: Low, Steven; 劉錦謀; 林貴福; 洛 ((Low, Steven)); 羅 ((Low, Steven)) (Language materials, printed) , [校閱]
特殊族群運動訓練 by: National Strength and Conditioning Association; 林貴福; 美國肌力與體能訓練協會 ((National Strength and Conditioning Association)); 雅卡布斯 ((Jacobs, Patrick L.)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
肌力與體能訓練 by: Haff, G. Gregory; National Strength and Conditioning Association; Triplett, N. Travis; 崔普烈 ((Triplett, N. Travis)); 林貴福; 美國肌力與體能訓練協會 ((National Strength and Conditioning Association)); 赫夫 ((Haff, G. Gregory)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
體適能評估與運動處方 by: Gibson, Ann L.; Heyward, Vivian H.; Wagner, Dale R.; 吉布生 ((Gibson, Ann L.)); 林貴福; 華格納 ((Wagner, Dale R.)); 赫華德 ((Heyward, Vivian H.)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
運動生理學 : 體適能與運動表現的理論與應用 by: Howley, Edward T.; Powers, Scott K.; 侯利 ((Howley, Edward T.)); 吳慧君; 徐台閣; 林貴福; 鮑爾斯 ((Powers, Scott K.)) (Language materials, printed) , [編譯]
阻力訓練 by: National Strength and Conditioning Association; 林貴福; 美國肌力與體能訓練協會 ((National Strength and Conditioning Association)) (Language materials, printed) , [譯]
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