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Wagner, Wolfgang.

Works: 2 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
Groundwater in the Arab Middle East by: SpringerLink (Online service); Wagner, Wolfgang. (Electronic resources)
Meaning in actionconstructions, narratives, and representations / by: Gergen, Kenneth J.; SpringerLink (Online service); Sugiman, Toshio.; Wagner, Wolfgang. (Electronic resources)
Secularism and religion in multi-faith societiesthe case of India / by: Howarth, Caroline.; Sen, Ragini.; SpringerLink (Online service); Wagner, Wolfgang. (Electronic resources)
International Steam Tables :Properties of Water and Steam Based on the Industrial Formulation IAPWS-IF97 / by: Kretzschmar, Hans-Joachim.; SpringerLink (Online service); Wagner, Wolfgang. (Electronic resources)
Stochastic Numerics for the Boltzmann Equation / by: Rjasanow, Sergej.; Wagner, Wolfgang. (Electronic resources)
Remote sensing time seriesrevealing land surface dynamics / by: Dech, Stefan.; Kuenzer, Claudia.; SpringerLink (Online service); Wagner, Wolfgang. (Electronic resources)
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