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Yamanouchi, Kaoru.

Works: 2 works in 15 publications in 1 languages
Progress in photon sciencebasics and applications / by: SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science.Volume XI by: Martin, Philippe.; Nam, Chang Hee.; SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science XIII by: Hill III, Wendell T.; Paulus, Gerhard G.; SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science.Volume V by: Giulietti, Antonio.; Ledingham, Kenneth.; SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science.Volume VI by: Bandrauk, Andre D.; Gerber, Gustav.; SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science Volume I / by: Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science XVII by: SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Quantum mechanics of molecular structures by: SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
Progress in ultrafast intense laser science.Volume XII by: SpringerLink (Online service); Yamanouchi, Kaoru. (Electronic resources)
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