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Falcon, Rafael.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
Granular Computing: At the Junction of Rough Sets and Fuzzy Sets / by: Bello, Rafael.; Falcon, Rafael.; Kacprzyk, Janusz.; Pedrycz, Witold.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Computational intelligence in wireless sensor networksrecent advances and future challenges / by: Abraham, Ajith.; Falcon, Rafael.; Koeppen, Mario.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Rough set theorya true landmark in data analysis / by: Abraham, Ajith.; Bello, Rafael.; Falcon, Rafael.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Uncertainty management with fuzzy and rough setsrecent advances and applications / by: (1998 :); Bello, Rafael.; Falcon, Rafael.; SpringerLink (Online service); Verdegay, Jose Luis. (Electronic resources)
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