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Ciarlet, P. G.

作品: 1 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言
Practical Extrapolation Methods :Theory and Applications. by: Ciarlet, P. G.; Ebooks Corporation.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Sidi, Avram.; Wright, M. H. (書目-電子資源)
Iterative Krylov Methods for Large Linear Systems. by: Ciarlet, P. G.; Ebooks Corporation.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Wright, M. H.; van der Vorst, Henk A. (書目-電子資源)
Topology for Computing. by: Ciarlet, P. G.; Ebooks Corporation.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Wright, M. H.; Zomorodian, Afra J. (書目-電子資源)
Radial Basis Functions :Theory and Implementations. by: Buhmann, Martin D.; Ciarlet, P. G.; Ebooks Corporation.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Wright, M. H. (書目-電子資源)
Generalized Riemann Problems in Computational Fluid Dynamics. by: Ben-Artzi, Matania.; Ciarlet, P. G.; Ebooks Corporation.; Falcovitz, Joseph.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Wright, M. H. (書目-電子資源)
The Theory of Composites. by: Ciarlet, P. G.; Ebooks Corporation.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Milton, Graeme W.; Wright, M. H. (書目-電子資源)
Schwarz-Christoffel Mapping. by: Ciarlet, P. G.; Driscoll, Tobin A.; Ebooks Corporation.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Trefethen, Lloyd N.; Wright, M. H. (書目-電子資源)
High-Order Methods for Incompressible Fluid Flow. by: Ciarlet, P. G.; Deville, M. O.; Ebooks Corporation.; Fischer, P. F.; Iserles, A.; Kohn, R. V.; Mund, E. H.; Wright, M. H. (書目-電子資源)