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作品: 1 作品在 31 項出版品 1 種語言
The political economy of peripheral growthChile in the global economy / by: Ahumada, Jose Miguel.; Chile; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Exile and nation-state formation in Argentina and Chile, 1810-1862 by: Argentina; Blumenthal, Edward.; Chile; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Malaise in representation in Latin American countriesChile, Argentina, and Uruguay / by: Argentina; Chile; Fuentes, Claudio.; Joignant, Alfredo.; Morales, Mauricio.; SpringerLink (Online service); Uruguay (書目-電子資源)
Past human rights violations and the question of indifferencethe case of chile / by: Chile; Pinochet Ugarte, Augusto.; Rojas, Hugo.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
State, market, and democracy in Chilethe constraint of popular participation / by: Chile; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Posner, Paul W. (書目-電子資源)
Political landscapes of the Late Intermediate Period in the Southern Andesthe pukaras and their hinterlands / by: Alvarez Larrain, Alina.; Andes; Argentina; Bolivia; Chile; Greco, Catriel.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Gender, institutions, and change in Bachelet's Chile by: Bachelet, Michelle, (1951-); Chile; SpringerLink (Online service); Waylen, Georgina. (書目-電子資源)
Economic reforms in Chilefrom dictatorship to democracy / by: Chile; Ffrench-Davis, Ricardo.; Palgrave Connect (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Human Rights and Democratization in Latin America :Uruguay and Chile by: Brito, Alexandra Barahona de; Chile; Oxford University Press.; Uruguay (書目-電子資源)
Foreign trade regulation Democracy Mapuche Indians Business. Political Economy. Area Studies. Fine Arts. Cultural Anthropology. History of Britain and Ireland. Women Nation-building Education and state Cabinet officers Executive Politics. Allende Gossens, Salvador, Political parties Market Structure and Economic Design. Chile Arts, Chilean Popular culture Neoliberalism Peru Constitutional history Legislative bodies Artisans Political persecution North, John Thomas, International Economics. Political Science and International Relations. Foreign Policy. Latin American Politics. Exceptionalism Cultural and Media Studies. Archaeology. Andes Electoral Politics. Economic Policy. Chinese China Responsibility International Political Economy. Student movements Military History. Bachelet, Michelle, War of the Pacific, 1879-1884. Collective memory Political violence Masculinity Art Comparative Politics. Regional/Spatial Science. Social History. Women's rights World History, Global and Transnational History. International Business. Social Structure, Social Inequality. Pinochet Ugarte, Augusto. Commercial law Democratization Spain HISTORY / Latin America / South America. Civil society Republicanism Santiago (Chile) Taxation Latin American Culture. Politics, Practical. Cultural Geography. Memory Studies. Assimilation (Sociology) Stereotypes (Social psychology) Cabinet system Public housing Architecture. Economic History. Peace and Conflict Studies. Business law Political culture English Bolivia HISTORY. Chile saltpeter industry BUSINESS & ECONOMICS South America Sexual minorities Political Science. European Politics. Performing Arts. Romania History. Political History. Governance and Government. Rich people Latin American/Caribbean Economics. Araucan�a (Chile) Political participation SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies. Citizenship Arce, Luz. Arce, Luz POLITICAL SCIENCE Emerging Markets/Globalization. Boundary disputes. Diplomacy. International Relations. Beagle Channel (Argentina and Chile) Development Studies. Social Sciences. Latin American History. Latin American and Caribbean Economics. Social Theory. Public Policy. Human Rights. Apartment houses Cultural Policy and Politics. Women presidents Mounds Separation of powers POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Freedom & Security / General. Argentina Sociedad de la Igualdad (Santiago, Chile) Chile. Economics/Management Science. Social Policy. Gender Studies. Democracy. Cultural Management. Political Sociology. Non-governmental organizations Urban History. Regional and Spatial Economics. Social Economy. Trade regulation Uruguay Latin America Great Britain Mexico Human rights Businessmen Music Political rights Development Economics. Exile (Punishment) Protest movements Transitional justice International Relations Theory. National characteristics, Chilean. History of Education.