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譚特 ((Tent, Kevin))

Works: 1 works in 6 publications in 4 languages
上海 = Shanghai by: Boyle, Peter; Hafstrom, Mikael; Medavoy, Mike; Tent, Kevin; 哈夫斯強 ((Hafstrom, Mikael)); 哈夫斯洛姆 ((Hafstrom, Mikael)); 梅達佛伊 ((Medavoy, Mike)); 譚特 ((Tent, Kevin)); 鮑艾爾 ((Boyle, Peter)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
內布拉斯加 = Nebraska by: Berger, Albert; Payne, Alexander; Tent, Kevin; Yerxa, Ron; 柏格 ((Berger, Albert)); 沛恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 葉薩 ((Yerxa, Ron)); 譚特 ((Tent, Kevin)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
繼承人生 = The descendants by: Burke, Jim; Payne, Alexander; Taylor, Tim; Tent, Kevin; 勃克 ((Burke, Jim)); 沛恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 泰勒 ((Taylor, Tim)); 潘恩 ((Payne, Alexander)); 譚特 ((Tent, Kevin)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
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