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Gibbs, Paul.

作品: 0 作品在 12 項出版品 1 種語言
Transdisciplinary theory, practice and educationthe art of collaborative research and collective learning / by: Fam, Dena.; Gibbs, Paul.; Neuhauser, Linda.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Higher education and hopeinstitutional, pedagogical and personal possibilities / by: Gibbs, Paul.; Peterson, Andrew.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
The contemporary scholar in higher educationforms, ethos and world view / by: De Rijke, Victoria.; Gibbs, Paul.; Peterson, Andrew.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
The pedagogy of compassion at the heart of higher education by: Gibbs, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Using data to improve higher educationresearch, policy and practice / by: Gibbs, Paul.; Menon, Maria Eliophotou.; SpringerLink (Online service); Terkla, Dawn Geronimo. (書目-電子資源)
Transdisciplinary professional learning and practice by: Gibbs, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Thinking about higher education by: Barnett, Ronald.; Gibbs, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Transdisciplinary higher educationa theoretical basis revealed in practice / by: Gibbs, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Contemporary thinking on transdisciplinary knowledgewhat those who know, know / by: Beavis, Alison.; Gibbs, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Values of the university in a time of uncertainty by: Elwick, Alex.; Gibbs, Paul.; Jameson, Jill.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)