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Thanki, Rohit M.

Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
Watermarking techniques for copyright protection of videos by: Dwivedi, Vedvyas.; Kothari, Ashish M.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
Multibiometric watermarking with compressive sensing theorytechniques and applications / by: Borisagar, Komal R.; Dwivedi, Vedvyas J.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
Hybrid video compression standard by: Bhojani, Dhaval R.; Dwivedi, Vedvyas J.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
Speech enhancement techniques for digital hearing aids by: Borisagar, Komal R.; Sedani, Bhavin S.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
WiMAX modelingtechniques and applications / by: Borisagar, Komal R.; Sedani, Bhavin S.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
Digital image processing using SCILAB by: Kothari, Ashish M.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
Advanced techniques for audio watermarking by: SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
Hybrid and advanced compression techniques for medical images by: Kothari, Ashish.; SpringerLink (Online service); Thanki, Rohit M. (Electronic resources)
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