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BRIC countries

Works: 1 works in 16 publications in 1 languages
Regional powers and contested leadership by: BRIC countries; Ebert, Hannes.; Flemes, Daniel.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
The development of BRIC and the large country advantage by: BRIC countries; Brazil; China; Developing countries; India; Ouyang, Yao.; Russia (Federation); SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Development paradigms for urban housing in BRICS countries by: BRIC countries; Day, Jennifer.; Rao, Jyoti.; SpringerLink (Online service); Tiwari, Piyush. (Electronic resources)
The BRICS orderassertive or complementing the West? / by: BRIC countries; BRICS.; Developing countries; Monyae, David.; Ndzendze, Bhaso.; SpringerLink (Online service); Western countries (Electronic resources)
Last mile internet access for emerging economies by: BRIC countries; Lambrechts, Wynand.; Sinha, Saurabh.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
The European Union and the BRICScomplex relations in the era of global governance / by: BRIC countries; European Union countries; European Union.; Rewizorski, Marek.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Growth and transformation of emerging powersresearch on BRICS economies / by: BRIC countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Tang, Lingxiao.; Yao, Ouyang.; Yi, Xianzhong. (Electronic resources)
BRICS and beyondexecutive lessons on emerging markets / by: BRIC countries; Jones, Stephanie, (1957-) (Electronic resources)
Emerging powers, emerging markets, emerging societiesglobal responses / by: BRIC countries; Christensen, Steen Fryba.; Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Xing, Li. (Electronic resources)
Rising powers and economic crisis in the Euro area by: BRIC countries; European Union countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Vermeiren, Mattias.; Ville, Ferdi De. (Electronic resources)
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Political Economy. Economy-wide Country Studies. Brazil Regionalism (International organization) Political Leadership. Development Policy. Econometrics. Microwaves, RF and Optical Engineering. Communications Engineering, Networks. International Security Studies. European Union. International Economics. European Union countries Economics. Economic Growth. Economic Policy. Russia (Federation) China Political Science and International Relations. International business enterprises Social responsibility of business Asian Economics. Foreign Policy. Political Economy/Economic Policy. International Political Economy. Business cycles Business and Management. Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics/Financial Economics. Syria Investments, Foreign Comparative Politics. International Organization. Urban Economics. Regional Development. Data Engineering. Conflict Studies. Western countries India European Union Politics. Diversity in the workplace Capital movements Globalization. Regionalism. Economic History. Statistics for Business/Economics/Mathematical Finance/Insurance. BRIC countries European Politics. Industrial management International Finance. Development Finance. Economic development. Social Sciences. International Relations. Economic Geography. Developing countries Housing development Economic development Finance. African Economics. Africa Development and Sustainability. Emerging Markets/Globalization. Internet access. Energy Policy, Economics and Management. Diplomacy. Development Studies. Economics, general. Social Policy. Capital Markets. Computer networks Irregular warfare. Libya South Sudan BRICS. Development Economics. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. International Relations Theory. Military and Defence Studies. Ukraine International Political Economy'.
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