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Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 3 languages
草地明珠 = Pearl of the grasslands : the Formosan ring-necked pheasant; 環頸雉 by: Chen, Halima; 吳泰維; 張亢昱; 本田善彥; 視群傳播事業公司; 陳 ((Chen, Halima)) (Projected and video material) , [剪輯]
大地明鏡 = Mirrors of the earth : 台灣的湖泊世界; Taiwan's lakes by: 吳泰維; 許鴻龍 (Projected and video material) , [導演]
揭開藻礁的神祕面紗 = Enigmate alage : lifting the veil on algal reefs by: Smith, Scudder; 劉靜榆; 史密斯 ((Smith,Scudder)); 吳泰維; 李自立; 行政院農業委員會; 視群傳播事業公司; 陳姿穎 (Projected and video material)
悠遊山林 = Enjoying Taiwan's alpine forests : safe mountaineering and the "leave no trace" movement; 登山安全與無痕山林 by: 司可達; 吳泰維; 簡毓群; 行政院農業委員會; 視群傳播事業公司; 陳曉月 (Projected and video material)
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