大陸觀光客消費行為之研究-以金門地區為例 = A Study of Co...


  • 大陸觀光客消費行為之研究-以金門地區為例 = A Study of Consumer Behavior in Kinmen-Take Mainland Chinese Tourists for Example
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A Study of Consumer Behavior in Kinmen-Take Mainland Chinese Tourists for Example
    作者: 李碧瑩,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2008[民97]
    面頁冊數: 100面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 大陸觀光客
    標題: Mainland Tourists
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/62836667603288826957
    附註: 指導教授:李博志
    附註: 參考書目:面[86-87]
    摘要註: 本文旨在探討前來金門旅遊之大陸觀光客消費行為,研究中針對其旅遊動機及決策、旅遊滿意度、人口統計變數、及重遊意願對於大陸觀光客的消費行為進行探討,並透過相關統計分析,將研究發現顯示如下:一、前來金門旅遊之大陸觀光客,多具有高學歷,且職業多為政府機構人員,其平均月收入(人民幣)介於3000-4999元者為最多,所付之旅遊團費金額多為介於1000-1499元。二、來金旅遊的動機主要以兩岸小三通交通便捷、滿足對金門的好奇心、及體驗金門當地民俗風情為主。三、來金旅遊之大陸觀光客多以公司或機關之團體遊程安排為主,並由接洽旅行社提供旅遊資訊及規劃相關遊程。四、大陸觀光客來金旅遊的滿意度裡,以對相關觀光從業人員的服務(如導遊及司機)有較高滿意度。五、大陸觀光客在消費時主要考量特產品是否符合金門當地特色、是否接受人民幣付款方式、是否為金門當地知名廠牌、及是否適合饋贈家鄉親友為主。六、「不同的旅遊方式」對於旅遊動機與決策變數中的「金門的整體旅遊設施」、「下蹋旅館的設備」、「遊覽車設備」、「餐廳設備」、「餐飲服務」、「金門海關入境服務」、及「當地居民對於遊客的親善度」等七項皆有顯著差異。七、在旅遊滿意度與重遊意願之差異分析中,認為最適旅遊天數為三天兩夜最滿意旅行社整體遊程安排。八、大陸觀光客的月收入與所付團費、及月收入與總消費金額,皆有顯著差異。九、在旅遊滿意度與消費行為之差異分析中,總消費金額對於旅遊團費收取的適當性、小三通客輪設備、遊覽車設備、及當地居民對於遊客的親善度等四項存有顯著差異。十、大陸觀光客中非常同意旅遊團費收取的適當性較不同意者,其願意消費的總金額也隨之較高。 The purpose of this study is probing the consumer behavior of mainland Chinese tourists in Kinmen. Through statistical analysis, important conclusions of this study are listed below.1.Most of mainland Chinese tourists are Government Employees and highly educated with an average income around RMB 3000-4999 per month. The average group fee per mainland tourist is around RMB 1000-1499.2.Their travel motivations are determined by the convenience of Mini-Three Links’ transportation, the curiosity about Kinmen, and the desires to experience local culture.3.Most of their itinerary is planed as a corporate employee packaged tour and arranged by their travel agency.4.In aspect of sightseeing satisfaction, mainland Chinese tourists are fairly satisfied with the service provided by tour guides and drivers of tour bus.5.Local specialties, acceptance of RMB payment, well-known brands of Kinemn, and concerns for giving presents to relatives and friends are the main factors for mainland Chinese tourists to consume products.6.Different travel styles have significant difference in Kinmen overall sightseeing facilities, hotels’ facilities, tour bus equipments, restaurants’ facilities, F&B (Food&Beverage)
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