創作動機、沉浸體驗對個人創意表現、創作滿意度、再創作意圖之影響 = In...


  • 創作動機、沉浸體驗對個人創意表現、創作滿意度、再創作意圖之影響 = Investigation the Influence of Creative Motivation and Flow Experience on Personal Creative Performance, Creation Satisfaction and Re-Creative Intention
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Investigation the Influence of Creative Motivation and Flow Experience on Personal Creative Performance, Creation Satisfaction and Re-Creative Intention
    Author: 林靜宜,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2008[民97]
    Description: 145面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 創作滿意度
    Subject: Creation Satisfaction
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/82593926628491351850
    Summary: 21世紀是創意經濟的時代,創意與創新成為企業及國家因應快速變動時代的關鍵因素。從1997年英國開始,許多國家逐漸重視創意文化運動的推行,時至今日,創意文化產業已成為全球最重要的產業之一。2002年台灣也開始將「創意台灣」規劃為未來施政的目標與願景。有鑑於創造力已然成為個人、企業,甚或國家的重要資源,本研究依據學者Ford於1996年提出的創意行動理論(theory of individual creative action),認為動機決定了個人從事創造表現或依循習慣的行動;其中,能力信念(capability beliefs)與情感乃是重要的動機因素。因此,本研究著眼於探討創作動機(包含不同層次之自我效能、正負向心情)、個人創作時的沉浸體驗,對個人創造力表現、創作滿意度與再創作意圖之影響。本研究以台灣創作者為研究對象,包括自願性創作者(創意市集工作者)與半自願性創作者(系統開發者),透過田野調查法蒐集資料,總共發出486份問卷,有效樣本數為396筆(81.5%)。研究結果發現,在自願性創作者(創意市集工作者之有效樣本數241筆)中,不同層次的自我效能間具有正向關係。創意自我效能、正向心情、沉浸體驗會正向影響個人的創意表現。正向心情、創意表現會正向影響個人的創作滿意度、再創作意圖。沉浸體驗會正向影響個人的正負向心情。另外,在半自願性創作者(系統開發人員之有效樣本數155筆)中,除了恢復力自我效能對任務自我效能之關係不顯著之外,不同層次的自我效能間具有正向關係。創意自我效能、正向心情會正向影響個人的創意表現。創意表現、創意自我效能、正向心情會正向影響個人的創作滿意度。創意自我效能、正向心情會正向影響個人的再創作意圖。沉浸體驗會正向影響個人的正負向心情。綜合來說,個人的創意自我效能、正向心情和沉浸體驗愈高,愈能有創意表現,創作滿意度、再創作意圖也愈強,故應培養、提昇個人的創意自我效能、正向心情和沉浸體驗,以促進個人的創造力、創作滿意度和再創作意圖。 The 21st century is called the era of creative economy, the concept of creativity and innovation are the key factors responding to the rapidly changing enterprises and countries. Since 1997, the Great Britain and many other countries began pursuing the movement of creative cultural, consequently, the creative culture industry nowadays have become one of the most important industries in the world. Recently in Taiwan 2002, the theme of "Creative Taiwan" is treated as the new vision in planning the future government.While the creativity is the important resource to individuals, enterprises, and countries, according to the theory of individual creative action that is proposed by Ford (1996), motivation will determinate whether the individuals behave creatively or habitually; therein, the capability beliefs and emotion are the important components of motivation. Therefore, this study explores individuals’ creative motivation (including different levels of self-efficacy, positive and negative mood) and flow experience, and their impact on ones’ creative performance, creation satisfaction, and re-creative intention.A survey was conduct to a total of 486 subjects, which is comprised of two different populations: one is the voluntary creators (creators of from fashion market) and the semi-voluntary creators (systems developers), resulting in 396 valid samples, for an overall response rate of 81.5%. The results show that in the group of volunteer subjects (valid subjects N=241),
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