私立學齡前教育業經營關鍵成功因素之實證研究 = An Empirical...


  • 私立學齡前教育業經營關鍵成功因素之實證研究 = An Empirical Study of Critical Successful Factors for the Private Pre-School Education Industry
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: An Empirical Study of Critical Successful Factors for the Private Pre-School Education Industry
    Author: 王祥宏,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2009[民98]
    Description: 154面圖、表 : 30公分;
    Subject: Customer relationship management
    Subject: 學齡前教育業
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/20338968896766242998
    Notes: 參考書目:面
    Notes: 指導教授:黃英忠、杜佩蘭
    Summary: 摘要 社會變遷的過程,必須透過教育才能讓孩子有機會產生社會的潛能;也只有教育才能使人將來擁有適應環境的能力,開拓前途的能力。 學齡前教育業為教育組織的一環,縱使異同於一般營利企業,但是如果適時運用企業經營的理念和策略,勢必有助於幼托園所之經營管理,進而提升其競爭優勢與教學品質,達到永續經營的目標。私立幼托園所的經費是來自學生的學費,經營者絕對要以「企業經營」的務實方式經營;才能在競爭激烈的幼教環境中維持教育品質,亦能保有優勢,獲致成功。有鑒於目前幼教產業由企業角度談經營策略的研究不多,本研究將由企業管理理論的方向探討私立學齡前教育業創造良好績效之關鍵成功因素。 本研究旨在藉由實地對私立幼托園所業者的深度訪談,並歸納整理後瞭解成功且具教育品質之三家個案私立幼托園所為研究對象。此三家個案園所曾經在九十六、九十七學年度評鑑獲得三項優等。 經過文獻與訪談整理後,本研究發現:一.家長認同與個案園所實際經營重點大致相符,但研究者本身經營學齡前教育事業多年的實務經驗;針對家長挑選就讀園所其最主要的因素之前二十項,即以離家近、離上班地點近、收費合理及班級數少等四項,個案幼托園所相關人員未特別強調是經營成功因素,或實際執行上實務的難易。二.私立幼托園所若能把握人力資源管理、顧客關係管理、服務品質及行銷策略等少數幾個領域的關鍵成功因素即能創造良好的績效。三.私立幼托園所應善加利用本身原有資源之優勢。四.所長個人因素會影響幼托園所關鍵成功因素的類型。五.有些關鍵成功因素較值得非連鎖的單店經營之私立幼托園所投入資源去營造,其結果所呈現的績效較明顯,亦更佳。最後本研究所提出對幼教產業者經營及未來研究之建議。 ABSTRACTThe social vicissitude process, must penetrate the education to be able to let the child have the opportunity to have society's potential; Also only then will educate can enable the human to have the future to adapt the environment ability, development future ability. Pre-school education sector one organization, even if the similarities and differences between profit-making enterprises in general, but if a timely application of business concepts and strategies, it is bound to contribute to Private Pre-schools Park by the management to enhance their competitive advantage and quality of education to the goal of sustainable development. Private Pre-schools Park is financed by student’s tuition fees. Operators should be absolute, "enterprise" in a pragmatic way of business; to early childhood education in the competitive environment to maintain the quality of education can be maintain advantages of being a success. In view of the current early childhood education industry from the perspective of enterprise operation and management of research on small, this study will be the direction of corporate governance theory to explore the private pre-school education sector to create a good performance of critical successful factorsThe purpose of this study by the field of private preschools park industry depth interviews and collated into enhancing the quality of education to understand the success of the three cases for private preschools Park study. Park by the three cases in 96, 97 School academic was three excellent ratings. After finishing the literature and interviews, this study found that: I. Parents case by Park, broadly in line with actual operating focus; However, the researchers pre-school education industry in their own business for many years practical experience; Park school for parents to select their most important factor by 20 items before, that is close to home from work near the location, affordable and a few classes, such as four items preschools did not park by the relevant personnel with particular emphasis on the business successful factors, or the actual implementation of the practical difficulty. II. The private preschool Park can be grasp human’s resources management, customer relationship management, service quality and marketing strategy and a small number of severally areas of critical successful factors that can create a good performance. III. Private preschools Park should make good use of existing resources of their own advantage. IV. Director of personal factors that may affect the private preschools park by the type of critical successful factors. V. Some of the key successful factors than the worth of a single non-chain store operator of private preschools Park to create a resource input, the results show the performance of the more obvious, but also better. Finally, the study of the new management of a private the pre-school education industries are operating on early childhood education and future research proposals.
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