探討房仲業人員之知識分享、個人創造力對組織創新之影響 = The eff...


  • 探討房仲業人員之知識分享、個人創造力對組織創新之影響 = The effect of Knowledge Sharing and Personal Creativity on Organizational Innovation at Real-Estate Agent
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The effect of Knowledge Sharing and Personal Creativity on Organizational Innovation at Real-Estate Agent
    作者: 魏麗妮,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2009[民98]
    面頁冊數: 108面圖、表 : 30公分;
    標題: 人格特質
    標題: Knowledge Sharing
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/31843911014035709921
    附註: 指導教授:李亭林
    附註: 參考書目:面
    摘要註: 知識經濟時代最重要的兩件事就是知識管理與創新。因此企業必須透過有效的知識管理以提升組織知識的價值,並專注發展個人創造力的能力,以提升組織創新。本研究之目的是探討組織文化、人格特質及工作動機對於知識分享與個人創造力之影響,並更進一步深入了解知識分享及個人創造力二者與組織創新的互動關係,以及何者對於組織創新的影響更為顯著。本研究以高雄地區房屋仲介公司之業務人員為研究對象。總計發放498份,問卷回收之有效問卷為387份,問卷之有效回收率為77.7%。接著再以SPSS15.0與Smart PLS 2.0統計分析軟體,針對搜集的資料進行結構方程模式分析。本研究之結果發現:1.不同個人背景變項(性別與職務別)在人格特質、工作動機、知識分享及創造力行為上,皆有部份的顯著差異。2.在知識分享方面,房仲業之「創新型」與「支持型」文化對知識分享不具有正向影響;業務人員之人格特質中以「親和性」、「外向性」及「開放性」對知識分享有正向影響;在業務人員之工作動機中以「內在動機」與「外在動機」對知識分享有正向影響。其中知識分享受「親和性」人格特質影響的效果最大,足以顯示企業善用「親和性」的員工對知識分享的重要性。3.在個人創造力方面,房仲業之「支持型」文化對個人創造力有正向影響;業務人員之人格特質中以「親和性」、「外向性」及「開放性」對個人創造力有正向影響;在業務人員之工作動機中以「內在動機」與「外在動機」對個人創造力有正向影響。其中個人創造力受「支持型」文化影響的效果最大,足以顯示企業塑造「支持型」文化對個人創造力的重要性。4.「知識分享」與「個人創造力」對組織創新具有正向的影響,其中以「個人創造力」的激發是組織創新的關鍵成功因素。5.「知識分享」與「個人創造力」在組織文化、人格特質、工作動機對組織創新之間具有部份中介效果。 Knowledge management and innovation are the most two important issues in knowledge age. So enterprises must raise the organizational knowledge by effective knowledge management and concentrate on the development of personal creatively to raise the organizational innovation.The purpose of this research is to discuss the influence of the organizational culture, personality trait and work motivation on knowledge sharing and personal creativity. This research explored deeply to understand the correlations among knowledge sharing, personal creativity and organizational innovation. It also wanted to understand which one is the most important factor to organizational innovation.The subjects are those who work as estate agent in Kaohsiung. There are 498 questionnaires were sent out and 387 valid questionnaires (77.7%) have been received.In this study, structural equation modeling (SEM) was adopted to analyze the collected data. SPSS 15.0 and Smart PLS 2.0 were used for statistical analysis. The results of this research are as follows: 1.Demographic statistics variables (say gender and post) are varied by personality traits, work motivation, knowledge sharing and personal creativity.2.Regarding the knowledge sharing, the “innovative” and “supportive” culture of organizational had not positive effect on knowledge sharing. Some of the personality traits had positive effect on knowledge sharing, such as agreeableness, openness and extraversion. The “intrinsic” and “extrinsic” motivation had positive effect on knowledge sharing. Most notably is the impact of agreeableness personality trait on knowledge sharing, it also demonstrats that the recruitment of staff with agreeableness personality is very curcial for organization.3.For the construct of personal creativity, the supportive culture had positive effect on personal creativity. Part of the personality traits had positive effect on personal creativity, such as agreeableness, openness and extraversion. The “intrinsic” and “extrinsic” motivation had positive effect on personal creativity. Most notably is the impact of supportive culture on personal creativity, demonstrating the establishment of supportive culture for the improvement of personal creativity.4.The knowledge sharing and personal creativity had positive effect on organizational innovation. Most notably is the impact of personal creativity on organizational innovation, it demonstrates the stimulation of personal creativity is the critical success factors for organizational innovation.5.The knowledge sharing and personal creativity has partial intermediary effect between organizational culture, personality traits, work motivation and organizational Innovation.
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