健康狀況、健康促進、社會支持與生活滿意度之研究-以金門縣老年人為例 = ...


  • 健康狀況、健康促進、社會支持與生活滿意度之研究-以金門縣老年人為例 = An Empirical Study on Health Status, Health Promotion, Social Support, and Life Satisfaction: Example of Senior Citizens in Kinmen County
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: An Empirical Study on Health Status, Health Promotion, Social Support, and Life Satisfaction: Example of Senior Citizens in Kinmen County
    作者: 陳勻秋,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 民100
    面頁冊數: 147葉圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 健康狀況
    標題: Health Status
    附註: 參考書目:葉114-130
    摘要註: 本研究從社會支持的觀點來探討老年人健康狀況與健康促進對老年人生活滿意度的影響。根據我國老人福利法規利65歲以上稱之為老年人,在現今人口結構漸趨向高齡化的社會,依據內政部統計顯示:金門縣的老年人口數為11,557人,占總人口數的12.70%。伴隨著年齡的增加,身體功能的退化,進而影響自我照顧能力,以減緩退化速度,則需透過健康促進生活型態,養成良好生活型態,才能擁有健康的身心。本研究採便利抽樣,以設藉及居住地在金門其意識清楚,無精神障礙,可以回答或填寫問卷的65歲以上老年人為調查對象,問卷採不記名方式填寫,另巴氏量表及IADL量表則以口述方式詢問,並觀察個案實際功能狀況。共發放320份問卷,有效問卷291份,有效回收率為96.6﹪。以探索性因素分析、信度分析、相關分析、差異分析及迴歸分析等以達成(1)瞭解金門縣老年人健康狀況對健康促進之影響;(2)瞭解金門縣老年人健康狀況對生活滿意度之影響;(3)探討金門縣老年人健康促進對生活滿意度之影響;(4)檢測社會支持在健康促進與生活滿意度的調節效果。結果顯示:一、 健康狀況對健康促進具顯著正向影響;二、 健康狀況對生活滿意度具顯著正向影響;三、 健康促進對生活滿意度存在中介效果;四、 社會支持在健康促進與生活滿意度間存在調節效果。高齡化的社會對個人、家庭、社會都造成很大的衝擊,本研究結果發現老年人對自我健康的管理仍需加強,且主觀的自覺健康相較客觀的健康狀況重要,且老年人人際互動對生活的態度,較易影響老年人生活滿意度。目前政府對於老年人福利的提供,大多著重於經濟及醫療工具性支持系統,但老年人情感性支持系統對其生活滿意度的影響是值得省思的, The present study aims to explore how the health status of elderly and health promotion might influence the life satisfaction among elders from the perspective of social support. According to the social welfare regulations in Taiwan, citizens who age above 65 are termed as elderly people. In this aging society, the elderly population of Kinmen County is 11,557, about 12.70% of the total population of Kinmen County, as reported in the Department of Statistics, Ministry of the Interior. The increase of age and the degradation of body function can even further influence the elders’ self-care ability. Therefore keeping a health promotion lifestyle can help slow the body degradation speed; meanwhile, cultivating good life habits can facilitate elderly to maintain sound mind and body. This study used convenience sampling to investigate Kinmen County elderly residents (aging above 65), who are conscious, free of mental disorder, able to answer or write questionnaires. All the questionnaires were anonymous. Barthel Index and IADL Scale were conducted by both oral interviews and observations of participants’ reactions and situations. A total number of 320 questionnaires were collected and 291 were usable. The response rate is 96.6%. The data was analyzed by using Exploratory Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Correlation Analysis, Analysis of Variances, and Regression Analysis to understand the influence of Kinmen County senior citizens’ heath status on the health promotion and life satisfaction, to explore the influence of health promotion on life satisfaction, and to examine the moderating effect of social support on health promotion and life satifaction. Results of this study showed as follows,1. Health status of the elderly has significantly positive effect on their health promotion.2. Health status of the elderly has significantly positive effect on their life satisfaction.3. Health promotion of the elderly has mediating effect on their life satisfaction.4. Social support has moderating effect on both of their health support and life satisfaction. The aging society has great impact upon individuals, families, and the whole society. The findings suggest that the elderly shall still strengthen their self management of health. In addition, subjective awareness of health is more important than objective health status. Furthermore, the elders’ life attitude about interpersonal interactions is easier to influence their life satisfaction. At present the government tends to provide the elderly with social welfare through economic and medical support systems. However, it is even worth thinking about how affective support systems might influence the elders’ life satisfaction.
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