魯凱族好茶部落住居空間變遷與災後使用模式研究 = The Researc...


  • 魯凱族好茶部落住居空間變遷與災後使用模式研究 = The Research on Living Space Model of Rinaria(Rukai) after Natural Disaster
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: The Research on Living Space Model of Rinaria(Rukai) after Natural Disaster
    作者: 洪偵玲,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 135面部份彩圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 魯凱族
    標題: Rukai
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/64967529216296786052
    附註: 參考書目:面133-135
    附註: 103年12月16日公開
    摘要註: 2009 年莫拉克風災,新好茶部落遭到土石流掩埋。2010年禮納里部落落成。2011年總統稱讚永久屋「彷彿來到了普羅旺斯」。2012年訪問部落人士:『現在的問題很多喔,房子都還不是我們的。』房屋只有居住權、沒有耕地、沒有公墓、公設不完善,從2010年落成至今,種種問題讓禮納里永久屋的居民覺得這個『家』還不完整。近年來台灣風災頻傳,中低海拔山區的原住民部落飽受洪水及土石流威脅,2009年莫拉克風災重創南台灣山區,許多居住在山區的原住民部落被迫放棄原本的居住地,集體遷村至政府規畫的永久屋基地,部落的遷徙可以說是不足為奇。根據原住民近代史記載,有計劃的大規模遷移主要可分為三波:第一波是日本人的理番政策。第二波是民國五、六十年代政府發布的「山地政策」。第三波就是近年來的風災導致的集體遷村。例如新好茶部落因為莫拉克風災,聚落全部被土石掩蓋,全村被安置在瑪家鄉禮納里永久屋。環近的變遷迫使他們的居住地一直改變,自政府的山地政策一直到災後安置的情況,村民們被迫接受違背傳統的改變。耆老的訪談中,他們對於住屋的形態、空間及機能...等都有諸多意見,反映出原住民對於傳統的重視與堅持,但在社會環境的限制下,也只有選擇默默面對。本研究將以好茶部落禮納里居民為例,本文先以文獻回顧及實地調查的方式整理過往好茶部落的傳統聚落環境、自然生態及居住型態之變遷;再以田調訪談的方式,針對禮納里現況的居民做永久屋的空間、使用、機能等感想做分析,然後再兩相比較,分析出好茶人的住屋空間概念模型,最後再歸納出適宜好茶部落居民的家屋空間模式。空間模式的結論有兩點,第一點是「建築空間的可延續性」,第二點是「住民參與式造屋」,本研究依據這兩點兩篇相關案例,第一篇是南亞海嘯後住居地重建,第二篇是921大地震後日月潭伊達邵族部落重建工作。最後在根據以上兩點的分析結果作「可延續的建築空間模式規劃」以及「參與式造屋計畫」。 After Typhoon Morakot, the Government proposed the ‘Permanent Re-housing Plan after Typhoon Morakot’ and the related reconstruction and resettlement policies for the resettlement of the affected residents. In the construction process, theconstruction land was provided by the Government and the construction of permanent housing was contributed by civic groups. However, after the resettlement of the residents in the permanent housing, they have to face many problems about the reconstruction of life. Since its completion in 2010, permanent housing residents of Rinaria with that feeling of always feeling like their home is still 'incomplete'. Such as the residents of permanent only have the right of residence, non-arable land, no public cemeteries and imperfect public monitoring. Therefore, the present study attempts to understand whether or not it needed to make more arrangements when the permanent housing was completed? Or factors (if any) that should have been taken into consideration?Post-disaster reconstruction planning has been a key issue in Taiwan. Planners should not just re-housing victims but also think of the possibility of involving victims into planning process. This thesis takes a qualitative research and uses the planning of Rinaria permanent housing community as a case. By interviewing the planners and collecting documentary materials, this study analyzes the policy of permanent housing, the planning process of Rinaria community and the participation in the planning process. In addition, by tracing the development of planning value from different planning theory, this study also analyzes the relationship among information and participation in the planning process. It is intended that this research will serve as reference for the government in its post-disaster rebuilding performance evaluation so as to promote local governments’ professional capacities and put into place an effective model for benchmarking learning, allowing the injection of new ideas with better adequacy in rebuilding disaster-stricken areas. Lastly, according to the above survey, it shows that most residents consider that there are not enough rooms in the permanent housing, that public facilities are constructed too slowly and that the hardware of the permanent housing is poorly designed. In the cooperation of the construction of the resettlement area between the Government and civil organizations, both of them need to not only keep an effective communication with the residents but also jointly coordinate the problems related to the residents’ rehousing; as to the aspect of house design, they shall also respect the real needs of the ethnic culture and life of the rehoused residents to give a more flexible space design in order to facilitate the residents’ daily life; in addition to the house design, the construction of public facilities, the landscape planting, the life counseling after reconstruction are parts of the consistent operation. Therefore, it needs to prepare a detailed plan before the construction in order to develop the residents’ sense of identity and unity towards the new community and their affection towards the permanent housing and help them become willing to start their new life in the new hometown.
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