都市舊聚落高齡者參與在地終身學習困境之研究 = A study on t...


  • 都市舊聚落高齡者參與在地終身學習困境之研究 = A study on the dilemma of lifelong learning for the elderly in old settlements – Taking Yuchang old settlement as a sample : 以右昌舊聚落為例
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: A study on the dilemma of lifelong learning for the elderly in old settlements – Taking Yuchang old settlement as a sample
    副題名: 以右昌舊聚落為例
    作者: 林瓊汝,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2013[民102]
    面頁冊數: 83面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    標題: 都市擴張
    標題: urban sprawl
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/98505937614740261098
    附註: 參考書目:面72-75
    附註: 102年10月31日公開
    摘要註: 本研究旨在探討位在傳統聚落中的高齡者參與社區學習時所面臨的困境。右昌舊聚落因都市擴張,使得傳統聚落特有存在的網絡關係瓦解,其中高齡者在適應生活轉變上的學習,參與社區學習的現況、意願、障礙、特性以及社會環境變遷、社區領導人的態度,對高齡者在參與學習上具有其影響力。 全球正面臨著社會高齡化的問題,對於這一群日漸龐大的人口的生活品質、環境設計,各國政府均迫切思考要提出相關法令與因應對策,來維持社會的活力。這其中以居住在傳統舊聚落的高齡者更因為與現實社會的互動不頻繁,對社會變遷的適應力相對於都會區的高齡者來的低,再者由於識字率、經濟能力較低,對政府推動的學習資訊不足、參與力不高,加上傳統的家庭觀念思想,多為家中子女操勞,對自身生活品質未予注重,而使得老年生涯暗淡無光,封閉在自己的象牙塔裡。科技快速與密集的創新,醫療品質及環境延長了人類生存年限,在這增加的年數中,要如何順應社會型態的轉變,讓生命不只是單單的生存,而能以較好的品質生活是高齡者必需學習的課題。高齡者透過教育或學習途徑可提高對自己生存價值的肯定、發揮生命潛能、增加生活必需的知能,使其能生存及適應良好、提供再工作的新知能、培養志願服務的知能、體驗生命意義。本研究針對右昌舊聚落內高齡者於自身內在及外在環境條件影響下,對參與學習的障礙;社區學習資源,是否能適當、有效、可及、多元的提供給高齡者;社區領導者的態度;目前教育政策所造成對高齡者的影響及如何推展及吸引高齡者參與社區學習。本研究整合各種影響因素,並以適合舊聚落高齡者學習的實際案例探討,以作為發展舊聚落高齡者參與社區學習時的參考。 The main purpose of my research is to investigate the difficulties that elderly are facing when learning life-long skills in their community. Urban sprawl caused the collapse of the traditional community support and relationships in Yuchang old settlement. Through my study I try to investigate how learning helps elderly to adapt to a new way of life. I am also concentrating on the elderly’s present learning situation in the community, their willingness, obstacles and their unique characteristics. The economic environment of their society and the attitude of the community leaders are also investigated. The world is facing the problem of an aging society. The quality of life and environment design of this large group of elderly people are a concern for the governors all over the world. These governors are trying to keep and create activities in their society. But the elderly who live in old settlements lack the chance to interact and assimilate in a modern society. A low literacy rate and a low economic situation keep the elderly away from the government’s programs to promote the learning of life-long skills. The traditional Taiwanese family way of thinking make the elderly work hard for their children but not for themselves. All these facts trapped the elderly in their own ivory tower and they live a depressing life.Rapid technology and medical innovation prolonged human’s life. It is important for the elderly to adapt to the changing society in their prolonged years. It is not only important for the elderly to exist but they should live a high quality of life through learning new skills. Through learning new skills the elderly can appreciate their value of themselves, improve their life potential, increase their knowledge of living, have a willingness to work again, do volunteer work with their new knowledge and enjoy a fulfilling life. My study focused on the obstacles the elderly are experiencing in themselves and the outside environment. It also concentrated on the proper learning resources for the elderly – resources that are efficient and diversified. Finally my study looked at the leaders’ attitude to help the elderly, and the present education system in Taiwan. All these factors had an influence on the elderly to learn new and meaningful skills to live a happy life. Concluding, all these facts can be used as a reference for people in Taiwan to start a community learning program for elderly in old settlements.
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