透過IPA模式探討長期照護之服務品質-以P長期照護集團為例 = Usin...


  • 透過IPA模式探討長期照護之服務品質-以P長期照護集團為例 = Using Importance-Performance Analysis in Evaluating Service Quality of Long-Term Care - The Case Study of P Long-Term Care Group
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: Using Importance-Performance Analysis in Evaluating Service Quality of Long-Term Care - The Case Study of P Long-Term Care Group
    Author: 蘇美珍,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: [高雄市]
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2014[民103]
    Description: 75面圖,表 : 30公分;
    Subject: 長期照顧機構
    Subject: Long-term care center
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/97217608501064664138
    Notes: 參考書目:面58-64
    Notes: 103年12月16日公開
    Summary: 台灣人口面臨快速老化的問題,人口老化問題伴隨疾病型態慢性化、健康問題障礙化、照護內容複雜化、照護時間長等問題而日益嚴重,對於長期照護的需求也越趨增加。然而,隨著台灣長期照護(安養)機構日益增加,造成競爭相當激烈。因此,為了降低原本住民的流動率,甚至是吸引新的老人入住長期照護(安養)機構,服務品質就成為相當重要的關鍵,也成為產業升級的重要原動力。本研究以IPA分析方法,探討P長期照護集團住民及家屬對於服務品質認知的重要性與滿意度進行研究,藉由IPA分析結果,提供業者在經營品質努力的方向,使業者在競爭激烈之環境能夠滿顧客的需求。研究結果發現,P長期照護集團之住民及家屬認為優先改善的項目有主要集中於保證性及關懷性。而隨著人口變項的不同,也有產生不同的優先改善項目,在性別方面,男性較注重實質層面的幫助及合理性,女性則較注重在心理層面的滿足;在婚姻狀態方面,已婚族群對於長期照護機構的要求也較為廣泛,從訊息得知、收費、與家屬的聯絡均認為有需要改善的空間;在長期照護的時間方面,對於1年以下的住民或是親屬而言,P長期照護集團有較多的需要改進的地方,但隨著時間增加,在優先改善的地方就會減少;最後,在得知機構方式方面,由介紹與推薦而來的住民或是親屬,提出優先改善的地方較由廣告與其他方式而來的住民還少。根據研究結果,本研究亦提出各種實務與學術上的意涵,以供長期照護產業其他公司參考。 We are facing a rapidly aging population in Taiwan and it follows several challenges such as an increase of chronic diseases, the complexity and demand of geriatrics care will be higher. However, the continuously growing of long-term care centers has led to fierce competition in Taiwan. In order to keep existing residents and attract new customers, the “Service Quality” becomes a significant factor for every long-term care center to enhance its competitiveness. The study applied Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to discuss the perceived importance and satisfaction of the residents and their families toward the Service Quality of P long-term care center and tried to provide solutions for the long-term care industry in future service quality management. According to the results, the “assurance” and “empathy” of P long-term care center have to be improved as high priority. Besides, male respondents focus especially on practical assistance and rationality while female focus more on psychological satisfaction. Compared with the unmarried respondents, the married respondents suggest more improvements. Information acquisition, service fee, and contact with their family have to be improved first. For the respondents whom or their families have lived in P long-term care center, the longer they live the less they think center should be improved. Moreover, respondents who live in P long-term care center because of the word-of-mouth have less complaint than others who come to the center because of the advertisement. The above results could be references for future academic and practical purpose.
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