透過IPA模式探討N人壽保險公司之顧客服務品質─以B通訊處為例 = Ap...


  • 透過IPA模式探討N人壽保險公司之顧客服務品質─以B通訊處為例 = Applying Importance-Performance Analysis to Diagnose Service Quality of N Life Insurance Company – The Case of B Corporation
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : 單行本
    並列題名: Applying Importance-Performance Analysis to Diagnose Service Quality of N Life Insurance Company – The Case of B Corporation
    作者: 楊俊雄,
    其他團體作者: 國立高雄大學
    出版地: [高雄市]
    出版者: 撰者;
    出版年: 2014[民103]
    面頁冊數: 68面圖,表 : 30公分;
    標題: 人壽保險
    標題: Life insurance
    電子資源: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/01935763609867245500
    附註: 參考書目:面53-55
    附註: 103年12月16日公開
    摘要註: 近年來,金融環境丕變,台灣壽險市場競爭激烈,自2008年金融風暴後,歷史悠久的大型企業不倒的神話已經幻滅,消費者不再單純迷信品牌,轉而著重保險公司是否具有良好企業形象、保單售後服務、業務員專業素質及良好的服務品質等。截至民國103年3月止,台灣地區人壽保險公司共計二十八家,其中本國公司二十四家,四家外商在台分公司。平均每人擁有約2.22張壽險保單,保額為國民所得的3.383倍,每人平均支出保費為99,855元,保費收入達GDP之16.99%。各種數據顯現,台灣的人壽保險市場是逐年成長,但有趨緩的現象;如何在競爭的市場,突顯公司與競爭對手之差異性,延續公司企業品牌形象,誠信第一、服務至上的精神,是值得探索的方向。 保險商品是無形的,強調的是顧客服務品質,因此本研究以重要性-績效分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA) 探討N保險公司之顧客服務品質,並以B營業處為例,對於提供給企業顧客之服務品質優劣情形,透過問卷調查方式進行資料收集。本研究共計回收130份有效問卷,據此進行統計分析,將顧客服務品質項目分成四個象限,藉此了解N公司,在服務品質的各種重要與表現程度的情形。分析結果發現,N公司在可靠性方面的表現較差,乃是顧客認為亟需改進的部分,而不同族群對服務品質的看法亦有顯著的差異。本研究希望透過此分析結果,能夠給予N公司在經營策略上的改善建議,藉以提升顧客滿意度,並創造經營績效。 For recent years, the financial environment has a drastic change. The competition of Taiwan insurance market has been fierce. Since the financial tsunami happened in 2008, the believing of giant companies will never fall that has been disillusioned. Consumers have no longer obsessed to big branding companies. Instead, they turn to consider whether the insurance companies have a good corporate image, whether they have good quality of after-sale services, whether their insurance agents have a good expertise of insurance, and whether they have good quality of customer services, etc. Up to March 2014, there are 28 insurance companies in Taiwan. Among them, there are twenty four local-owned insurers and four foreign-owned insurers. Each individual of Taiwan people owns 2.22 life policies on average and the in-forced face amount gets up to 3.383 times of national income. The average of the annual paid premium is around NTD$99,855. The total collected premiums get up to 16.99% of GDP. The variety of the statistics shows that the life insurance market in Taiwan has grown gradually, but its growth has been slowing down. It is a worthy to study how to stand out the difference between your competitors and you in such a fiercely competitive market, how to continually sustain the good corporate brand, and how to keep the spirit of always putting honesty and services in the first place.Insurance product is an invisible asset and stresses on the quality of customer services. Therefore, this study is based on the method of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to discuss the quality of customer services of N insurance company. Here this study takes Operation Unit B as an example to evaluate the quality of their customer services through survey questionnaires to collect data. This study has collectedIII130 valid questionnaires and runs an analysis based on the collected data. In order to understand the performance of the customer services of N company, this divides the quality of customer services into four quadrants. The analytic result shows that N company performs a bit poorer in the quadrant of reliability, which is the most needed part for improvement based on customers’ opinions. However, different groups have very different views about the quality of customer services. Hopefully, through the analysis of the survey questionnaire, this study can provide N company a strategic suggestion for their service improvement to increase the satisfaction of their customers and create a better operational performance.
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