摘要註: |
對世界各國人民而言,上網行為早已如民生必需品般不可或缺,台灣地區的網際網路連網應用普及率,相較於許多先進國家表現相對突出。其中,無線區域網路已廣泛應用在家用及商用市場,隨著軟硬體技術不斷演進,整體需求逐年遞增,而這些無線區域網路設備大多數由台灣廠商製造或代工,台灣可謂是讓全世界連上網路的重要幕後功臣之一。隨著顧客對無線區域網路的依賴程度越來越深,而且對傳輸速度、產品選擇與服務品質等要求逐趨嚴格,相關網通業者要如何提昇整體服務品質與顧客滿意度就成了非常重要的課題。本研究採用SERVQUAL五大服務品質構面之問卷量表進行量測,並輔以重要性-績效分析(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)方法,探討X科技公司服務品質重要性及服務品質滿意度之間的關係,透過網路作問卷發放,182份有效問卷經分析後歸納出四個象限結果,結果得知落在第四象限優先改善之服務項目為「該公司能提供完整的系統交易紀錄,確保顧客權益」。此外,在延伸探索不同特性的顧客分群中,其優先改善項目亦各有不同。本研究希望透過此分析結果,提供X科技公司在管理、銷售、服務策略上的改善建議,藉以提昇整體服務品質及顧客滿意度,進一步擴大市場佔比及提昇公司競爭力。 For all the people of the world, the online behavior is indispensable just as the daily necessities. The penetration rate of internet networking applications in Taiwan is relatively prominent compared to many developed countries. Among them, the wireless LAN has been widely used in residential and commercial market. Along with software and hardware technology's continue evolvement, the overall demand of wireless LAN increased year by year. A great majority of wireless LAN equipments are manufactured or OEM manufactured by Taiwan suppliers. Taiwan supplier is one of the important backstage whom let the world connect to the Internet. With the customer's dependence on wireless LAN deeper and deeper, and the requirements of transmission speed, product selection and service quality gradually strict, how to improve the overall service quality and customer satisfaction has become the most important topic for related networking communication industry. This study employed the questionnaire of the five service quality dimentsions of SERVQUAL along with Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) to investigate the relationship between the importance and the satisfaction of service quality of X technology company. The questionnaire was distributed through the Internet and 182 valid questionnaires were received and used for subsequent statistical analysis; moreover, the service quality is divided into four quadrants. Results show that "the company can provide a complete transaction records in system to ensure that customers' rights and interests" was the first priority for improvement. Moreover, the grouping of the users with different characteristics varies in priority for improvement items. Through the analysis of this study could provide several recommendations for the improvement in management, sales and service strategies for X technology company, in order to improve the overall service quality and customer satisfaction and to further expand market share and enhance the company's competitiveness. |