索羅門群島投資方案分析架構之建置與研究 -以索羅門寶石開發案為例 = A...


  • 索羅門群島投資方案分析架構之建置與研究 -以索羅門寶石開發案為例 = A Feasibility Study of Investment Projects in Solomon Islands : The Case of Solomon Islands Emerald Exploration
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed : monographic
    Paralel Title: A Feasibility Study of Investment Projects in Solomon Islands
    Title Information: The Case of Solomon Islands Emerald Exploration
    Author: 許銘晉,
    Secondary Intellectual Responsibility: 國立高雄大學
    Place of Publication: 高雄市
    Published: 撰者;
    Year of Publication: 2016[民105]
    Description: 111面圖,表格 : 30公分;
    Subject: 索羅門
    Subject: solomon
    Online resource: http://handle.ncl.edu.tw/11296/ndltd/13412374018181748634
    Notes: 106年4月25日公開
    Notes: 參考書目: 面53-57
    Summary: 台灣自然資源有限且工資高漲,因此必需將較不具競爭力的勞力密集性產業產業外移並與外國合作開發自然資源以弭補台灣自然資源不足的缺點。索羅門群島為台灣的低度開發邦交國,有各種豐富的農漁產與許多尚未開發的礦產資源豐富,例如鉛、鋅、鎳以及金等。由於,企業投資索羅門群島可為台灣帶來豐富礦產資源、且是台灣勞力密集型產業最佳投資地點、又可當作台灣漁場進行捕撈作業場所與南太洋漁場的加油轉運站,因此,投資索羅門群島是台灣企業不錯的選擇;然而,任何的投資皆有風險,尤其台灣到外國進行投資,需面對政治上的管理沒收、經濟上的匯率風險和商業上的文化管理障礙等風險。本研究的目的是依據實際索羅門寶石開發投資案例進行分析,以讓台灣的商業人士可以根據本研究設計之模式流程進行索羅門投資分析決策。 The nature resource is not enough and the wage increases in Taiwan. The enterprise needs to move some labor-intensive industry to foreign country in order to overcome the drawback of scare nature resource in Taiwan.Solomon island is a low development country in Taiwan and has diplomatic relation with Taiwan. Solomon island possess huge amount of agriculture, fishery production and some un-development mineral such as Lead, Zinc, Nickel and Golden etc.The advantage of the enterprise in Taiwan invest Solomon island includes:(1) Solomon island brings huge nature resource for Taiwan.(2) Solomon island is a labor-intensive industry investment place for Taiwan.(3) Solomon island possess a lot of fish in their territory.(4) Solomon island can be a gas station for Taiwan fishery board.However, any investment possess the risk especially the enterprise invest foreign country. The risk for enterprise invest foreign country includes management confiscation in politics, exchange rate risk in economics and culture management obstacle in business management.The goal of this research is to execute the analyze decision for Taiwan businessman for investing in Solomon island.
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