

紳士密令 = The man from U.N.C.L.E.
Davis, John
猩球崛起 = Dawn of the planet of the ape...
Bomback, Mark
野蠻遊戲 = Jumanji : the next level : 全面晉級
Gillan, Karen
愛情限時簽 = The proposal
佛勒契 ((Fletcher, Anne))
by: 佛勒契 ((Fletcher, Anne))
記憶乍響 = Louder than bombs
Astrachan, Joshua
雨果的冒險 = Hugo
King, Graham
by: King, Graham
豪門謀殺案 = House of GUCCI
史考特 (Scott, Ridley)
by: 史考特 (Scott, Ridley)
滿城盡帶黃金甲 = Curse of the golden flower
志氣 = Step back to glory
異星入境 = Arrival
Levy, Shawn
by: Levy, Shawn
青春弒戀 = Terrorizers
搶救愛情40天 = Fireproof
Bethea, Erin
鐘點戰 = In time
Abraham, Marc
by: Abraham, Marc
沙丘 = Dune
夏勒梅 (Chalamet, Timothée)
by: 夏勒梅 (Chalamet, Timothée)
明天別再來敲門 = A man called Ove
Bellander, Annica
那時候,我只剩下勇敢 = Wild
威塞斯普恩 ((Witherspoon, Reese))
by: 威塞斯普恩 ((Witherspoon, Reese))
阿甘正傳 = Tom Hanks is Forrest Gump : 雙碟特別版
Finerman, Wendy
盛開紫羅蘭 = Violette : 西蒙波娃與薇奧麗賴朵絲
Poylo, Milena
通天神探狄仁傑 = Detective Dee : and the my...
從海底出擊 = Das boot the director's cut
Gronemeyer, Herbert
王者理查 = King Richard
Ellis, Aunjanue
by: Ellis, Aunjanue
偷書賊 = The book thief
Blancato, Ken
海防最前線 = The guardian
Davis, Andrew
林肯 = Lincoln
Kahn, Michael
by: Kahn, Michael
壞蛋聯盟 = The bad guys
魔比斯 = Morbius
Espinosa, Daniel
by: Espinosa, Daniel
歡樂好聲音 = Sing. 2
情聖西哈諾 = Cyrano
Bennett, Haley
by: Bennett, Haley
寶貝老闆 = The boss baby:family business...
Baldwin, Alec
驚聲尖叫 = Scream
Arquette, David
by: Arquette, David
蝙蝠俠 = Batman
Kravitz, Zoë
by: Kravitz, Zoë
貝爾法斯特 = Belfast
Balfe, Caitriona
by: Balfe, Caitriona
劫命救護 = Ambulance
Abdul-Mateen II, Yahya
by: Abdul-Mateen II, Yahya
姊妹 = The help
Barnathan, Michael
by: Barnathan, Michael
白日夢冒險王 = The secret life of Walter Mitty
Goldwyn, Samuel
生死情緣 = Charlie St.Cloud
McKinley, Padraic
by: McKinley, Padraic
模倣犯 = モホウハン
東方快車謀殺案 = Murder on the orient express
Audsley, Mick
猛毒 = Venom: there be carnage : 血蜘蛛. 2
Hardy, Tom
沙丘 = Dune:part two. 2
Brolin, Josh
陰間大法師 = Beetlejuice
Burton, Tim
型男飛行日誌 = Up in the air
Glauberman, Dana E.
by: Glauberman, Dana E.
黑金風暴 = Inside job
Beck, Chad
by: 中川滋弘
by: 古里靖彥
X物語 = Cure
by: 加藤博之
by: 合津直枝
蘇西的世界 = The lovely bones
Cunningham, Carolynne
by: Cunningham, Carolynne
隔離島 = Shutter Island
Medavoy, Mike
波斯王子 = Prince of Persia : 時之刃; the s...
Audsley, Mick
最後一曲 = The last song
Gibgot, Jennifer
by: Gibgot, Jennifer
我的家庭婚禮 = Our family wedding
Famuyiwa, Rick
天龍特攻隊 = The A-team
Barton, Roger
愛在此時 = Just wright
Chase, Debra Martin
by: Chase, Debra Martin
魔法師的學徒 = The sorcerer's apprentice
Bruckheimer, Jerry
神偷奶爸. 1
Coffin, Pierre
by: Coffin, Pierre
竊盜城 = The town
Affleck, Ben
by: Affleck, Ben
貓頭鷹守護神 = Legend of the guardians : t...
Burrows, David
情人節快樂 = Valentine's Day
Green, Bruce
真愛零距離 = Going the distance
Burstein, Nanette
特務間諜 = Salt
Baird, Stuart
by: Baird, Stuart
命中注定多個你 = Life as we know it
Berlanti, Greg
享受吧!一個人的旅行 = Eat pray love
Buecker, Bradley
亞當等大人 = Grown ups
Costain, Tom
以父之名 = In the name of the father
Hambling, Gerry
紅色角落 = Red corner
Avnet, Jon
小貓咪歷險記 = The kitten
Popov, Ivan A.
by: 中川滋弘
羅倫佐的油 = Lorenzo's oil
D'arcy, Marcus
拿破崙炸藥 = Napoleon Dynamite
Coon, Jeremy
新少棒闖天下 = Bad news bears
Adair, Sandra
伊莉莎白小鎮 = Elizabethtown
Crowe, Cameron
夢幻成真 = Field of dreams
Crafford, Lan
溫馨人生 = Tea with Mussolini
Anwar, Tariq
風聲 = The message
福爾摩斯 = Sherlock Holmes
Herbert, James
39號特案 = Case 39
Alvart, Christian
by: Alvart, Christian
戀夏500日 = (500) days of summer
Bell, Alan Edward
見證奇蹟 = Faith like potatoes
Bergh, Regardt Van Den
by: Bergh, Regardt Van Den
吉屋出租 = Rent : 百老匯; filmed live on Br...
Bishop, Edward
搖滾黑幫 = Rocknrolla
Herbert, James
by: Herbert, James
鐵腕豪情 = Appaloosa
Harris, Ed
惡棍特工 = Inglourious basterds
Bender, Lawrence
阿凡達 = Avatar
Cameron, James
by: Cameron, James
愛蜜莉亞 = Amelia : 夢想起飛
Hyman, Kevin
畢業生行不行 = Post Grad
Clifford, Jeffrey
by: Clifford, Jeffrey
CSI犯罪現場 = CSI:crime scene investigat...
Bruckheimer, Jerry
超感應神探 = The mentalist. 第一季. the comp...
Goldstein, Charlie
超感應神探 = The mentalist. 第二季. the comp...
Ekstrom, David
老闆不是人 = Horrible bosses
Eisen, Andrew S.
快樂腳2 = Happy feet 2
Gazal, Christian
by: Gazal, Christian
幸福時光 = Happy times
璀璨人生 = Sparkle
Akil, Salim
by: Akil, Salim
芙莉歐莎 = Furiosa:a mad max saga : 瘋狂麥斯傳奇篇章
Burke, Tom
Z風暴 = Z storm : 錢轉地球一圈只需8秒
靈慾告白 = Dupa dealuri
Mungiu, Cristian
by: Mungiu, Cristian
愛⋅慕 = Amour
Arndt, Stefan
by: Arndt, Stefan
一千次晚安 = Tusen ganger god natt
Gjerdrum, Finn
魔法靈貓 = Dr.Seuss' the cat in the hat
Grazer, Brian
希望的旅程 = Angus Buchan's ordinary people
Hamman, F. C.
地心引力 = Gravity : 雙碟特別版
Cuaron, Alfonso
總舖師 = Zone pro site
親愛的奶奶 = To my dear granny
歐洲自然寫真 = Wild Europe
Gray, Ian
疫起 = Eye of the store
男女生了沒 = The ugly truth
巴特勒 ((Butler, Gerard))
by: 巴特勒 ((Butler, Gerard))
哥吉拉與金剛 = Godzilla x Kong:the new emp...
Hall, Rebecca
模仿遊戲 = The imitation game
Goldenberg, William
by: Goldenberg, William
霹靂嬌娃 = Charlie's angels
Balinska, Ella
返校 = Detention
by: 傅孟柏
狙擊獵殺 = 15 minutes of war : 救援行動
Grivois, Fred
以你的名字呼喚我 = Call me by your name
Fasano, Walter
氣象戰 = Geostorm
Devlin, Dean
by: Devlin, Dean
可可夜總會 = Coco
Anderson, Darla K.
by: Anderson, Darla K.
世界上的另一個你 = Same kind of different as me
Carney, Michael
不願面對的真相 = An inconvenient sequel tru...
Berge, Richard
生命中的美好缺憾(加長版) = The fault in our stars
Boone, Josh
鳥人2015 = Birdman 2015
Crise, Douglas
by: Crise, Douglas
歡迎來到布達佩斯大飯店 = The Grand Budapest Hotel
Anderson, Wes
大英雄天團 = Big hero 6
Conli, Roy
唐山大地震 = Aftershock : 強震23秒, 餘震23年
戰馬 = War horse
Curtis, Richard
by: Curtis, Richard
腦筋急轉彎 = Inside out
Black, Lewis
哈比人 = The hobbit : 意外旅程; an unexpec...
Jackson, Peter
大賣空 = The big short
McKay, Adam
哈比人 = The hobbit : 荒谷惡龍; the desola...
Jackson, Peter
哈比人 = The hobbit : 五軍之戰; the battle...
Jackson, Peter
瘋狂麥斯 = Mad Max : 憤怒道; fury road
Miller, George
大法官 = The Judge
Dobkin, David
by: Dobkin, David
第四公民 = Citizenfour
Bonnefoy, Mathilde
by: Bonnefoy, Mathilde
里約大冒險2 = Rio 2
Saldanha, Carlos
by: Saldanha, Carlos
馬拉拉 = He named me Malala : 改變世界的力量
Guggenheim, Davis
馬達加斯加爆走企鵝 = The Penguins of Madagascar
Darnell, Eric
北方人 = The Northman
Bang, Claes
貓王艾維斯 = Elvis
Butler, Austin
by: Butler, Austin
子彈列車 = Bullet Train
Bullock, Sandra
by: Bullock, Sandra
冰原歷險記 = Ice Age. 5. 笑星撞地球; collision...
Forte, Lori
動物方城市 = Zootopia
海底總動員 = Finding Dory. 2. 多莉去哪兒?
Collins, Lindsey
史努比 = A peasnuts movie
Martino, Steve
送子鳥 = Storks
Lewis, Brad
by: Lewis, Brad
明日世界 = Tomorrowland
Bird, Brad
賓漢 = Ben-Hur
Bekmambetov, Timur
by: Bekmambetov, Timur
飛躍奇蹟 = Eddie the eagle
Bohling, Adam
海洋奇緣 = Moana
Clements, Ron
by: Clements, Ron
美女與野獸 = Beauty and the beast
Condon, Bill
寶貝老闆 = The boss baby
McGrath, Tom
迴光奏鳴曲 = Exit
尋龍傳說 = Pete's dragon
Churgin, Lisa Zeno
by: Churgin, Lisa Zeno
心靈圍籬 = Fences
Black, Todd
by: Black, Todd
即刻救援 = Taken. 2; 2
Besson, Luc
即刻救援 = Taken. 3; 3
Besson, Luc
日常對話 = Small Talk : 雙碟版
逐夢棋緣 = Queen of Katwe
Brown, Barry Alexander
by: Brown, Barry Alexander
關鍵少數 = Hidden figures
Chernin, Peter
不存在的房間 = Room
Abrahamson, Lenny
by: Abrahamson, Lenny
火線追緝令 = Seven
Fincher, David
by: Fincher, David
微軟英雄 = Pirates of Silicon Valley
Burke, Martyn
控制 = Gone girl
Affleck, Ben
by: Affleck, Ben
玩命關頭. 5
Diesel, Vin
by: Diesel, Vin
神鬼奇航 = 加勒比海盜 : 幽靈海. 4
Crus, Penélope
瞞天過海 = Ocean's eleven
Mirrione, Stephen
by: Mirrione, Stephen
與森林共舞 = The jungle book
Favreau, Jon
美國狙擊手 = American sniper
Cooper, Bradley
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the death ha...
Barron, David
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the order of...
Barron, David
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the goblet o...
Audsley, Mick
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the half-blo...
Barron, David
醉後大丈夫 = The hangover part II. 2
Goldberg, Dan
小丑 = Joker
Beetz, Zazie
by: Beetz, Zazie
雙子殺手 = Gemini man
Owen, Clive
魔鬼終結者 = Terminator : 黑暗宿命; dark fate
Davis, Mackenzie
她們 = Little women
Gerwig, Greta
by: Gerwig, Greta
黑魔女 = Maleficent : mistress of evil. 2
Fanning, Elle
鋼鐵人 = Iron man. 3
Favreau, Joe
by: Favreau, Joe
鋼鐵人 = Iron man. 2
Favreau, Joe
by: Favreau, Joe
冰雪奇緣 = Frozen II. 2
Bell, Kristen
憤怒鳥玩電影 = The angry birds movie. 2. 冰的啦
Gad, Josh
賽道狂人 = Ford v Ferrari
Bale, Christian
心靈獨奏 = The soloist
Foster, Gary
少年Pi的奇幻漂流 = Life of Pi : 雙碟版
Netter, Gil
魔球 = Moneyball
Horovitz, Rachael
by: Horovitz, Rachael
騎士出任務 = Knight and day
Garner, Todd
羅根 = Logan
Donner, Lauren Shuler
by: Donner, Lauren Shuler
少女殺手的奇幻旅程 = Hanna
Adelstein, Marty
史瑞克 = Shrek forever after : 快樂4神仙; 童...
Cheng, Teresa
擁愛奇蹟 = Living proof
Goodspeed, Margie
by: Goodspeed, Margie
永不妥協 = Julia roberts is erin brockovich
Roberts, Julia
神隱任務 = Jack Reacher : 永不回頭; never go...
Cruise, Tom
卡特教頭 = Coach Carter
Berger, Peter
超級盃奶爸 = The game plan
Ciardi, Mark
火線悍將1600 = Murder at 1600
Lane, Diane
金牌特務 = Kingsman : the secret service
Bohling, Adam
末日情緣 = Perfect sense
Berrie, Gillian
by: Berrie, Gillian
惡靈古堡 = Resident evil : 陰陽界; afterlif...
Anderson, Paul W. S.
龐氏騙局 = The wizard of lies
De Niro, Robert
怪物2015 = Victor Frankenstein
Davis, John
約會喔麥尬 = Date night
Caracciolo, Joe
by: Caracciolo, Joe
鋼鐵擂台 = Real steel
Levy, Shawn
最親愛的陌生兒子 = Dear son
Attia, Mohamed Ben
我的失蹤爸爸 = あいあい傘
繼承人生 = The descendants
Burke, Jim
波普先生的企鵝 = Mr.Popper's penguins
Davis, John
猩球崛起 = Rise of the planet of the apes
Buff, Conrad
127小時 = 127 hours
Boyle, Danny
by: Boyle, Danny
里約大冒險 = Rio
Anderson, Bruce
by: Anderson, Bruce
愛情大臨演 = Just go with it
Costain, Tom
真實的勇氣 = True grit
Coen, Ethan
空中塞車 = Pushing tin
尼威爾 ((Newell, Mike))
by: 尼威爾 ((Newell, Mike))
MIB星際戰警 = Men In Black
Jones, Tommy Lee (1946- )
by: Jones, Tommy Lee (1946- )
幽魂娜娜 = Nang-Nak
Nimitbutr, Nonzee.
by: Nimitbutr, Nonzee.
為你瘋狂 = Addicted to love
Broderick, Matthew.
by: Broderick, Matthew.
聖石傳說 = Legend of the sacred stone
by: 霹靂國際多媒體股份有限公司
CSI犯罪現場-邁阿密 = CSI: crime scene inves...
Dourdan, Gary
翻滾吧!!男孩 = Jump! Boys
by: 宜蘭縣羅東鎮
歌舞中國 = Burning dreams
by: 夢工廠舞蹈學校
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the death ha...
Barron, David
哈利波特 = Harry Potter and the death ha...
Barron, David
謊言的烙印 = Jagten
Jansen, Janus Billeskov
by: Jansen, Janus Billeskov
半熟男女 = Young adult
Cody, Diablo
愛在戰火迷亂時 = Rebelle
Comeau, Richard
8MM = Eight millimeter
Cage, Nicolas.
by: Cage, Nicolas.
我就要你好好的 = Me before you
Owen, Alison
王牌天神續集 = Evan almichty
Barber, Gary
翻轉幸福 = Joy
Cassidy, Jay
by: Cassidy, Jay
魔境夢遊 = Alice in wonderland
Burton, Tim
怪奇孤兒院(閃卡版) = Miss peregrine's home f...
Burton, Tom
大夢想家 = Saving Mr.Banks : 首部關於華特迪士尼的電影
Collie, Ian
忍者刺客 = Ninja assassin
Ganziano, Gian
浴火赤子情 = Backdraft
Densham, Pen
全面啟動 = Inception
Nolan, Christopher
by: Nolan, Christopher
星際效應 = Interstellar
Nolan, Christopher
by: Nolan, Christopher
特種部隊 = G.I.Joe : 眼鏡蛇的崛起; the rise of...
Bonaventura, Lorenzo di
金盞花大酒店 = The best exotic : Marigold ...
Broadbent, Graham
金盞花大酒店 = The second best exotic : Ma...
Broadbent, Graham
神力女超人1984 = Wonder woman 1984
Jenkins, Patty
女巫們 = The witches
Zemeckis, Robert
by: Zemeckis, Robert
野蠻法國行 = French exit
Jacobs, Azazel
細物警探 = The little things
Hancock, John Lee
夢想越野隊 = McFarland, USA
Bello, Maria
同盟鶼鰈 = Allied
Audsley, Mick
by: Audsley, Mick
鋼鐵英雄 = Hacksaw ridge
Gibson, Mel
奇異博士 = Doctor Strange
Derrickson, Scott
by: Derrickson, Scott
不可能的任務 = Mission impossible : 失控國度; ...
Abrams, J. J.
不可能的任務 = Mission impossible : 鬼影行動; ...
Abrams, J. J.
薩利機長 : 哈德遜奇蹟 = Sully
Eastwood, Clint
燕 = Yan
by: 今村圭佑
悲憐上帝的女兒 = Children of a lesser god
Fruchtman, Lisa
羅賓漢 = Robin Hood
Crowe, Russell
by: Crowe, Russell
銀翼殺手 = Blade runner : 雙碟特別版; the fin...
Deeley, Michael
絶地救援 = The Martian
Chastain, Jessica
by: Chastain, Jessica
Star wars = Star wars : 原力覺醒; the fo...
Abrams, J. J.
社群網戰 = The social network
Baxter, Kirk
關鍵指令 = Green zone
Bevan, Tim
華爾街 = Wall Street : 金錢萬歲; money neve...
Brenner, David
會計師 = The accountant
Affleck, Ben
大亨小傳 = The great Gatsby
Ballantine, Jason
by: Ballantine, Jason
操控 = Every breath you take
Affleck, Casey
大象的眼淚 = Water for elephants
Bell, Alan Edward
雷神索爾. 1
Branagh, Kenneth
by: Branagh, Kenneth
怪獸與鄧不利多的祕密 = Fantastic beasts: The s...
Law, Jude
一杯熱奶茶的等待 = Waiting for my cup of tea
娶我吧! = Marry me
Coiro, Kat
惡靈古堡 = Resident Evil: Welcome To Rac...
Amell, Robbie
阿達一族 = The Addams family. 2
Hader, Bill
失落謎城 = The lost city
Bullock, Sandra
by: Bullock, Sandra
我的夏日大戀習 = 子供はわかってあげない
今晚來點史密斯 = Shoplifters of The World
Coltrane, Ellar
窗外有戰事 = The art of rebirth
Lefebvre, Vincent
侏羅紀世界 = Jurassic world: Dominion : 統霸天下
Dern, Laura
純真年代 = The age of innocence
史考西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin) )
by: 史考西斯 ((Scorsese, Martin) )
黑天鵝 = Black swan
Aronofsky, Darren
by: Aronofsky, Darren
捍衛戰士 = Top Gun: Maverick : 獨行俠
Connelly, Jennifer
不! = Nope!
Kaluuya, Daniel
by: Kaluuya, Daniel
犯罪現場 = CSI : Miami : 邁阿密. 第二季
Bruckheimer, Jerry
戰地有心人 = Charlotte Gray
Armstrong, Gillian
by: Armstrong, Gillian
夢 = Dreams
by: 寺尾聰
天才的禮物 = Gifted
Cohen, Andy
007生死交戰 = 007:No time to die
佛吉 (Fukunaga, Cary Joji)
by: 佛吉 (Fukunaga, Cary Joji)
杜蘭朵公主 = Turandot:at the forbidden ci...
Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924.)
波特萊爾的冒險 = Lemony snicket's a series ...
Carrey, Jim
STAR WARS = Star wars : 最後的絕地武士; the...
Bergman, Ram
革命前夕的摩托車日記 = The Motorcycle Diaries
Berna, Gael Garcia
密弒遊戲 = Escape Room: Tournament of Ch...
Miller, Logan
硬漢神父 = Father Sue
Gibson, Mel
奧本海默 = Oppenheimer
Blunt, Emily