

玩具總動員. 2
Allen, Tim
by: Allen, Tim
神鬼奇航 = 加勒比海盜 : 死無對證. 5
Barton, Roger
玩具總動員. 1
Allen, Tim
by: Allen, Tim
Carell, Steve
by: Carell, Steve
狙擊生死線 = Shooter
Fuqua, Antoine
by: Fuqua, Antoine
亞瑟王 = King Arthur
Fuqua, Antoine
by: Fuqua, Antoine
楚門的世界 = The Truman Show
Carrey, Jim
地獄怪客2 = Hellboy II:The Golden Army :...
Blair, Selma
歐吉桑卡好 = Old dogs
Becker, Walt
荒野大飆客 = Wild hogs
Allen, Tim
糯米正傳 = Norbit
Murphy, Eddie
by: Murphy, Eddie
真愛旅程 = Revolutionary Road
Bates, Kathy
奔騰年代 = Seabiscuit
Banks, Elizabeth
by: Banks, Elizabeth
瓶中信 = Message in a Bottle
Costner, Kevin
慕尼黑 = Munich
Kennedy, Kathleen
by: Kennedy, Kathleen
搶救雷恩大兵 = Saving private Ryan
Spielberg, Steven
聖戰奇兵 = Indiana Jones and the last cr...
Kasdan, Lawrence
沈默的羔羊 = The silence of the lambs
Foster, Jodie.
我們要活著回去 = Alive
Hamilton, Josh.
不能說的秘密 = Secret
反恐戰場 = The Kingdom
Berg, Peter
我的天才寶貝 = Little man tate
Foster, Jodie
007量子危機 = BOND 22: Quantum Of Solace
Craig, Daniel
驚天動地60秒 = Gone in 60 seconds
Cage, Nicolas.
納尼亞傳奇 = The Chronicles Of Narnia-pri...
Adamson, Andrew
愛‧從心開始 = Last chance Harvey
Atkins, Eileen
遠離非洲 = Out of Africa
Pollack, Sydney
by: Pollack, Sydney
雙面翻譯 = The interpreter
Attal, Yvan
BJ單身日記 = Bridget Jones's diary
Firth, Colin.
古魯家族 = The croods: a new age : 新時代. 2
Crawford, Joel
曼哈頓奇緣 = Enchanted
Adams, Amy
請問總統先生 = Frost/Nixon
Bacon, Kevin
by: 吳彥祖
極限高峰 = Everest
Campbell, Graeme
by: Campbell, Graeme
夢幻女郎 = Dreamgils
Condon, Bill
夢幻女郎 = Dreamgirls
粉紅豹 = The pink panther
Kline, Kevin
史瑞克 = Shrek
Adamson, Andrew
by: Adamson, Andrew
火星任務 = Mission to mars
Robbins, Tim.
尋找新樂園 = Finding neverland
Christie, Julie
追風箏的孩子 = The Kite Runner
Benioff, David
金剛 = King Kong
Black, Jack
by: Black, Jack
變臉 = Face off
by: 吳宇森
金山 = Iron road
Neill, Sam
by: Neill, Sam
被抹去的男孩 = Boy erased
Conley, Garrard
口是心非 = Duplicity
Gilroy, Tony
氣象人 = The weather man
Cage, Nicolas
辛德勒的名單 = Schindler's list
Fiennes, Ralph
神鬼交鋒 = Catch me if you can
DiCaprio, Leonardo
間諜橋 = Bridge of spies
Spielberg, Steven
by: Spielberg, Steven
情歸紐澤西 = Garden State
Braff, Zach
疾速追風 = The Flying Scotsman
Boyd, Billy
親家路窄 = Meet the fockers
Hoffman, Dustin
全民公敵 = Enemy of the state
Hackman, Gene.
梅蘭芳 = Mei Lan Fang
對不起,我愛你 = Sumimasen Love
雷霆戰狗[DVD] = Bolt
Travolta, John
by: Travolta, John
大敵當前 = Enemy at the gates
Annaud, Jean-Jacques
by: Annaud, Jean-Jacques
神鬼傳奇 = The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon. 3
Bello, Maria
險路勿近 = No country for old man
Coen, Ethan
人類之子 = Children of men
Caine, Michael
勇闖天關2 = Mostly ghostly
Benward, Luke
Bening, Annette
by: Bening, Annette
玩命關頭 = Fast & furious. 9
Cena, John
誘惑[DVD] = Doubt
Adams, Amy
by: Adams, Amy
鼠來寶 = Alvin and the chipmunks 2. 2
Lee, Jason
奇妙仙子與失落的寶藏 = Tinker bell and the los...
枕邊陷阱 = Original Sin
克利斯多佛 ((Cristofer, Michael))
by: 克利斯多佛 ((Cristofer, Michael))
奇幻精靈事件簿 = The Spiderwick Chronicles
Bolger, Sarah
蜂電影 = Bee movie
Bates, Kathy
by: Bates, Kathy
一個陌生女人的來信 = Letter From An Unknow Women
在世界的中心呼喊愛情 = Crying Out of Love, In ...
無敵浩克 = The Incredible Hulk
Burrell, Ty
by: 梁詠琪
似曾相識 = Somewhere in time
Szwarc,, Jeannot
伊莉莎白 = Elizabeth : the golden age; 輝煌年代
Kapur,, Shekhar
一八九五 = 1895
by: 楊謹華
天方夜談 = Bedtime Stories
Russell, Keri
街頭日記[DVD] = Freedom writers
Dempsey, Patrick
螢光幕後 = Network
Dunaway, Faye
by: Dunaway, Faye
鼠國流浪記 = Flushed away
Bowers, David
洛基 = Rocky balboa : 勇者無懼
Stallone, Sylvester
夏綠蒂的網 = Charlotte's web
Bates, Kathy
街頭日記 = Freedom writers
Dempsey, Patrick
明日的記憶 = Memories of tomorrow
誘惑 = Doubt
Adams, Amy
by: Adams, Amy
飛天法寶 = Flubber
Harden, Marcia
by: Harden, Marcia
行動代號:華爾奇麗雅 = Valkyrie
Branagh, Kenneth
比佛利拜金狗 = Beverly Hills Chihuahua
Barrymore, Drew
忘掉負心女 = Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Apatow, Judd
生命快車 = The Express
Brown, Rob
靈光乍現 = Flash of genius
Abraham, Marc
怪獸大戰外星人 = Monsters vs aliens
Letterman, Rob
蟻人 : 蟻人與黃蜂女. 2
Cannavale, Bobby
新龍鳳配 = Sabrina
Ford, Harrison
by: Ford, Harrison
by: 于仁泰
歌喉讚. 3
Kendrick, Anna
by: Kendrick, Anna
魔髮精靈. 1
Brand, Russell
by: Brand, Russell
玩具總動員. 4
Allen, Tim
by: Allen, Tim
寵物當家. 2
Bell, Lake
by: Bell, Lake
魔髮奇緣 : 樂佩女王
Bowen, Julie
功夫熊貓. 4
by: Awkwafina
Frost, Nick
玩命關頭 : 特別行動
Elba, Idris
Eichner, Billy
by: Eichner, Billy
Kenzari, Marwan
by: Kenzari, Marwan
艾莉塔 : 戰鬥天使
Ali, Mahershala
by: Ali, Mahershala
羅雷司 = The Lorax
Daurio, Ken
by: Daurio, Ken
燃火的女孩 = Firestarter
Armstrong, Ryan Kiera
by: Armstrong, Ryan Kiera
瓦力 = WALL.E
Garlin, Jeff
by: Garlin, Jeff
鐘樓怪人 = The hunchback of notre Dame I...
Hulse, Tom.
101真狗 = 101 Dalmations
Close, Glenn.
冰原歷險記 = Ice age. 4. 板塊漂移; continenta...
Berg, Michael
登月先鋒 = First man
克拉克 ((Clarke, Jason))
by: 克拉克 ((Clarke, Jason))
環太平洋 : 起義時刻. 2
Arjona, Adria
星際異攻隊. 1
星際異攻隊. 2
馴龍高手. 2
Arnold, Bonnie
by: Arnold, Bonnie
馴龍高手. 3
Arnold, Bonnie
by: Arnold, Bonnie
玩命關頭 = 飆風再起. 2
Gibson, Tyrese
玩命關頭. 1
Brewster, Jordana
by: Brewster, Jordana
玩命關頭 = 東京甩尾. 3
Black, Lucas
玩命關頭. 4
Brewster, Jordana
by: Brewster, Jordana
玩命關頭. 6
Brewster, Jordana
by: Brewster, Jordana
移動迷宮 : 焦土試煉. 2
Ball, Wes
神鬼奇航 = 加勒比海盜 : 世界的盡頭. 3
Verbinski, Gore
移動迷宮 : 死亡解藥. 3
Ball, Wes
馴龍高手. 1
Arnold, Bonnie
by: Arnold, Bonnie
移動迷宮. 1
Ball, Wes
by: Ball, Wes
侏儸紀世界 : 殞落國度. 2
Bayona, J. A.
復仇者聯盟 = Avengers. 1
Downey Jr., Robert
by: Downey Jr., Robert
美國隊長. 1
Atwell, Hayley Elizabeth
by: Atwell, Hayley Elizabeth
復仇者聯盟 = Avengers : 奧創紀元. 2
Downey Jr., Robert
復仇者聯盟 = Avengers : 無限之戰. 3
Bautista, David
超人特攻隊. 2
Bird, Brad
by: Bird, Brad
寵物當家. 1
C.K ((Szekely, Louis))
by: C.K ((Szekely, Louis))
復仇者聯盟 = Avengers : 終局之戰. 4
Cheadle, Doe
美國隊長 : 酷寒戰士. 2
伊凡 ((Evans, Chris))
by: 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris))
美國隊長 : 英雄內戰. 3
Bettany, Paul
神偷奶爸. 3
Carell, Steve
by: Carell, Steve
神偷奶爸. 2
Brand, Russell
by: Brand, Russell
功夫熊貓. 3
Black, Jack
by: Black, Jack
Cage, Nicolas
by: Cage, Nicolas
皮克斯短片精選. 1
皮克斯 (Pixar)
by: 皮克斯 (Pixar)
皮克斯短片精選. 3
皮克斯 (Pixar)
by: 皮克斯 (Pixar)
皮克斯短片精選. 2
皮克斯 (Pixar)
by: 皮克斯 (Pixar)
Bassett, Angela
by: Bassett, Angela
Campbell, Neve
by: Campbell, Neve
Blanchet, Catherine
by: Blanchet, Catherine
玩具總動員. 3
Allen, Tim
by: Allen, Tim
蟻人 = Ant-man
Reed, Peyton
by: Reed, Peyton
小鬼當家 = Home alone : 壞消息. 3; 3
Campbell, Malcolm
史瑞克 = Shrek 2. 2
Adamson, Andrew
by: Adamson, Andrew
史瑞克三世 = Shrek the third
Miller, Chris
Adlon, Pamela
by: Adlon, Pamela
黑魔女 = Maleficent : 沈睡魔咒
Fanning, Elle
鋼鐵人 = Iron man
Favreau, Jon
by: Favreau, Jon
航海王喬巴身世之謎 : 冬季綻放、奇跡的櫻花
航海王 : 阿拉巴斯坦戰記沙漠王女與海賊們
傲慢與偏見 = Pride and prejudice
Bevan, Tim
色,戒 = Lust caution
冰雪奇緣. 1
Buck, Chris
by: Buck, Chris
泰山 = Tarzan
Buck, Chris.
by: Buck, Chris.
穿條紋衣的男孩 = The boy in the striped pyjamas
Farmiga, Vera
來跳舞吧! = Shall we dance?
Chelsom, Peter
我的希臘婚禮 = My big fat Greek wedding
Zwick, Joel
那年陽光燦爛 = Machuca
Martelli, Manuela
by: Martelli, Manuela
鷹眼 = Eagle eye
Caruso, D.J.
by: Caruso, D.J.
移動城市 : 致命引擎
George, Leila
國家寶藏 = National treasure II : 古籍秘辛. II
Bartha, Justin
國家寶藏 = National treasure
Bartha, Justine
狗狗的旅程. 2
Chen, Ian
by: Chen, Ian
博物館驚魂夜 = Night at the Museum : battl...
Adams, Amy
絕命尬車 = Death Race
Anderson, Paul W.S.
by: Anderson, Paul W.S.
黑金企業 = There will be blood
Anderson, Paul Thomas
by: Anderson, Paul Thomas
雨人 = Rain man
Levinson, Barry
by: Levinson, Barry
早安越南 = Good morning Vietnam
Levinson, Barry.
風雲人物 = Man of the year
Levinson, Barry
粉紅豹 = The Pink Panther 2. 2. 有惡報
Garcia, Andy
驚爆內幕 = The insider
Crowe, Russell.
by: Crowe, Russell.
二見鍾情 = While you were sleeping
Bullock, Sandra.
珍珠港 = Pearl harbor
Affleck, Ben
誰與爭鋒 = Die Another Day
Berry, Halle
當哈利碰上莎莉 = When Harry met Sally
Crystal, Billy.
靈異第六感 = The Sixth sense
Collette, Toni.
屋頂上的提琴手 = Fiddler on the Roof
Jewison, Norman
聖誕快樂又瘋狂 = The santa clause
Allen, Tim
鐘樓怪人 = The hunchback of notre dame
Hulse, Tom.
大力士 = Hercules
Clements, Ron.
by: Clements, Ron.
扭轉未來 = The kid
Breslin, Spencer.
by: Breslin, Spencer.
怪獸電力公司 = Monsters Inc.
Buscemi, Steve.
星際寶貝 = Lilo & stitch
Deblois, Dean.
恐龍 = Dinosaur
Leighton, Eric.
by: Leighton, Eric.
蟲蟲危機 = A bug's Life
Foley, Dave.
變身國王 = The emperor's new groove
Dindal, Mark.
美女與野獸 = Beauty and the beast
Benson, Robby.
鯊魚黑幫 = Shark tale
Fenson, Vicky
by: Fenson, Vicky
黑道比酷 = Be Cool
Milian, Christina
by: Milian, Christina
by: 劉德華
尋找新樂園 = Finding neverland
Depp, Johnny
流氓教師 = Shackles
Winkler, Charles
by: Winkler, Charles
阿飛外傳 = Alfie
Law, Jude
超人特攻隊. 1
Bird, Brad
by: Bird, Brad
馬達加斯加 = Madagascar
Darnell, Eric
辣媽辣妹 = Freaky Friday
Lee Curtis, Jamie
by: Lee Curtis, Jamie
獅子王 = The Lion King 2 : Simba's Prid...
霍元甲 = Fearless
by: 中村獅童
古墓奇兵 = Lara croft tomb raider
Craig, Daniel
倩影刺客 = Aeon flux
Csokas, Marton
by: Csokas, Marton
麥田捕手的女孩 = The good girl
Aniston, Jennifer
汽車總動員 = Cars
Lasseter, John
by: Lasseter, John
凸搥特派員 = Johnny English
Atkinson, Rowan
十二怒漢 = 12 angry men
Fonda, Henry
蠻牛 = Raging bull
Scorsese, Martin
by: Scorsese, Martin
安妮霍爾 = Annie Hall
Allen, Woody
曼哈頓 = Manhattan
Allen, Woody
by: Allen, Woody
教父 = The Godfather DVD collection. I...
Coppola, Francis Ford
法櫃奇兵 = Indiana Jones and the raiders...
Kasdan, Lawrence
魔宮傳奇 = Indiana Jones and the temple ...
Kasdan, Lawrence
教父 = The Godfather part II DVD colle...
Coppola, Francis Ford
教父 = The Godfather part III DVD coll...
Coppola, Francis Ford
托斯卡尼艷陽下 = Under the tuscan sun
Bova, Raoul
冷山 = Cold mountain
Minghella, Anthony
by: Minghella, Anthony
非法入侵 = Breaking and Entering
Binoche, Juleitte (1964-)
by: Binoche, Juleitte (1964-)
金法尤物 = Iegally blonde
Davis, Matihe.
心靈點滴 = Patch Adams
Shadyac, Tom
浩劫重生 = Cast away
Hanks, Tom.
真愛無盡 = Tuck everlasting
Russell, Jay
新婚奧客 = You, me and dupree
Dillon, Matt
蓋世奇才 = Charlie Wilson's War
Hanks, Tom
歌舞青春 = High School Musical
Efron, Zac
歌舞青春 = High School Musical 2. 2
Efron, Zac
神鬼傳奇 = The Mummy
Fraser, Brendan
by: Fraser, Brendan
歌舞青春 = High School Musical 3: Senior...
Efron, Zac
神鬼傳奇 = The Mummy Returns. 2
Fraser, Brendan
往事如煙 = Things We Lost in the Fire
Berry, Halle
莎翁情史 = Shakespeare in love
Dench, Judi
喜福會 = The joy luck club
Stone, Oliver
奇妙仙子 = Tinker Bell
Barrie, J.M.
美麗境界 = A beautiful mind
Connelly, Jennifer.
by: Connelly, Jennifer.
驅魔 = The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Derrickson, Scott
陌生的孩子 = Changeling
Eastwood, Clinton
by: Eastwood, Clinton
K星異客 = K-Pax
Softley, Iain
by: Softley, Iain
搖滾教室 = School of Rock
Hudson, Kate
不可能的任務 = M:I-3 : mission:impossible ...
Abrams, J. J.
同床異夢 = The break up
Aniston, Jennifer
by: Aniston, Jennifer
聯航93 = United 93
Greengrass, Paul
by: Greengrass, Paul
野蠻公主 = Wild Child
Ainsworth, Lexi
by: Ainsworth, Lexi
無可救藥愛上你 = Possession
Eckhart, Aaron
守護者 = Watchmen
Akerman, Malin
by: Akerman, Malin
Star wars = Star wars : 天行者的崛起; the ...
Abrams, J. J.
無敵破壞王 = Wreck-it-ralph
Moore, Rich
無敵破壞王 = Ralph breaks the internet : ...
Moore, Rich
星際終結者. 1
Colin, Margaret
by: Colin, Margaret
星際重生. 2
by: Angelababy
戀愛沒有假期 = The holidays
Black, Jack
愛找麻煩 = It's complicated
Baldwin, Alec
世貿中心 = World trade center
Stone, Oliver
神鬼奇航 : 鬼盜船魔咒. 1
Bloom, Orlando
雷神索爾 : 諸神黃昏. 3
Blanchett, Cate
雷神索爾 : 黑暗世界. 2
Branagh, Kenneth
冰上奇蹟 = Miracle
Clarkson, Patricia
by: Clarkson, Patricia
Bay, Michael.
by: Bay, Michael.
極地長征 = Eight below
Biggs, Jason
落日殺神 = Collateral
Cruise, Tom
黑色星期五 = Friday the 13th
Ford, Willa
馬達加斯加 = Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa ...
Cohen, Sacha Baron
西線無戰事 = All quiet on the western front
Mann, Delbert
日巡者 = Day watch
Bekmambetov, Timur
by: Bekmambetov, Timur
鍋蓋頭 = Jarhead
Black, Lucas
by: Black, Lucas
102真狗 = 102 Dalmatians
Close, Glen.
不可能的任務 = Mission impossible : 全面瓦解
Abrams, J. J.
贖罪 = Atonement
Garai, Romola
by: Garai, Romola
媽媽咪呀! = Mamma Mia!
Brosnan, Pierce
by: Brosnan, Pierce
料理鼠王 = Ratatouille
Bird, Brad
購物狂的異想世界 = Confessions of A Shopaholic
Fisher, Isla
神鬼認證 = The bourne ultimatum : 最後通牒; ...
Greengrass, Paul
保持通話 = Connected
冰原歷險記 = Ice age. 3; 3. 恐龍現身; dawn of...
沙當耶 ((Saldanha, Carlos))
陰森林 = The village
Brody, Adrien
by: Brody, Adrien
X戰警 = X-Men Origins : Wolverine; 金鋼狼
Benioff, David
小樹的故事 = The education of little tree...
Eberts, Jake
臥底 = The inside man
Foster, Jodie
by: Foster, Jodie
當我們假在一起 = I know pronounce you : Chu...
Dugan, Dennis
風中奇緣 = Pocahontas II:Journey to a ne...
Bedard, Irene.
教父特別收錄 = The Godfather DVD collectio...
Coppola, Francis Ford
印地安納瓊斯特別收錄 = Indiana Jonses : bonus ...
Kasdan, Lawrence
獅子王 = The Lion King 3 : Hukuna Matata. 3
失落的帝國 = Atlantis:the lost empire
Fox, Michael J.
冰血暴 = Fargo
Coen, Ethan
by: Coen, Ethan
鞋貓劍客 = Puss in boots : The last wish. 2
Banderas, Antonio
幸福入場券 = Ticket to the paradise
克隆尼 ((Clooney, George))
by: 克隆尼 ((Clooney, George))
功夫熊貓. 1
Black, Jack
by: Black, Jack
功夫熊貓. 2
Black, Jack
by: Black, Jack