

一代畫家 = Caravaggio : 拉瓦喬
Bacalov, Luis
科倫拜校園事件 = Bowling for Columbine
Moore, Michael
遊牧英豪 = Nomad : the warrior
Becker, Kuno
心靈鐵窗 = Boy A
Crowley, John
by: Crowley, John
我們一定贏 = We shall overcome
Jorgensen, Sisse Graum
by: Jorgensen, Sisse Graum
紅路 = Red road
Arnold, Andrea
by: Arnold, Andrea
A級控訴 = Ararat
Egoyan, Atom
by: Egoyan, Atom
男極圈 = The einstein of sex
Praunheim, Rosa Von
by: Praunheim, Rosa Von
偷窺糗事 = Scandalous!
Ar valo, Ra l
職業男人 = Man's job
Heiskanen, Maria
by: Heiskanen, Maria
神秘旅行 = Secret Journey
Ando, Roberto
獨奏的樂章 = Solo for clarinet
George, Gotz.
雲雀山莊的情人 = The lark farm
Bleibtreu, Moritz
6個大師的童年 = Childhoods
Bergman, Ingmar
Sheppard, Christopher
by: Sheppard, Christopher
經過 = The passage
霍頓的鐵道人生 = My so-called love
Hamer, Bent
魔笛 = The Magic Flute
Pape, Rene
尚維果 = Vigo-Passion for life : 黃昏之戀
Temple, Julien
席琳狄翁外傳 = Aline : 愛的力量
Buc, Brigitte